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Planetary Warfare, Dream Concept.

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Posted 08 June 2014 - 09:35 AM

So I will start by saying most of this wont happen, I know this. However Im tossing the ideas out there because I spend my days trapped in a glass box moving dirt thinking of these things and other games like Star Citizen are going to big it seems like anything could be possible with hard work. So yeah some of the ideas may suck, you may hate them all. But they are just ideas from someone who would like to see a little more Mechwarrior like the books and less Microwave game for the kiddos.

So the why I would love to have seen the galaxy wage its war is to take the map concept from Planet side 2, cut the sectors down to like 12 large areas from the like what 50 Planetside has? Then make 3 of these locations Enemy attack points. The reasoning here is this gives the attacker 3 place to pick from each possible bring a different strategy. Each of those 3 can house 4 Dropships. So the Enemy can bring a max of 4 UNLESS they capture all 3 attack points. Capturing attack points would require that the attacker moves into the zone clears it of defenses and or the Defending mechs. The match would start with the attackers Hot dropping their mechs into one or all of the 3 attack points. As they do this the defenders planetary defense weapons 3 max would be firing. Level one Orbital guns are single cannon turrets shooting at X rate of fire. One bought they will cost no more upkeep. They have the chance of wounding or Killing mechwarriors as they exit the dropships, as well as destroying a dropship all together which would close the attackers all equipment stored on board. Each mech is numbered in order of who gets to go out the door first to last. Now if the defender upgrades from the tier one orbital gun to the second tier which has a higher rate of fire then before an now cost a little bit to keep online with the extra rate of fire draining more energy then designed. This would up your chances to defend clearly, and there would be a 3rd Tier where the orbital gun has two cannons like in mechcommander 2. This costing a good bit more to upkeep and should online be kept online when the planet is attackable, otherwise these are advised to be shut down to reduce cost to your faction. Anyway back to the hot dropping mechs, they could be under heavy fire and depending on how many dropships kick mechs out and what the ships armor is, it is possible that only one, or all of the mechs never makes it out the door before the dropship is blasted. If this is the case the ship will burn up and the mechs have a slim chance random chance of making the jump. Like in mechwarrior 3 it is possible to make it, you just better hope the other dropships had better luck. Once the sector is captured and the attacker has success, the defenders if any left in the sector will get an alert like the one for incoming LRMs, only this alarm will be incoming dropships and you will have about 3 seconds to get out before the dropships start blasting you and your team. The dropships will now land and once down begin deploying 3 APU like in mech warrior 4. These units will be Solar collecting/power units to keep your dropship and its defenses up and running. Loosing all of these will cause the dropship to loose power and once at 50% the ship will stop to function. This will happen because it will need 50% to escape the planet in the event of a lose. The drop commander MAY wish to overide this and the drop ship can keep functioning until its completely out of power however once this happens the ship will be lose to the attacker in the event you fail to take the planet. The defending team has 3 points to defend to keep the planet, one the starport, without it the defense will loose the ability to get reinforcements. The starport of the planet can hold 8 dropships, the second is the capital city which should be located right next to the star port. The 3 second to control is something along the lines of "Mechfactory, HPG, food production dome?" Any team would be able to call in reinforcements by lifting off a dropship and landing a new one on planet but there again risk the orbital gun attacks. Defense can call in help and the planets have to have a max player count of say 100. "pipe dream I know" But with this happening the location of the planet would determine what % of that 100 is on what side. "example" If the planet is surrounded by enemy planets expect from say two or one friendly then the enemy has 75% of the pop. Frontline 50% and if the planet is secondline just behind the front with one enemy point point connecting it then 75% to the defender. I'm just simplifying it with 100 clearly. Anyway the fight would end when the defender killed the enemy off the planet or attacker has control of the 3 most important sectors. The defending team could have control of base defenses walls and basically have some what of an RTS style place, system to setup. Once the attack starts however no more defenses are constructed. This I think is much better then the planed 3 matches per planet PGI mentioned in the past, this way all would be one match with player respawn being based on the mechs you all brought, you are limited to what you have on planet or what reinforcements you can get it. This continuing play style also means things like Salvage is a useful tool, Enemy mech or friendly can be recovered and take back to base, this could be a module of some sort giving a player one chance to salvage something but it must be guarded as the truck carries the mech back to your Mech hanger or dropship. "AI controlled truck spawns with said mech on it." I would also being bay repair bills so that players actually have a reason to control mech factories one other planets. This creating cheaper repair bills or sale of a new mech, Salvage mechs would have two uses, Repair or a whole mech, the Repair is when the mech has less then two torsos left. and basically just helps to reduce repair cost when you retreat to your Hanger, or dropship for repairs. The whole mech is clearly just recovering the mech which will take a long time to repair but will if your team is alive long enough serve as an extra life once repaired.

Something I would like to point out is that Repair bills like them or hate them are a HUGE part of Mechwarrior, Not having them to me has broken if not destroyed the play style of mechwarrior. PGI wanted people to run lights a mediums more, because in mechwarrior thats what you see more of. The repair bills are smaller and the mechs cost less. Well if you had repair bills people would have to grind out mediums and lights to support their heavy additions. Im sure people hate this idea but its how lots of other games handle this issue, and in mechwarrior it was a big reason for everyone not piloting huge ass mechs in the stories.

Knockdown needs to come back... huge loss to the game, before now mechs in all games always get knocked down it helps to keep the loose cannon players in check, look at PUG matches.

Each planet should have a type of terrain "winter, Desert, forest, Tropical, Moon, Marslike, Volcanic, and Asteroid. Making one of each of these to start, then adding more later to liven up?refresh planets, could be cool.

And as for Clans VS IS, Clan mech being OP as they are can still be worked in with the large repair bills, and rules to help gain or lose money. For Example, Clan players may only fire on one target at a time. Choosing to attack one mech and they alone attacking it will give a bonus to their Cbills and reputation with the clan, So basically in combat, a clan pilot attacking more then one mech before the first one they attacked was killed will result in a small dishonor to their rep, if a friend helps the friend will get the dishonor. So as a clanner kill stealing is bad, focus fire is bad, but you can still do it. IS mechs are cheaper to repair and may always focus fire without kickbacks. However Piloting a Clan mech or Using clan weapons will give you less income and you will have to pay huge fees to repair it. "IF a player market is added" You could make it possible to buy salvage mechs from others to build a mech you cant get from your house. So if you have a atlas thats all ****** up and the repair bill is huge because you dont own the factory, salvage more or buy parts off the market. The result is a random CB Atlas.

Weapons systems could be destructible, for example a Red, yellow, Green light system. Red light means the weapon was destroyed, gone or otherwise lose completely. Yellow disabled but repairable, Green the weapon is working and ready for the next mission. This again makes owning a planet with weapons factory worth while.. I dont see owning a planet with any factory as useful in this game as it stands because you can own everything you want clan IS whatever. and if you already own it then who cares if you get a discount?

Raising the C-bills earned back to where it was in closed beta may be needed to correct for all these sink holes in your income. As it stands I dont see any real gains or losses in this game. Just drop shoot repeat, it worries me.

If some of this seems random and incomplete its because I am a bit scatter brained, sorry!

#2 9erRed


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 11:00 AM

Greetings Black,

You might want to go back and edit that massive single paragraph, put a few breaks in it. It's very difficult to read as it is.

Separate it into digestible sections and topics for readability.

Thanks, lots of ideas, but I'm thinking most will just skip over the wall of text and jump to the lower easer to read sections. I regularly post similar large forum topics but always try to keep the subject separated with paragraphs and listed or bulleted short sections.
If they don't or won't read it, your ideas will never be seen.




  • PipPipPip
  • The Defiant
  • The Defiant
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Posted 09 June 2014 - 08:54 PM

Thanks for the tip I should have thought about that but I was just typing away. Sections would have made it easier I just didn't know how to brake it down.

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