Sadly, if you want to play mwo in something resembling medium settings while having decent framerate and tolerable slowdowns during heavy combat, the gpu is going to be the limiting factor.
To have a decent gpu in a laptop with the ability to do that, you have to go above 1400, to the ones that go for 1800, and even then you approach the point of diminishing returns.
Experience: I play mwo in an Asus G750jw, and while it is a beast of a machine, for mwo it is gpu limited (even if it is a Nvidia Geforce GTX 765M 2 GB - mwo is very demanding game, graphics wise)
About 1250 when i bought it on amazon plus 180 for samsung SSD.
I have to play with a custom setting where everything is on minimum, DX9, and only object detail and texturing are on high and medium respectively, and with that i get about 80 fps with minimum action, 50 - 60 fps while under medium combat. Feels comfortable for most situations.
Only heat vision and frozen city butchers the framerate to the low 20 - 30 while under combat.
That is the next generation of my personal laptop, long story short, the only difference is the newer generation gpu.
The GTX 860m is a strange beast in the way that, even though it is smaller than the 765m, its slightly to significantly faster compared to the 765m since its based on the newer generation (maxwell) arquitecture.
I guess with a slight overclock it could give the 870m a run for its money, since the G750 series laptops are absolutely overbuilt when it comes to cooling.
Beware thought, all that cooling infrastructure does make the computer big and bulky. I'm used to big 17" laptops so its no problem for me, and i take it everywhere with me (classes, lan parties, recording rooms, it goes with me everywhere) and it's surprisingly thin for something packing this much power AND cooling.
You might get something significantly thinner, svelte, and sexier in the Razer blade Pro, but by that point, you are buying a 17" macbook pro that runs windows and packs more gpu, and though a friends has one, and swears by it, i just can't see the blade pro having the same cooling power as the G750 series.
A step up the ladder is this model:
Same as above, only difference is that it packs the Nvidia GTX 870m, AND a 256 GB SSD, so looking at it from the value perspective, you are only paying about 1570, if you count the price of the SSD since it is a pretty necesary upgrade on the first model.
The thing is, the 870m is based on the previous arquitecture (Kepler) which means that it achieves its high performance through having more resources (shaders) higher clocks and a bigger memory interface.
That in itself isn't a bad thing if you are looking for pure performance, but i am intrigued about what maxwell with an overclock could do, since the depending on the workload, the 860 competes and trumps the 770m from the previous generation.