The sound of the rivers in the Canyon map, the distant artillery on River City... we need more of that. Lots and lots more.
Nature maps like Forest colony: The sound of water on the shores, in the river, from the waterfalls, the sound of wildlife in the forest.
Urban maps: You could do loads of creative stuff here. Sounds of machinery and industry from the many buildings and areas around the docks, car alarms going off, sometimes even civilians screaming in the distance (see Terror missions in the newest X-com game for some fantastic ambient sounds)
Terra Therma: There's volcanos erupting, thunderstorms above, and super hot winds everywhere. This map should be an inferno of sounds.
Caustic valley: Huge industrial area that should be really noisy. Not to mention steaming, acidic spring waters, that should be boiling and bubbling audibly. Maybe a few vulture bird noises.
Alpine: Winds. Maybe some tauntaun mating calls, imperial probe droids and a distant voice telling you to go to the Dagobah system.
Q: Yeah, but what about new game modes, maps and CW?
A: That too.
Q: Won't it be incredibly annoying with so many sounds?
A: Well, there could be an option to adjust ambient sounds, like many games have. And the sound of mech stomping is pretty monotonous already, so I wouldn't mind some extra sounds.
Edited by Alistair Winter, 31 July 2014 - 09:14 AM.