It's been something that's very clear ever since the introduction of host state rewind, where 'Delayed Convergence' was ultimately removed and the "Pinpoint convergence" Elite Skill became a 3,000 XP "tax" with its yield removed.
Back in the day, if I were to shift aim from something 700 meters away to an Atlas 50 meters away, I would have to wait for my weapons to align. If I did not, my arm weapons would hit your arms and my torso weapons would hit your torsos.
If we did the same thing and you were in a Hunchback, my arm weapons would go completely around you and my torso weapons would probably do some glitched out criss-cross X.
What it did was teach a little bit of firing discipline and added an element into the game. It was removed for two reasons. One, it messed with HSR. Your convergence was always shifting. Two, it caused issues for players with high ping.
However PGI's solution of removing it whether temporary or permanent completely sucks.
All weapons converge to hit a specific point in the air, and the weapons appear to adjust course to hit even after being fired. For example if I aim at your arm from 900 meters with AC/2s and the wall beyond you is 1,200 meters, then you twist your arm out of the way in the nick of time... the shots are already fired but instead of the weapons converging where your arm was and then scattering out, they will hit as if they were always aimed at the 1,200 meter wall in a perfect pinpoint spot.
That means at some point when the intended point of convergence failed, the bullets ignored that point and continued on to converge in a pinpoint pile beyond it.
This isn't just pinpoint, it's physics defying pinpoint.
We need another solution.
Seriously a targeting computer shouldn't be giving enhanced range to lasers, should not be making bullets faster. Faster locks? Sure. But since when does a computer pack extra powder into rounds? When does a computer behave as a capacitor to give lasers extra burn?
Now a targeting computer giving faster convergence? Possibly. Giving more options to convergence levels? Definitely.
So what about manual convergence?
Or what about the third person targeting reticule?
We need something. If weapons fired twice in 10 seconds to our double armor it wouldn't matter. But we fire 3 to more than 14 times in 10 seconds.
We also need a continuation of the hitbox overhaul. Jenners are still walking center torsos. I was LRM'ing a Jenner and he just got obliterated CT with no damage to anything but one side torso, moving at 150+ kph. Why are its side torsos as skinny as its arms? Why not do a logical design like run the side torsos up the sides of the torso? Or a Raven-esque hitbox design?
Just some thoughts I've had.