This afternoon, I was logged onto MWO and eventually timed out when I was called away from the computer. At the time, my balance of MC funds stood at 564 credits. When I logged back into the game, my balance of MC was 64 credits. I have subsequently logged off and on a few times and the balance remains at 64 MC credits. It appears that 500 MC has been deducted for no apparent reason and am at a loss to why this has occured.
I did not make any purchases and have checked my inventory of paints in case I inadvertently picked one up by mistake. There is no new paint. I've already unlocked basic red & blue with C Bills and purchased titanium white some weeks ago. I have the same number of mech bays and mechs.
Could the developers please advise the reason for this deduction, explain what is going on or show a way to track to track MC transactions? Does this happen often and are other customers subject to this? Are these transactions secure?
Edited by Nikolai Lubkiewicz, 02 August 2014 - 04:45 PM.