As you may have previously heard, a hot debate grew out of the initial release of the Clan logos. We are happy to announce today that we have finalized a second batch of logos for your consideration.
The first column presents the proposed classic logos. The second column presents the current re-imagined emblems.
-------------Classic / Traditional----------------------Modern / Re-imagined------------

While there are aesthetic benefits to each design, it is ultimately you MechWarriors who be wearing and seeing these colours in action: We leave it in your hands to decide whether we stand with the modern or the traditional design.
This poll will remain open until Monday 16th of June, 2014 6 PM PDT / 9 PM EDT,
Please note, in the circumstance that the Proposed design is the winner of this poll, be aware that release of the new design in-game has an ETA for the next available patch, and similar changes to in-game cockpit items included with the Clan Collections further down the line.