I'm not buying founders
I am buying founders
Sales Stats
Founders is not good value and so on and so fourth
Most of these questions have been answered and have been debated in other threads within the past few days.
Please use the search button so we can get some fresh discussion about the actual game in the forum and not about founder etc.
Now on to my little rant, i have notice a lot of people whinging about "buying" MWO and i would like to point something out, the Founders packs are not for the purchase of MWO but more akin to a kickstarter donation level system.
You pay $30 you get a small reward, you pay $60 you get some rewards you pay $120 you get all rewards. Its to help the devs put money into the game and give them a bit of cash to chuck into the game until release and they can make some moola off of micro transactions. So please please please stop whinging, if you don't want to buy it that's fine, but at least recognize what the founder pack is, and it is not a purchase of MWO.
My 2c