TheFuzzyBunny, on 05 August 2014 - 06:53 PM, said:
So Mirrk, you fire your LRM, then your ML's, and why they are on their cool down you will have charged up and fired the Gauss, won't hurt you at all.
Yay, forcing people into specific rotations like MMO thanks
I see what you're saying but often times I play that far differently than how you're describing for a fight. It needs be more fluid and dynamic than that otherwise you're just effectively making the weapon unusuable. By forcing a reset on using other weapons it negates it entirely if you get into anything but that ideal combat position to always do that same rotation.
I simply feel that a longer cool down with an extreme velocity increase is the solution, make it a more niche weapon so it isn't as useful in brawling as well as sniping. That'd give folks with closer ranged autocannons the edge when they're up close and personal, while the guass packs a severe punch at range.
This would also put it more inline with how those weapons really work on that scale. The current naval tested gauss rifles have a velocity of 15,000 m/s. The projectile should be trying to tear itself apart from air friction. Or in the event of a space map not at all...This would also make it more of a point and click weapon for when you have it charged up. I'd suggest a change from the current 3,000 m/s velocity to 8,000 m/s with an addition 5 seconds on the cooldown before firing again.