Jump Jet Update Feedback
Posted 15 July 2014 - 03:02 PM
Posted 15 July 2014 - 03:29 PM
SethAbercromby, on 15 July 2014 - 12:56 PM, said:
I read your post just fine.
First, there are FOUR weight classes of battlemechs: light, medium, heavy and assault. That has not changed in over two decades. That does not align at all with the classes of jump jets that you linked to, which have ALSO not changed in over two decades. 4=/=5, last I checked.
Second, a jump jet that takes up X tonnage and Y critical space does not have a "slightly smaller fuel tank", or else it would have "slightly less weight/space" - that is the definition of "smaller"...
Lastly, regardless of those first two points, what is the rationality behind having smaller mechs perform worse with the same tonnage/crit cost?... there is no logical or rational reason to do that.
Posted 15 July 2014 - 03:34 PM
Posted 15 July 2014 - 03:37 PM
My Recommendation: more thrust is needed for Type I
Posted 15 July 2014 - 03:54 PM

Posted 15 July 2014 - 04:44 PM
Praehotec8, on 08 July 2014 - 01:31 PM, said:
How will this affect mechs like the Jester, that are great striker mechs which use those JJs to get in and out quickly? Carrying only two max jets seems like after the nerf it might just be worth the tonnage to take them off.
I would rather see JJs work to provide a fast, powerful thrust along a vector that can to some degree be chosen by the player. I watched a video one time of MW:LL (never played it), but the JJs in that game looked fun to use.
We will have to see how this turns out, but it seems like it takes some of the fun out of having JJs on mechs without adding anything significant to the game.
Yep, what you feared was exactly what happened.
Just like you I always used max or near max JJs and kinda made a specialty role out of being a Striker where I would use the extra vertical lift and acceleration to jump over buildings, fire a burst or two, then jump back out of the line of fire. None of what I did was Meta but I found it fun and exciting despite feeling like Jump Jets were a bit lackluster.
Now with the change, that whole style of play is now gone and we see play style tactics getting dumbed down yet again to the point there is one and only one style of play. Honestly if this is the way JJs are going to work, if your running a medium or heavier mech, you might as well just remove the JJs and add in heavier weapons or more heat sinks because you will get more advantage from that than having JJ mobility (or should I say lack of mobility).
Posted 15 July 2014 - 05:50 PM
Lights feel almost unchanged. Even with just four jets, I was able to jet around the battlefield with no trouble getting over/onto things, or avoiding leg damage. My piloting style for lights is rather low to the ground, however - if you are used to long burns for
The Cataphract, on the other hand, is a noticeable change. It takes a lot of constant thrusting to get any altitude, so unless I'm using the jets to peek over a hilltop, I'd have to burn most or all of my reaction mass to reach firing height in many instances. In fact, I didn't even notice the effect of jump jet heat on my poptarting efficiency, because I spent so much time waiting for my reaction mass to recharge that it was hard to notice. Reaching the top of a mere three-story building on Crimson Strait can require perfect timing and positioning. Don't get me wrong, I could still use the jets to fire over cover, but my overall mobility - the ability to get over and on top of things - is significantly reduced.
As for the Highlander, I'm afraid I'm going to have to descend into what I hope is gentle sarcasm. It was my distinct pleasure to test the new Type 1 Mountain Mobility Interactive Equipment (T1MMIE, for short) that was apparently placed in the live environment rather than the test server - however, it is difficult to evaluate the system with jump jets disabled.

Overall, The heavier chassis feel like they need their numbers tweaked, or their mechanics altered. Personally, I'd like to see a lot more speed out of jump jets, up and down, with slower recharge and more heat being the primary balance mechanism - but regardless, the loss of mobility is a crippling drawback for the heavier weight classes, and I would strongly recommend focusing more on balance through heat generation for the heavier jets.
Edited by Void Angel, 15 July 2014 - 05:54 PM.
Posted 15 July 2014 - 06:19 PM
I gotta say, the changes to the Highlander are terrible. That mech needs its Jump Jets buffed a bit since this patch, especially since only 2 Variants can mount more then 3. I would imagine 3 Jump Jets is utterly worthless after driving the 4 JJ 733C. I will be VERY disappointed if this isn't tweaked..
The DS and TW though, I think was a job well done, they can still jump effectively with 3-4 Jump jets, but 2 is pushing it and I didn't even try 1.
Posted 15 July 2014 - 06:46 PM
Posted 15 July 2014 - 07:36 PM
Class: Medium (55 tons)
Full basic (no elite, haven't basic'd the other Griffins yet)
300 XLE (for ~88kph movement)
7/7 jump jets (listed jump range: 40.2)
On Canyon, jumping from the bottom level to the mesas (not the one-level step around the river, straight floor to top jumping.)
Previous performance: Easily cleared right as Betty announces Fuel 25%.
Current performance: ~5 meters short with full thrust. This is just enough to land on the invisible sub-levels just off the sides of the mesa.
Revision: After further testing (7/16 at 19:24 -8,) I've found that there are parts of Canyon where the jump can be made; but more often than not, the jump requires full jump power to achieve.
Oddly enough, the trial Spider (which is under-jetted) has the same jumping power as my Griffin.
Edited by Sandslice, 16 July 2014 - 06:29 PM.
Posted 15 July 2014 - 08:41 PM
Gas Guzzler, on 15 July 2014 - 06:19 PM, said:
I gotta say, the changes to the Highlander are terrible. That mech needs its Jump Jets buffed a bit since this patch, especially since only 2 Variants can mount more then 3. I would imagine 3 Jump Jets is utterly worthless after driving the 4 JJ 733C. I will be VERY disappointed if this isn't tweaked..
The DS and TW though, I think was a job well done, they can still jump effectively with 3-4 Jump jets, but 2 is pushing it and I didn't even try 1.
Wow... I thought that maybe folks were exaggerating a little - but the HGN is just horrible now where the jets are concerned. Not to mention mechs like Jester that can only carry 2 JJs max? It's a huge nerf for that mech, and there's nothing at all you can do about it.
Posted 15 July 2014 - 10:20 PM
Edited by zudukai, 15 July 2014 - 10:55 PM.
Posted 15 July 2014 - 10:32 PM
Banky, on 15 July 2014 - 08:41 PM, said:
Ironically, I found that the Highlander actually seemed to suffer the least out of my (admittedly limited) test options - because the last nerf to its jumping ability already had it feeling like it was lifted by a crane. The changes were even less notable for me because I was already fighting my Highlanders mostly from the ground. =)
The Highlander has been one of my most-hated 'Mechs; not to play, but to have on my team, because it is practically designed for cowards, and its pilots would often spend so much time hiding that the match was decided before their armor even went amber. But the the state of the chassis' jump capacity right now is quite dismal - and I'm sure we'll see buffs to it soon. If rumor is correct, next patch is possible.
PS: No one at PGI hates [Insert Chassis,] not even the Highlander. Overperforming chassis, weapons, and mechanics are always going to get tuned. Try to analyze the changes so you can understand why they were made, and agree or disagree intelligently - rather than sounding like the Mage forums in World of Warcraft.
Edited by Void Angel, 15 July 2014 - 10:32 PM.
Posted 16 July 2014 - 01:49 AM
Void Angel, on 15 July 2014 - 10:32 PM, said:
The Highlander has been one of my most-hated 'Mechs; not to play, but to have on my team, because it is practically designed for cowards, and its pilots would often spend so much time hiding that the match was decided before their armor even went amber.
As a sniper, your role is to deal damage without absorbing it. Just because you like to eat bullets doesn't mean everyone else should. Of course sometimes it is useful to push the enemy and overwhelm them which means you should make yourself a target, but typically it is much smarter to win exchanges by taking the least amount of damage. "Hiding" while dealing consistent damage, is how you win matches.
Posted 16 July 2014 - 02:20 AM
Just thinking you forgot something....
Nerf king of poptarts, Dragon Slayer.
I know that killing dragons without ability to fly is hard but...
Why in hell Assault Mech jumps better than LIGHT MECH!?!
Thanks for Siriothrax who figured that out.
Oh well... hot fix, just maybe?
Best regards
Edited by Myrkky, 16 July 2014 - 02:38 AM.
Posted 16 July 2014 - 03:08 AM
Edited by L e 0, 16 July 2014 - 03:10 AM.
Posted 16 July 2014 - 05:57 AM
pwnface, on 16 July 2014 - 01:49 AM, said:
/sigh. Just as you assuming I'm an idiot happily doesn't mean that I am. I'm well aware of the principles behind jump sniping; I use them well myself - my issue is that many Highlander pilots become so focused on the bit about taking the least amount of damage that they fail to deal damage themselves. They become risk-averse, to the extent that you're tempted to ask them to pretend they're piloting a 90-ton war machine with 558 max armor capacity. The top players whose builds are being emulated by the metagame don't play like that - they are smart, aggressive players who will often run their 'Mechs right over the top of you if they smell blood.
Conversely, many Highlander pilots would assume that sitting back and shooting without taking damage was all there was to using their Assault correctly. This led them to prioritize damage avoidance so much that they wouldn't help the team when the close combat phase arrived, often being among the last to fall, after the main combat. When they did this, their evaluation of their own performance became subject to bias confirmation. Because they just got a lot of kills and damage from finishing off wounded 'Mechs, they generally assumed that the failure was on the part of "the PuGs," because their match score ended up individually high - despite not being there for the team when it mattered.
Of course, not all
Edited by Void Angel, 16 July 2014 - 05:59 AM.
Posted 16 July 2014 - 06:53 AM
Every "long range" pilot needs to realize that if his team is pushing forward, he needs to also, especially if he's an assault.
"Long range" 'mechs do the exact same amount of damage at 200m as they do at 500m (or more).
Posted 16 July 2014 - 07:49 AM
Void Angel, on 15 July 2014 - 10:32 PM, said:
PS: No one at PGI hates [Insert Chassis,] not even the Highlander. Overperforming chassis, weapons, and mechanics are always going to get tuned. Try to analyze the changes so you can understand why they were made, and agree or disagree intelligently - rather than sounding like the Mage forums in World of Warcraft.
The Highlander was DESIGNED to make Death From Above attacks. It should be the pinnacle of jump jet assaults, able to AT LEAST jump higher than any other mech's height, just to be able to complete its designed function! Instead, it has been a slightly more maneuverable Atlas/Banshee for a long time now. It is quite sad.
While I support PGI trying to balance jump sniping with other playstyles, the Highlander always seems to get the short end of the stick on these changes, even after it had already been nerfed into obsolescence and made I to a second-line chassis by the very existence of the Victor, which has escaped nearly every one of these attempted nerfs.
I think they should make the Highlander able to jump at least it's own height, but make it take twice as long to do so. In other words, instead of taking two seconds to reach 10m in vertical height, make it take 4 seconds to reach 20m in vertical height. That way, you can eclipse the sun for a good second or two before finally falling down upon your enemies soon-to-be-smashed face...
While you do that, make the Victor's jump jets work in a more horizontal manner, propelling them forward more than up. That will prevent it from jump sniping, but give it the mobility it is supposed to have. Maybe only 6m in vertical height at max, but propel it forward 20m without slowing.
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