Viktor Drake, on 25 July 2014 - 04:58 AM, said:
Then it dawned on me, it wasn't that JJs were too good, rather it was because Jump Jet capable heavy and assault mechs were popular and it just so happens that currently the community is up in arms about how so few lights and medium mechs were being used.
In case you missed where I am going with this. Basically PGI nerfed the crap out of Jump capable heavy and assaults in order to try to "convince" more people to play lights and mediums.
Anyway, looks like another typical example of PGI mentality. The "Break something to fix something else" school of balancing.
Wrong. I play a Spider as my main ride and I can tell you the JJ nerf to the lights was even more messed up. Leg damage and fall distance on lights makes the use of JJ's to be suicidal in nature. Its not a matter of 'learn to save fuel to cushion your fall' , its a matter of no matter how high or low you jump or how much you cushion your fall, you STILL get leg damage nonstop from fall damage.
A stalker, a non-JJ mech, can walk off a cliff that is 3x higher than itself and suffer zero leg damage. A spider cannot fall from HALF a spider's height without taking full fall damage to the legs. This means in terrain, if you're running at full speed and one of those bomb-craters is in your WILL take fall damage just from falling into it (not even using JJs).
The JJ nerf reduced the thrust of the jets. This makes the lights now achieve even LESS height in the jump while consuming more fuel. It has been tested that a spider cannot jump over a jagermech and not take fall damage because the fuel and the lower jet power does not allow the spider to cushion its landing enough to prevent leg damage.
The real reason for the JJ nerf is more likely to be that PGI is going to be releasing some cash-grabbing module that makes the JJ's work as before or better than before. No company does nerfs-for-cash better than PGI.