Posted 02 July 2014 - 06:32 PM
Overall, this looks to be a great improvement across the board.
New Match Maker Description
- I've been tracking this as closely as anyone else on the outside, and I'm super excited about trying it out later today.
User can now ready up within a group ...
- Good.
After a match, user will return to MechLab instead of the "Home" tab.
- Better.
Improved "sorting" ...
- I don't understand why Trial 'mechs are included in the "owned" category ... I have something like 75 'mechs, I don't need 12 more cluttering up the screen
Scrolling and State Resets
- This was super frustrating for those of us with moderately long lists ... good job.
Check Out button improvements
- Definitely all for the better.
New turret icon in-game
- Sweet! I was kind of tired of seeing half a dozen not-UAVs around the base.
Fall Damage
- I am definitely looking forward to seeing how this works in practice, and whether or not it reduces the gap between jump-sniping and everything else. I really like that it hits heavier 'mechs harder.
Vertical speedometer
- I would have preferred an actual meter (like the ground speed meter) rather than just numbers.
- Also, FPS? Already too much mixing of units (MPS for projectile velocity, KM/H for speed, etc.).
'Shock Absorbance' Balancing:
- nice ... not sure that it's more important than an air strike, but OK
Weapons tuning:
- Looks like I'll have to revist my 'mech builds spreadsheet ... the LB-2/5X changes look promising, and the AC/2 ROF change is definitely a step in the right direction ... the CERSL sideways adjustment is probably about right (but IS SL could probably use something) ... pulse lasers ... going to have to do some tweaking to find out if this does anything useful.
Targeting Computers and Command Console:
- I'm really in the "wait and see" mode here - not sure if any of this is worth the weight or crit slots.