The Cataphract model doesn't display colors properly. This is not the case for Ilya variant:
And here are some other mechs using same colors:
It seems that standard CTF variants always have some yellow tint on them. I guess for many people this would be a cosmetic non-issue, but this isn't for free. Camo customization costs MC and I expect specific color should at least look the same on different mechs.
Also, some parts of specific camo paterns (not on all mechs) seem like they have really low texture resolution - i.e. Phranken pattern on Atlas (bones) or Applejack pattern on Black Jack (crossboard on torso, bands on legs).
Please fix this!

4 replies to this topic
Posted 06 June 2014 - 06:45 AM
Posted 06 June 2014 - 01:35 PM
Yup... I've noticed this since the mech came out... my Hellblau looks kinda Teal-ish in color... even more so on Maps like Caustic where the ambient lighting is so yellow it makes my blue look almost green... as for low-res patters, are your settings on high or very high? Otherwise... the patterns kinda blur along the edges.
Posted 06 June 2014 - 02:42 PM
I play on low setting (everything low except textures - medium), but in mechlab when I want to edit mech's camo, I change some setting (including textures) to very high and I also switch resolution to 1920x1080. It's only specific patterns that have this blurry quality. You can for example compare Applejack pattern on Black Jack and Awesome. The former is kinda blurry and the latter is detailed well (this is especially noticeable on the chessboard pattern located on the side torso of mechs).
Posted 06 June 2014 - 03:04 PM
It's your graphics settings... pure and simple. All my graphics settings are on High and Very High (depending on the selection) and I've not noticed a difference in pattern resolution between the 44 Mechs I own. I tried lower my settings to get better FPS only to be granted with low-res textures and modeling... it's tough when you want the game to look good, but at the same time give decent FPS so gameplay is not screwed because of severe difference in FPS from graphics settings.
Posted 06 June 2014 - 03:35 PM
Yeah but i meant they look blurry even on very high settings.
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