Deathlike, on 21 June 2014 - 05:24 PM, said:
So... it's a bad time to ask for buffing SRM ammo from 100 to 120?
Unfortunately, your solution would just reinforce smaller launchers as they are far more powerful+useful in bigger numbers.
I do this already... so doing that would just make LRM5s more popular, despite how it works against AMS.
I'm not sure if that'll "solve anything" outside of "less LRM boats" in circulation.
Truth be told I haven't been having problem with SRM ammo. Got twin 6's, 200 missiles. Seem to do fairly well. I just don't bother with Artemis.
There is that, but at 6.5 seconds per LRM-5, okay so you fire them all at once and you get out 20 missiles.
Of that against 1 AMS that's 3 missiles destroyed. Against 2 that's 7 missiles destroyed (3.5 per second each) and that's assuming it takes 1 second to hit the target after getting within AMS range.
That 1 AMS effectively destroyed 6.6 damage worth of missiles. The twin AMS got rid of 13.2 damage worth of missiles. AMS overload, various other things, and well your 40 to 44 damage in 6.5 damage seconds is bound to run into problems unless used against stragglers or people foolish enough not to use AMS.
The only thing is since DPS is the same, you have an identical problem now except the missiles are worth half as much when shot down, so that one AMS only got rid of 3.3 damage. Then you have the spam, where the enemy can't see. The spam...where the enemy is too afraid to move. The spam...which trapped the enemy. The spam... which has psychologically demoralized the enemy into and I quote, "**** this! I'm not playing this ****. I quit."
What it's effectively trying to remove and the only thing it is trying to remove is the spam. Nothing else.
Any and all other problems would still exist of course; those are issues fundamentally with how PGI did the individual weapons. My idea is just how to remove the spam without buffing or nerfing anything [it takes 2 firings and merges them into one, then makes you wait twice as long to reload and fire again.] (though the ammo count change is another counter measure to spam; because every missile is worth more and you get fewer of them, you're less likely to fire just for the sake of firing. You'll be more likely to time your shots and only fire for the good hits. It also kinda makes dumb firing worth while against poptarts; since any missiles that hit would be worth twice as much damage).
(Thinking on it though... Currently LRM-5, 10 to 11 damage at 6.5 seconds. LRM-20 40 to 44 damage at 9.5 seconds. Yeah it's an identical problem with stacking LRM-5s; but the reasoning is easy to see. In their original design LRM-5s and 20s are meant to fire at the same speed; but PGI made 5's shoot faster. Evidently too much faster.)
Edited by Koniving, 21 June 2014 - 05:46 PM.