What Does Artemis Currently Do For Srm?
Posted 02 July 2014 - 12:12 AM
Posted 02 July 2014 - 12:15 AM
Posted 02 July 2014 - 12:19 AM
Posted 02 July 2014 - 12:22 AM
Vermaxx, on 02 July 2014 - 12:19 AM, said:
At what range?
With which launcher (2,4,6)?
You see regular SRMs have a decent grouping until around 180 meters. Beyond that, missiles tend to go everywhere. Especially with SRM6s.
SRM4s usually don't need Artemis. However, for SRM6s it's pretty effective, and it allows you to still be quite accurate up to around 230 meters.
Posted 02 July 2014 - 01:28 AM
Posted 02 July 2014 - 01:45 AM
Posted 02 July 2014 - 01:54 AM
As Ursh just said, you don't need Artemis if you only use SRMs for knife range fights (<50m), but you have to keep that in mind when building your mech. And even if you use it exclusively for that, how often in the game will it happen you will get a perfect opportunity for that? Is it really worth bringing loads of SRMs without artemis for that close range opportunity that will happen in the game, which is statistically very low to happen? Have to think well about this part.
So with that said, if SRMs are your main weapon (this varies depending on the chassis), I would strongly suggest the Artemis for one, very important reason many seem to forget: SRMs cost heat and ammo. Now, artemis barely increases your overall tonnage on the weapon itself since SRMs launcher are quite lightweight by themselves, you will likely spend more tonnage on ammo instead. And let's say you don't bring artemis but bring double ammo. Now what good will this do? You will need to shoot more often and overheat faster because you will miss, and keep yourself exposed for a longer period of time. It is more likely this will make you die faster because of the extra exposure and heat you forced on yourself, completely negating the value of your extra ammo since you will never get to use it because the build made you die faster before you could actually make use of it, which makes this method contradict itself on it's own. Now how can this seem a good idea? If it sounds good for you, be my guest and don't use artemis. Except, if srms are you secondary weapon and you are absolutely restricted on tonnage and hardpoints, and have a variety of other weapons to work with at 200+ meter range optimally and will use SRM exclusively as a backup knife, than yes in that case it's not worth it.
But if you intend to use this weapon at ranges over 100 metres more than half the time than yes, I suggest you equip the artemis instead of another ton of ammo. You will be surprised at what it can do (if you are a good shot). You just have to be more disciplined with the shots (not everybody is). Of course, if you are not a good shot than artemis is not for you. But it is expected that nobody will ever admit that to himself, yet I still see lots of bad target leading with both ACs and SRMs in the game. So if you are not confident in your aim and target leading ability, might just as well bring more ammo instead
Edited by NeoCodex, 02 July 2014 - 01:57 AM.
Posted 02 July 2014 - 02:08 AM
Posted 03 July 2014 - 02:59 AM
(without A, Catapult with 6x6) At 270, sometimes the spread was a fist and sometimes it was a bukkake. Seemed like the first 6 launcher (on a 6x6) had a really tight spread regardless, but the rest could be all over the place. Frankly the spread was the same basic variations at 200, the targets were just larger in the window. I don't know if some of the missiles can completely miss the target, if so some did. Otherwise they just hit the far extremities from where I was aiming.
(with A, Catapult with 2x6 and 2x4) At both ranges the spread was clearly tighter. It seemed like all the missiles hit because of this, unless none actually miss in the first place. In this case, they hit closer to where I was aiming.
My general concensus is: I don't think it's worthwhile. I'm not going to uninstall it from that one mech, since it already has a good build WITH jets and would gain nothing but heatsinks. I just don't think any future mechs will get Artemis for SRM use.
ORIGINAL Artemis application to SRM gave them VERY MINOR STEERING POWER, not nearly as good as SSRM, but they would TRY to work toward your aim point. This was very beneficial, the current effect is marginal and it has been since the first couple Artemis rework (nerf) patches.
ORIGINAL Artemis needed a serious nerf on LRM function, yes...but it also lost the SRM effect which was not overpowered in my opinion. Considering the default range on an LB and the choke on the spread, SRM could use more of a buff from Artemis.
Posted 03 July 2014 - 10:06 PM
Vermaxx, on 02 July 2014 - 12:12 AM, said:
Once upon a time, I compiled a list of screenshots taken from firing around 1000 SRM salvos at an Atlas in the training grounds (500 with Art, 500 without)
My intent was to collate information on spread sizes.
It turned out to be a huge amount of work, I ended up distracted by cookies or something shiny, and wandered away.
Anyhoo, my initial results were that there was noticeable tightening of group sizes. If you only fire at point blank range, Artemis doesn't make a huge difference, unless you're shooting lights or small mediums.
At longer range, Artemis places considerably more damage on target.
Posted 24 July 2014 - 11:03 PM
Posted 25 July 2014 - 08:16 AM
I would like Artemis to add a bit of speed to SRMs to make them a bit easier to hit long range targets, as it is a relatively costly upgrade in terms of weight, slots, and Cbills.
Posted 25 July 2014 - 08:24 AM
I can see the difference in the spread even at closer ranges.
I tend to use SRMs on my kintaros, and especially with SRM6s, you just hit everywhere without it. You can get that cluster to hit more of what you want not less.
even if you are a face hugger, it is worth it for the times you don't just hump n dump.
Edited by Bigbacon, 25 July 2014 - 08:25 AM.
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