All sections of the MechLab are getting incredibly cluttered. Mechs, equipment, and modules don't display in a fashion that really makes sense.
For Mech selection it would help to have additional filter options to turn Trial, Inner Sphere, and Clan mechs on/off. Preferably, these would be checkboxes so that we can select multiple filters at once, rather than the current implementation in the Pilot Skill Tree section where you can only choose one filter to apply. Toggles to see only ECM and JJ capable mechs would also be good.
The mech display should also be re-worked. At the very least, group them by tonnage in separate rows, not a giant Tetris block of mech icons. Ideally, provide some sort order options like alphabetical and by tonnage. It would also be good to have sort order options on all of the equipment, maybe by damage mechanic, weight, range, heat, and alphabetical. Checkbox filters wouldn't be awful here, either (e.g. only Pulse lasers; or LBXs and UACs).
The current order just doesn't make sense. For instance, in the Inner Sphere we have 2 rows for energy weapons.
Row 1: ML, SL, ERLL, ERPPC, flamer, LL, PPC,
Row 2: LPL, MPL, SPL, TAG.
Row 2 almost makes sense--pulse weapons with the same damage mechanic ordered by declining weight, damage, range, and heat. But one of these things is not like the others.TAG might as well be in a separate row altogether, since it's targeting equipment that does no damage.
The module page is just a mess from start to finish.

Ui 2.0 Sort And Filter Options
Started by Koniks, Jun 16 2014 08:53 AM
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