The NAIS has come up with an advanced computer virus that can help commander and scout units in the field. this virus infects the mobile enemy command post, the virus will effectively take command of base defences in the area and force them to fire on their allies. unfortunately the virus is still in development and the calculated duration before enemy anti-virus software locates and eliminates the virus is roughly 10-20 seconds after the virus has been eliminated from the command post it will force the turrets to reset which will leave them offline for 5-10 seconds before they come online. Development of V 0.2 in underway and hopefully improve the effectiveness.
Prof. Burke Kale
Dark Mirage Facility.
June 14th 3049
-role play over-
Ok so I was thinking about this and thought it would be an interesting consumable to take with you. basically the consumable would take control of the base turrets for a short period and attack its allies, after the duration is up the turrets will shut down and remain offline why the command posts operating system reboots and powers up their turrets with the correct IFF data.
I think this would be an interesting consumable to take for game modes like Assault, it could open a whole new game play strategy. I threw some numbers together to try get across the general idea of it.
some basic stats.
Command Virus Prototype
Type: Consumable
Range: 100 M (direct LOS required balance reasons)
Upload Time: 4 second
Attack Duration: 10 Seconds
Offline Duration: 5 second
Use: Once Per Team (this is so players cant abuse or grief)
Cost: 40,000 C-Bills
Command Virus Prototype V 0.2
Type: Consumable
Range: 100 M (direct LOS required balance reasons)
upload Time: 4 second
Duration: 15 Seconds
Offline Duration: 10 second
Use: Once Per Team (this is so players cant abuse or grief)
Cost: 15 MC
Hopefully this will give you an idea how it would look and work in game while keeping abuse and grief out of the match.

Consumable Virus
Started by Kodiak Jorgensson, Jun 14 2014 02:14 PM
5 replies to this topic
Posted 14 June 2014 - 02:14 PM
Posted 14 June 2014 - 02:23 PM
Sounds terrible. Cowardly weapon not for clan use.
Posted 15 June 2014 - 09:59 AM
I'd rather have capturable turret control buildings.
Posted 15 June 2014 - 11:45 AM
Not a good idea. Would cause way too many issues with new players. I would prefer if it was more of temporary disablement. Say that this consumable could be used only 3 times per side in one match and the consumable would shut down the turrets from 10-30 seconds. That would give you time for a good push without making it unfair for a defending team.
Posted 16 June 2014 - 02:19 AM
Would rather see turrets beefed up but given a generator or something that could be destroyed which shuts down all turrets
Posted 16 June 2014 - 02:35 AM
MOAR TURRETS!!! But have capturable buildings to control them. Can you imagine, if by the base of the Radio tower on Alpine, a pair of Calliope Turrets (if you don't know them, they were a heavy turret from MW4 with... I believe it was two large lasers and a pair of LRM 15s?) with a control centre that could be captured? Or, perhaps have the turrets up by the radio tower, and the control building down by the Pad? Or, pop-up AC 5 turrets in River City (might be a bit small for them, perhaps). Suddenly Map Control would be a BIG deal, and it wouldn't just be a Murderball going Counter-Clockwise for both teams.
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