Hi Nico,
I think you (PGI) can remove AirStrike, ArtilleryStrike and UAV from the consumables. Insteed add them to a tactical option for the commander of the unit or lance leaders.
1. This improves the tactical importants of leadership.
2. The hole unit benefits from this options, so the hole unot should pay for them.
3. Less Strikes and UAVs avaible per match.
Called by lance leader.
One use per lance.
The hole unit get's x credits less per use at the end of the game.
Called by unit leader.
Each one one use per unit.
The hole unit gets y credits less per Strike used at the end of the game.
Strikes are more powerfull but have a bigger delay until they arrive.
Tag can improve accuracy of the Strikes and guide thembinto the target.

The Future Of Modules - Feedback
Started by Kyle Polulak, Jul 29 2014 04:05 PM
588 replies to this topic
Posted 26 June 2015 - 05:01 AM
Posted 27 June 2015 - 02:53 AM
I think it would be cool to be able to see the Aerospace fighter on the mini map... as well as the possibility to shoot it down (jagermech can finally peform as an anti aircraft mech!?! what is this madness!) however a slight decrease in it's speed would be best...
Dropships also appearing on mini maps as well...
Also I think in CW It would be cool for like only the attacker side to field artillery and airstrike (or just airstrike if clans) and air strike only for deffenders... also for the attackers there artillery fire from the long tom mobile launchers near there spawn/ there side of the map, so the enemy may want to go over there and to take out the Long tom launchers to disable the artillery ability for that side.
Dropships also appearing on mini maps as well...
Also I think in CW It would be cool for like only the attacker side to field artillery and airstrike (or just airstrike if clans) and air strike only for deffenders... also for the attackers there artillery fire from the long tom mobile launchers near there spawn/ there side of the map, so the enemy may want to go over there and to take out the Long tom launchers to disable the artillery ability for that side.
Posted 08 February 2016 - 11:06 AM
Modules can and should be treated as individual piloting skills for the pilot "character" inside the mech that we are supposed to be controlling as players.
Modules is how you add an RPG element to pilots, create a great sink for cbills and exp, as well as giving some long-term customization options for characters in the game.
The first thing I think of when I hear "modules" and the skill modules in particular, is Mech Commander's module system for pilot customization when it came to their skills. You have several different modules you could purchase for each pilot. They ranged from things like "light mech specialist" that would result in bonuses to that character piloting a light mech, to LRM expert which would add a bonus when that pilot was using LRMs.
Weapon modules would still have a place as they can be considered "tech" modules and explained as being offered up by an expert tech who has optimized a weapon. So LL range module is simply your tech making modifications to the LL on your mech to have a better range, etc.
Pilot skill modules would offer customization for the pilot in much the same way. Choose a "scout" skill and you get an increase to sensor range or something along those lines that would fit in with a "scout specialist".
Choose a "medium mech expert" skill and you get some added bonuses in a medium mech. They can be small adjustments to quirks, speed boost, twist and turn rates, etc. when piloting a medium mech.
Choose a "short range" specialist and you get some bonuses when brawling at short range.
On and on. It creates a system where playerrs can customize their actual character with stats as well.
Now as far as modules overall are concerned. The cost of modules is simply far too expensive and backwards. We have players sitting on hundreds of thousands of exp on mechs that sits there and does absolutely nothing. There's nothing to spend it on and no matter how hard you try to justify it, "devs gotta eat" it, etc. free players are NOT going to spend money on the game just to convert exp.
The exp cost of modules is what I feel should be expensive (and per mech, not just a generic pod that you pull out and drop in) and use mech exp, not general exp. The cbill cost should be reduced and a "per mech" style purchase as these modules are meant to enhance the mechs' performance, not the pilot's.
For example, Radar Dep is 6 million cbills.
That costs more than many of the mechs in the game. If you really want to add "depth" to the game PGI, you've got to reevaluate your "economy". It makes no sense, it's confusing, and it's a dead end.
If Radar Dep had a cbill cost of only say 500k cbills, but had a mech exp cost of 10k and could only be used on that mech, it would shift how these modules are viewed and used. It also adds a more sustainable sink overall. Right now, once you purchase a module, that's it, technically (unless we're talking CW drop decks) you never have to buy another module because you can just switch it in and out of other mechs.
Duplicate modules are purchased for convenience, not need, or desire. By flipping the philosophy on what they are, what they do, limiting them, adjusting the economic impact of them, and creating a more robust skill tree you have players investing in the character of the pilot and then you're able to exploit that into more money down the road in terms of being able to customize a pilot's look through cosmetic microtransactions just like cosmetic items work with mechs now.
It could be a MUCH deeper system with a few changes in how they work and philosophy on how they're used.
Modules is how you add an RPG element to pilots, create a great sink for cbills and exp, as well as giving some long-term customization options for characters in the game.
The first thing I think of when I hear "modules" and the skill modules in particular, is Mech Commander's module system for pilot customization when it came to their skills. You have several different modules you could purchase for each pilot. They ranged from things like "light mech specialist" that would result in bonuses to that character piloting a light mech, to LRM expert which would add a bonus when that pilot was using LRMs.
Weapon modules would still have a place as they can be considered "tech" modules and explained as being offered up by an expert tech who has optimized a weapon. So LL range module is simply your tech making modifications to the LL on your mech to have a better range, etc.
Pilot skill modules would offer customization for the pilot in much the same way. Choose a "scout" skill and you get an increase to sensor range or something along those lines that would fit in with a "scout specialist".
Choose a "medium mech expert" skill and you get some added bonuses in a medium mech. They can be small adjustments to quirks, speed boost, twist and turn rates, etc. when piloting a medium mech.
Choose a "short range" specialist and you get some bonuses when brawling at short range.
On and on. It creates a system where playerrs can customize their actual character with stats as well.
Now as far as modules overall are concerned. The cost of modules is simply far too expensive and backwards. We have players sitting on hundreds of thousands of exp on mechs that sits there and does absolutely nothing. There's nothing to spend it on and no matter how hard you try to justify it, "devs gotta eat" it, etc. free players are NOT going to spend money on the game just to convert exp.
The exp cost of modules is what I feel should be expensive (and per mech, not just a generic pod that you pull out and drop in) and use mech exp, not general exp. The cbill cost should be reduced and a "per mech" style purchase as these modules are meant to enhance the mechs' performance, not the pilot's.
For example, Radar Dep is 6 million cbills.
That costs more than many of the mechs in the game. If you really want to add "depth" to the game PGI, you've got to reevaluate your "economy". It makes no sense, it's confusing, and it's a dead end.
If Radar Dep had a cbill cost of only say 500k cbills, but had a mech exp cost of 10k and could only be used on that mech, it would shift how these modules are viewed and used. It also adds a more sustainable sink overall. Right now, once you purchase a module, that's it, technically (unless we're talking CW drop decks) you never have to buy another module because you can just switch it in and out of other mechs.
Duplicate modules are purchased for convenience, not need, or desire. By flipping the philosophy on what they are, what they do, limiting them, adjusting the economic impact of them, and creating a more robust skill tree you have players investing in the character of the pilot and then you're able to exploit that into more money down the road in terms of being able to customize a pilot's look through cosmetic microtransactions just like cosmetic items work with mechs now.
It could be a MUCH deeper system with a few changes in how they work and philosophy on how they're used.
Posted 09 February 2016 - 01:35 PM
An economic overhaul is not a bad idea and i really agree with your idea of a higher exp cost vs a higher cbill cost
Posted 10 February 2016 - 06:03 PM
Modules and Consumables really ruin the balance for us newer players with less money and mechs, the tier system is already unbalanced but adding these overpriced things into the game really is the icing on the cake imo...
Posted 11 February 2016 - 08:46 AM
Samial, on 10 February 2016 - 06:03 PM, said:
Modules and Consumables really ruin the balance for us newer players with less money and mechs, the tier system is already unbalanced but adding these overpriced things into the game really is the icing on the cake imo...
Based on what I see quite regularly. Vets and new players alike don't bother carrying consumables in quickplay. It's not much of an issue in regards to balance, it is an issue for long-term depth and customization though.
If they really want to create a microtransaction revenue stream, then simply add an MC cost to modules and allow them to be purchased with MC, no difference in performance, but it allows players another option of convenience and speed for those with disposable income.
Posted 13 September 2016 - 09:18 PM
just jumping in to the convo right here...
Overhauling the economics of the game might be an idea for another point: Omnimechs
Omnimechs are supposed to be the cutting edge of Battlemech Technology on two main points:
1) Universal hardpoints that allow any kind of weapon configuration
2) repairs and maintance can be done in a fraction of the time, at a reduced overall cost
So if the economics were overhauled so that cost of ammunition, repairs, and maintence were included, the Clan Omnimechs would have a higher initial C-bill cost, but would be the better earners under most conditions. Also, in regards to the standard Battlemechs you could include a reduction to overall costs if you are in "Faction Friendly" 'mech/variant.
Overhauling the economics of the game might be an idea for another point: Omnimechs
Omnimechs are supposed to be the cutting edge of Battlemech Technology on two main points:
1) Universal hardpoints that allow any kind of weapon configuration
2) repairs and maintance can be done in a fraction of the time, at a reduced overall cost
So if the economics were overhauled so that cost of ammunition, repairs, and maintence were included, the Clan Omnimechs would have a higher initial C-bill cost, but would be the better earners under most conditions. Also, in regards to the standard Battlemechs you could include a reduction to overall costs if you are in "Faction Friendly" 'mech/variant.
Edited by Black Lanner, 14 September 2016 - 07:42 PM.
Posted 14 September 2016 - 03:53 AM
as for the OP, I would say that there are so many potential directions for the Modules that it is difficult to figure out where to go with them in the future... perhaps a "Spotter" or "Mk 1 Eyeball" Mod that puts a gray marker on your minimap when an enemy mech is in line of sight? This would require an new slot... call it the "Meatbag Enhancement Slot"
Also, another thing modules could do is with Mastery, effectively create the "Level 3 play" from the Tabletop, i.e. Angel ECM, Bloodhound Active Probes, Enhanced Imaging, etc.
Also, another thing modules could do is with Mastery, effectively create the "Level 3 play" from the Tabletop, i.e. Angel ECM, Bloodhound Active Probes, Enhanced Imaging, etc.
Edited by Black Lanner, 14 September 2016 - 07:37 PM.
Posted 24 September 2016 - 06:30 PM
Well, i think the most usefull addition would be to make it possible to see from inventory which modules are equiped on what mech. Doesn't need to be that elaborate. short mechname would be sufficient.
It's really time consuming to have to go through each and every mech (this increases as one collects more mechs) when one want to find a module.
It's really time consuming to have to go through each and every mech (this increases as one collects more mechs) when one want to find a module.
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