I am fairly satisfied with Jump Jets at the moment as far as balancing out some of the larger gun platforms. Im just thinking the lighter weight classes took a bit too much of a hit as far as mobility bonus from the JJ modifications done last patch.
I propose the devs bump up the performace just a bit to give a little more mobility back to lights and mediums. As it sits now the light que is always at a steady 8-9% and the medium que is around 10-18% of the gaming population for the MM to sort through. Maybe a bit more mobility for evasiveness especially when facing the clanners awesome firepower. There are alot of one-shot maimings/kills going on. Heck, even a medium can get nearly cored/dropped in a single blast nowadays.
Personally I would like to see some way that JJ can be used to give a quick horizontal burst also, maybe hold down a certain key so you dont get so much vertical lift but a good horizontal burst to avoid an alpha coming your way.
Just my 2 cents,
Editted as I apparently cannot spell...
Edited by Andross Deverow, 28 July 2014 - 05:39 AM.