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Lobby For Mech Selection Before Game

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#1 Combatboot


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Posted 17 July 2014 - 10:36 AM

The Idea is that before we load the map and our mech we get a lobby to discuss team stratagy with our team. It only makes sense from a competitive, and a story line basis for us to know what sort of environment we will be fighting in. As it stands teams are random and results in imbalance such as a team with no ecm, or all ecm. Cooperation, and team fighting are the primary attraction of online game play. I enjoy the basic concept of mech warrior, and I really want you to succeed in making a fun successful free-to-play mech warrior game.

-greater quality of individual matchs
-promotes game play cooperation
-promotes a diversity of mech use
-Promotes competitiveness (by reducing randomness, and making it more fair like )
-Promotes team building
-All of these things incentives people to spend money on your game
-Groups provide many opportunities for worth while purchases, without creating pay to win systems
-Gives incentive for players to purchase mech bays

-development time and resources

#2 Egomane


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Posted 17 July 2014 - 11:00 AM

The result will be all optimized mechs for every map.

How boring! Where is the challenge in that? I Prefer to adapt my skills, not my equipment, to the envirnment. That's how a mechwarrior had to do it in the lore as well.

#3 MilesTeg1982


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Posted 17 July 2014 - 01:41 PM

1. The last thing I want in a pug is a lobby where some wannabe commanders discusse the tactic while keeping all players waiting ... if you want coordinated teamwork and tactic - drop as a group and train - you'll have all the time in the world to discuss your tactics (since there are not that many maps it is very easy to define certain tactics for certain maps)

2. this would only "work" if you could choose your mech after the map was choosen, as statet before by Egomane - this would lead to specialized builds for certain maps. that would be Meta^2 - and people complain allready about Meta-builds ... Also one of the - actually very few - skills required in MWO is to be able to adopt to different situations and make the most out of it - like hey - I dropped in a brawler on alpine and my max-range is below 500m? well lets see if I can sneak up on the enemie (if you could just switch to a long range sniper build, wouldn't it be boring?)

3. as you might know some people are unhappy with the current matchmaker - complaining about an overweight of heavies/assaults on one team compared to the other ... well are some featueres like 3-3-3-3 / 4-4-4 to avoid that. And while that solution might not be perfect - its better than nothing - your idea would completly spoil that - since peopel could just switch from a light to an assault for example.

ps. sorry but "teambuilding and pug" - I don't see that - too many people in pugs just give a crap about the team, your idea won't change anything on that

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