Ultimatum X, on 04 August 2014 - 08:15 PM, said:
This is something I've been dying to test honestly, and I can't give a clear yes or no answer on it.
What I can say is that my ACC for Clan LRMs with Artemis are markedly higher than my IS LRMs with Artemis.
I'm not sure if it's because I'm playing so aggressively and taking the fight to the front line, or the mechanics of the launchers.
If you want, we can hop into private matches and do some weapon testing in control environments. I personally have premium time active, might as well put it to good use.
Ultimatum X, on 04 August 2014 - 08:15 PM, said:
The WHK-B build above, at like 400-500m, can usually 2 or max 3 volley a target off the map with visual lock.
This includes most assaults.
I just find that's a more efficient use of LRMs in general, and outside of a few other Assault builds, I'm willing to go one on one with almost any other assaults in a direct fire contest with this. (You don't want to do that vs. most DW builds, or the triple AC 5 banshee, etc)
i agree. Generally at shorter ranges you are guaranteed more efficiency. That does get impacted by the play style though. In my case I always try to position my self so that the max range a target mech is away from me is 800 meters. Meaning sometimes I will be in weird locations on the map, because my priority is supporting multiple fronts. Of course, it's easier in solo queue because 90% of the time everyone clumps together.
Ultimatum X, on 04 August 2014 - 08:15 PM, said:
True. It can be a pain, I don't usually rack up large damage numbers in team queue, but I keep the enemy team's heads low, and I try to spread the love as much as possible. Although running into teams that have AMS on almost every single mech makes it real hard to contribute.