Lefty Lucy, on 26 July 2014 - 01:19 PM, said:
I personally think it would be good for the game. We'd have less players "falling back" after taking a single AC5 hit, or refusing to get in the square to stop a base cap. I'd be willing to bet that if a lot of players stopped caring about their KDR their W/L would go up, and IMO in a team game that's the stat that's important.
I once made a very similar comment and since I did I've done a fair bit of looking into this issue.
KDR is a useful stat for players to monitor their own performance, that can't be denied. It's not what I was ever trying to say. that being said, it's also fairly useless at the same time.
Wjile a lot of people will argue that killing the enemy is one of the most important aspects of the game, and they're right, who actually gets the kill is NOT. I've certainly got a bunch of kills that I don't actually "Deserve" because I've walked into a fight to support a team mate, poured on the firepower and ended up with the kill. I've also done 99% of the damage to a mech, had it run around a corner only to have a light chase it down and finish it with a zap from a medium laser or two.
This, to me, makes sense. The mech is dead and SOMEONE put it down making my team one step closer to a win. All is good. Not everyone feels the same though and you'll get both complaints of "you stole my kill" (never mind we just saved their backside from certain death) and people not shooting just so they can Alpha the kill at the last second instead of putting down the enemy as fast as possible.
It's also why you get berks running away, hiding somewhere and shutting down in the hopes that the timer will run out before they are found and killed.
It's a simple cost-benefit analysis. The down sides to tracking KDR are less than the upside.
Except to
profit. People who care about KDR are driven to buy the "currently OP" mechs in an effort to maintain a high KDR. This is one of the realities in F2P games and one of the reasons why you'll see the "meta" in games like this rotate; To force players into buying new mechs and mechbays. Yes, most will just use cbills but many will buy premium time and/or mechbays (or mechs themselves), swap XP for GXP and so on to accelerate the process of obtaining and training up new mechs.
So yes, you are 100% correct that if KDR were removed tomorrow the game would be better for it. The reality is that it's also not going to happen.
And no, this isn't a condemnation of PGI. They have families that need things like a place to live and even Developers need to eat occasionally. For it to change players would have to stop caring about KDR and until that day it will remain one of the carrots dangling off the end of the MC stick.