MWO tested Clan Mechs and technology on the PTR today. It was an epic win!
I posted a short video of my first drop in my Dire Wolf using twin Ultra AC20s for you. By the end of the year, every player in the game will have access to these mechs and the game is going to be crazy fun again. Especially if community warfare and *coughs* UI 3.0 is done with as much passion as the clan mechs were.
Golden Dire Wolf w/ twin Ultra AC20s Video
Before dropping, I used my saved up GXP to max out all of my Dire Wolves and Pilot Trees. I also equipped the only warhorn which seemed visually suitable for the sleek interior of the mech. My piloting was a bit sloppy... the Dire Wolf is pretty sluggish and took some getting used to. I scored 3 kills on my first time out and my first opponent was another Direwolf who I literally dead on charged and gutted with the Ultra ACs.
Most of my favorite memories in the game were in my Catapult K2 with 2x AC20s and a medium laser. There is something about it's slowness that makes it really accurate. There were several games where I was just 1 kill shy of a perfect score. The Dire Wolf feels like a 100 ton version of that. Plus the clan mech sound FX are a lot more satisfying.
If you read my previous posts, you know I am an overly optimistic supporter of everything and anything Mechwarrior/Battletech. With the exception of my last post where I went on a rage filled rant about how the Clan Mechs were being priced. At this point, the game is what it is. For me, it is STILL my "go to game" after an endless day of work when I need to unwind. I am proud to support the game. Also, I was honestly surprised at how much fun the clan mechs are-- and once every player who wants to is piloting these mechs, this game is going to rock so much.
Battle on!
P.S.Looking foward to fighting alongside you on the battlefield.
Golden Dire Wolf W/ 2X Ultra Ac20S
Started by Artix Krieger, Jun 12 2014 09:53 PM
Weapons BattleMechs General
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