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Colored targeting reticule to indicate range

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#1 Linian Hasek Davion


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 08:18 PM

This may have already been covered, I tried searching under cursor or reticule, but what are peoples thoughts on a colored targeting reticule?

Like at long ranges it's one shade of color, and as you approach closer to a target and hover your reticule over it, the color starts to change to indicate medium and close range for corresponding weapons, until it's a flat red color showing that you can hit with everything.

Just some thoughts as it seems machine guns and small lasers have the same range as medium lasers and bigger given by the glowing marks I see on enemy mechs I tag in the distance.

#2 S4R1N


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 08:34 PM

If it's anything like the other Mechwarrior games you'll see your firing groups 1-8 will be green if it is in range. In MW4 I recall this being just to the right of the Reticule.

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