Please reduce the confirmation box popups. It's great and all that your system acknowledges that I made a change but I should not have to buy something, wait for that transaction, click ok on the confirmation that I want to buy it, wait for the transaction, click on the happy dialog saying it was successful and then wait again while the system saves the change. I mean really, If I spend xp to buy an unlock I expect that to be a one click operation, maybe two if I'm using GXP, not unlock this, select xp type (if I have Mech xp just use it) confirm that I want it, confirm that it went through and then make final saves. At the very least make it so there is only one long pause.
This game is way too click intensive, and unnecessarily so. Please streamline the interface so we can get back to the fight as quickly as possible.
Edited by Valten, 09 July 2014 - 05:38 AM.