So as of late I have began to tire while playing in the solo and 4-man group. To many times, Ive seen casual players freeze up at entrances on Terrible Therma, run off by themselves to die alone, or take their lance to base cap and leave 8 mechs versus 12.
Now now, before you start with some elitist unit comp player ***** routine I must confess. I have been part of 4-mans that have lead PUGs into horrible situations and lost the match because of it. Part of this has to do with My lance being able to communicate via coms to another and the in-game system does not make it easy to tell PUGs what is going and what we are trying to accomplish.
So i will leave some simple suggestions.
- Learn the map layouts and where most engagements occur. Knowing things such as the best cover from direct and indirect fire, fastest routes to the center of terra therma, learn which maps usually turn into a mech nascar sim.
- Learn how to make efficient and logical builds. Now I am not asking people to conform and do the whole "META or DIE." However, I am asking that you use logical builds that work in the parameters of a theme. Whether its brawlers, snipers, or support take a theme and learn the about the most efficient builds already out there. Im sure of the higher comp players will help you on top of all the smurfy links floating around.
- Learn basic combat techniques. Things like what a flanking maneuver is ( If you see your 4-man lance moving to the side or behind a enemy, prepare to attack the enemy team. We are most likely sacrificing ourselves so that the team has a distraction.) Another thing you should become familiar with is the combat technique of SLICING THE PIE. Defalade positions. Cover and Concealment when moving.. etc. (see illustrations below)

Slicing the Pie

Edited by Kyle Wright, 02 July 2014 - 04:54 AM.