DATE: August 1st, 3049
MESSAGE TO: Precentor-Terra
ORDER: Delta
RE: Defensive posturing alongKurita borders.
Finest Precentor,
There has been a large scalemobilization of BattleMech units along the Kuritan borders. Interceptedcommunications indicate that BattleMech production has increased dramaticallyand that factories are being ordered to deliver all BattleMech inventories toborder planets. We are unsure at this time if this action is defensive orhostile and will be monitoring the activity heavily.
It would be advisable to notifythe First Circuit of these activities due to the sheer scale of thesemaneuvers.
-------- END OF TRANSMISSION----------
All Kurita favored and manufacturedBattleMech non-hero chassis are now 35% off regular MC prices as well as Kuritaprimary colors (Rust, Caput Mortuum, Obsidian Black) are 50% off. Additionally Kuritan cockpit items are also on sale at 50% off.