Roland, on 03 July 2014 - 07:44 AM, said:
Another big change today is that if you have a large group, then you are forced into the 3\3\3\3 build. You can't run 10 Highlanders and two ravens or some crazy nonsense like you used to be able to.
At worst, a Steiner scout lance can be fielded (or any combination of a lance of a particular weight class). I don't think there's been any skewing of that stat... yet.
Solo does ensure 3/3/3/3 though. Group play breaks down to what I've just said.
TheFuzzyBunny, on 03 July 2014 - 08:17 AM, said:
I agree to a point PP. What I'd like to see differently is a way to seperate the HARD CORE comp based stuff from the casual play. Right now that is not possible. If you take a casual play 4-12 man group into a comp based game against the HARD CORE teams you're going to get ROFLstompped. Everyone knows this, I can't imagine it's fun for either side unless the HARD CORE team is a bunch of juvenile children who don't really want to compete, but just want to win.
So the issue I have that it is not possible to play casually in a group unless you want to take the gamble you're going to get rolled by a comp team who is trying to practice their 12 man game. Whats worse as people figure this out more and more will just try to sync drop solo and screw that grouping up, or just drop 12s themselves making it even harder to find a generic casual group play game.
Finally we all know you can lobby and not have to worry about it. We also all know that you cannot gain any XP on your mechs or CBills while in the lobby.
Finally I'm not QQing. This is how the system is. I will adapt. I'll solo drop for my leveling, and treat all group play like I expect to be dropped into a comp based game every drop. This means comp based builds, no casual play, strikes and the lot. I just don't see how that would be fun to the casual players who just want to play with friends in a casual game.
I don't think that's entirely possible, and you may not necessarily agree with the reasoning.
If we put small groups together, would it not be possible that some sort of "small elite/troll premade" be stalking that queue instead of "taking their lumps" in the big boy queue?
There will ALWAYS be a subsection of players that will be better than you. That is the reality. You have only two real solutions:
1) Get better (or simply practice better teamwork).
2) Go to the solo queue.
The solo queue is actually bad, and there's way more underhive than I'd ever thought. If you wish to run "casual" or "low level group play", you will find it there. While it's probably going to help my stress levels (because, you have an equal level or derp), the quality/seriousness of play is a FAR lower than people that would like BETTER TEAMPLAY (as in, they wish to derp less).
While there should be some tweakage of the 2-4 mans that are pulled into the big boy queue, the reality is... casual is relegated to playing solo, and you have a "small" chance to keep playing it as you or your small premade team get better over time.