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August 8Th Weapon Balance Update And Patch - Feedback

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#661 POWR


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 04:56 AM

View PostRad Hanzo, on 08 August 2014 - 04:55 AM, said:

Fix HSR first for ALL pings, THEN setup weapon properties .
Not that hard, or ?

You know there's a reason why noone ever plays on a server with more than like 50 ping, right? No matter the game? It's because there's no such thing as anti-lag code that works well enough to make sense of a ping that high when you include the actual latency that includes the time on the server to resolve all the things the server has to do.

#662 Tombstoner


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 04:57 AM

should have just gone with a pulse duration 1/2 that of lasers. That would decouple the ppc gause meta suficantly.

Projectile speed is a joke.

#663 Bigbacon


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 04:58 AM

maybe some of this wouldn't seem so bad if a lot of the maps didn't place teams with in firing range at the start of the round?

and after reading more the 2 second duration is a bit much for the CERLL. 1.5 already seemed like an eternity and at 2, you better hope the target you a shooting at is running across open ground or right in your face.

they will be useless on maps like river city. As others said, ERML will become king, and with a max range of 900 they can still reach out and cause some damage while you close.

#664 POWR


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 04:59 AM

View PostDeath Storm, on 08 August 2014 - 04:55 AM, said:

I have something to say:

How about you don't Nerf Clan weapons anymore Period!!, PPC and ER Large Laser, This begs to differ the question why bother using PPC cannon if you are going to slow down speed it takes PPC to hit a target why would i want that.

Leave Er Laser alone, if you add more heat weapons it become even bigger nightmare pilot who use them when their mechs overheat in battle.

A point to be made here: a lot people including myself paid lot money for these Clan Mechs the Weapons on Clan mech were initially already majorly Nerfed Clan Weapons do not need any more nerfs thank. I for one want my moneys worth for what i paid for these Clan mechs and i can assure you it was well into £100-£200 border line so please STOP NERFING Clans Mechs and their weapon anymore.

I am not trying to be pain in butt but I have to express my opinion Those Clan Mechs were far more expensive than Inner Sphere Mech we all have paid a lot of money for these mech and I wish the Developers can appreciate what i am trying say hear I am totally against any more Nerfs to Clan technology as I my self and other people paid a hefty Fee for these Clan Mech we deserved our moneys worth and I mean that with no disrespect to anyone.

Also do as a favour and remove the 2 button mechanics used in Guass Cannon it main reason why i never use Guass Cannon anymore

How about the 140$ I spent on my Founder Atlas and Overlord package? You got mechs that are super overpowered, mine were never even close to overpowered and most agree that 3/4 of the four original Phoenix mechs are gimp and nearly useless.

If I were to follow your logic, I would cry out for all clans to be nerfed to hell and back because my Atlas at 60$ was WAY more expensive for a SINGLE mech and variant than your 8 mechs + variants and tons of crap for 240$. Sweet deal you got there. Pay 2 Win and green grass all around on your side of the fence.

Of course you don't want it nerfed. Because it's not fun when you're not just roflstomping and you paid all that money! ALL THAT MONEY!

Stop sounding like an angry kid who doesn't want to play nice with the others. It's shameful.

#665 dqIII


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:03 AM

Well nice job screwing up again, 3 to 12 not noticible huh? You guys are the worst...constructively, your art dept is still good. But seriously...step away from the nerfs...slowly.

#666 Nightmare1


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:03 AM

I own 48 BattleMechs and only one has a Gauss Rifle on it. Five of them have PPCs though. I still have 12 Mechs from the Clan Package that I haven't even gotten around to piloting, leveling, or outfitting yet, so the number is (or at least, was) likely to grow.

Why should they be penalized? This will pretty much kill my sniper QKD-5K, which comes armed with two PPCs. Already non-competitive, it is a fun Mech. Now it's purpose has been destroyed since PGI roughly halved the PPC velocity.

I have a skirmisher Nova with a single CERPPC (Other weapons mounted on it too, of course). It's not supposed to be a brawler or a mid-range cherry picker, and has been working just fine as a skirmisher/sniper. Now that won't be very effective. It took me forever to find a build for it that I liked - now I'll be forced to start over again.

My three PPC, two AC/5 BLR-1G is now dead in the water. The AC/5 nerf was bad enough but now? It's not worth the heat trade-off to keep the PPCs. It was originally a long-range support build, but I can't risk that anymore since it runs XL. My favorite Assault in the game just got wiped out by techies.

Seriously, why the heavy-handed tactics??? The proposed mechanic disabling PPCs and Gauss from firing at the same time was fine with me. Why punish all the non-Gauss users too? Why further make energy boats like the HBK-4P and the Awesome even more unplayable?

Please reconsider PGI! At the very least, consider a less drastic velocity decrease. This echos of the time that you boosted LRMs by 55 m/s, effectively breaking the game for a weekend. Try doing things in increments and stop jumping into it feet first! This nerf is a 43% decrease to projectile speed (rounded). Why???

And the CERLLs? Really? I have two Mechs with those equipped; one Daishi and one Uller. That just effectively killed my Uller build (2 CERLL, 1 AC/5-LBX). I am confident that my Daishi will need restructuring too. That particular Daishi is an energy build - I don't like missiles and wanted something different than the other two ballistics Daishi I own. Now I'll be forced to go ballistics again since the CERPPCs and CERLLs have all been nerfed! This is all very expensive for pilots and unneeded for most of us.

So, bravo PGI, you've effectively aggravated your player base once again, while forcing many of us to spend scads more C-bills in an attempt to salvage Mech chassis that are rapidly becoming unusable because of all these nerfs! When will it end?

#667 POWR


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:04 AM

View PostdqIII, on 08 August 2014 - 05:03 AM, said:

Well nice job screwing up again, 3 to 12 not noticible huh? You guys are the worst...constructively, your art dept is still good. But seriously...step away from the nerfs...slowly.

Have you tried it?

#668 DrSlamastika


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:06 AM

Is there any chance for not happenning this ugly nerf, after complain of players, or PGI jus dont care about players, and do what they want?

#669 POWR


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:07 AM

All these grown men, sitting here raging over a videogame. Hilarious!

#670 Livewyr


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:11 AM

View PostDrSlamastika, on 08 August 2014 - 05:06 AM, said:

Is there any chance for not happenning this ugly nerf, after complain of players, or PGI jus dont care about players, and do what they want?

I keep waiting for Paul to update his thread with:

"Hahaha I got you didn't I?"

"We are putting the laser to 2nd duration and increasing the heat, but the Ghost heat got you all good!"

#671 Quaamik


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:11 AM

View PostBigbacon, on 08 August 2014 - 04:41 AM, said:

so these changes come about because of the "top tier" of players?

really? the PPC wasn't a problem. the guass/ppc wasn't a real problem.

clan ERLL wasn't a real problem. so up the heat a bit and leave it. Hell so a 2 LL kitfox now has a penalty....

All the light PPC builds are now effectively dead I bet as you'll only be hitting slow heavies and the HSR will make it impossible to hit fast moving mechs.

if you only cater to your top tier players, then you've already failed because they make up a small minority of your player base.

still doesn't fix anything as you just nerfed IS mechs even more then against clans who have weapons that out range everything IS have to offer. (talking just range here)

again, neither one of these were a problem except to the obviously cry baby top tier players.

I want to like this twice.

#672 EvilCow


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:14 AM

View PostPOWR, on 08 August 2014 - 05:07 AM, said:

All these grown men, sitting here raging over a videogame. Hilarious!

Sitting here arguing with grown men raging over a videogame.


#673 RuneCaster


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:17 AM

This is really going to hurt my Awesome...

I think PGI should follow what Valve did with Team Fort 2 and have their test server be more active with changes like these. Heck, you could even go heavy handed annd be like "We have nerfs/buffs inbound, all games saturday will be testing new features" and then give incentives like "In thanks, we'll give you X Cbills/new mechbay/something."

That will keep the community feedback involved, keep us in the development loop, and gives PGI a HUGE **free** test pool and platform.

#674 Anais Opal


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:17 AM

View Postcephyn, on 07 August 2014 - 06:23 PM, said:

Clan ERLL nerfing is ... awful. I don't pilot assaults. I pilot Kit Foxes with 2 ERLLs. Now they're going to be completely hamstrung. They're not fast enough or armored enough to get in close, and ERPPCs are already too hot and heavy. This is terrible.

And this will totally jank my Nova rainbow build - 2 ERLL, 2 ERML and 2 ERSL.

This is really disappointing. Ugh.


I don't know, I run an ECM Kitfox with 1 C-ERLLAS, 2 C-MLAS and 2 C-MG's with 3 AMS, a MK1 TC and 2 JJets, or I swap out the C-ERLLAS and go with 3 C-MPLAS and 2 C-MG's with 3 AMS, a MK1 TC and 2 JJets and do just fine with it.

Kitfoxes are definately about piloting skill imo.

Edited by GlycerineOxide, 08 August 2014 - 05:19 AM.

#675 Why Run


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:20 AM

My point was that you cannot simply make a change in a vacuum when there are plenty of other issues to attempt to test. This incremental change nonsense is so completely laughable. Lets pretend for a second that it's not that the more experienced players are playing Clan (because they spent real money on them). And that clans are too strong (not really, only one or two variants are current abusing). Why would wholesale changes be appropriate? The Summoner is LAUGHABLE. The NOVA? great, unless you roll a hot map and fire once every 5 minutes (or you know what you're doing circling back to skill < shocker).

In Mechwarrior, Clans were superior. To overcome superior forces, you had SUPERIOR NUMBERS! Shocker. Perhaps a history lesson and relation to some good GAME application to help you. In World War 2, the eastern front in Eurasia was a battle between the technologically advanced German Panzer divisions and the vastly larger Soviet Army. Many good games have successfully balanced the superior MG42s against 2x the resources. In Mechwarrior Lore, IS overcame clans adapting technology and using superior numbers. WHY NOT TEST IT FIRST?!?!?!?! It does make sense, it is practical. This is not call of duty, it is suppose to be an intelligent shooter. It's not, it's become extremely stupid. And a big waste of money.

#676 Marauder3D


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:20 AM

When do these nerfs go live?

Also, please start nerfing in a manner that doesn't hurt non boaters. I'm not the guy who is using 5 Er LL. why nerd my nearly stock Griffin, Adder, Timber Wolf, etc.....?

Thank you,


Edited by Marauder3D, 08 August 2014 - 05:22 AM.

#677 VirtualSmitty


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:25 AM

The PPC nerf is much too drastic.

#678 Grey Death Storm


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:25 AM

View PostPOWR, on 08 August 2014 - 04:59 AM, said:

How about the 140$ I spent on my Founder Atlas and Overlord package? You got mechs that are super overpowered, mine were never even close to overpowered and most agree that 3/4 of the four original Phoenix mechs are gimp and nearly useless.

If I were to follow your logic, I would cry out for all clans to be nerfed to hell and back because my Atlas at 60$ was WAY more expensive for a SINGLE mech and variant than your 8 mechs + variants and tons of crap for 240$. Sweet deal you got there. Pay 2 Win and green grass all around on your side of the fence.

Of course you don't want it nerfed. Because it's not fun when you're not just roflstomping and you paid all that money! ALL THAT MONEY!

Stop sounding like an angry kid who doesn't want to play nice with the others. It's shameful.


How about the 140$ I spent on my Founder Atlas and Overlord package? You got mechs that are super overpowered, mine were never even close to overpowered and most agree that 3/4 of the four original Phoenix mechs are gimp and nearly useless.

To start with you paid $140 for you founders package that £83.32 to sterling pound I paid for Clan Mech whopping around $250 or over which is around £148.78


If I were to follow your logic, I would cry out for all clans to be nerfed to hell and back because my Atlas at 60$ was WAY more expensive for a SINGLE mech and variant than your 8 mechs + variants and tons of crap for 240$. Sweet deal you got there. Pay 2 Win and green grass all around on your side of the fence.

Thats not my logic that your logic personally I have never once cried for a Nerf to any the weapons in this game I just got with the program however i'm am getting tired of it.


Of course you don't want it nerfed. Because it's not fun when you're not just roflstomping and you paid all that money! ALL THAT MONEY!

Technically ever since ELO system came onto the scene I have been constant face rolled due to being put in with weaker teams help bolster there defence so where are you coming from!!.


Stop sounding like an angry kid who doesn't want to play nice with the others. It's shameful.

Please dont try to dictate to me what my attitude sounds like because your wrong

#679 Antagonist


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:27 AM

View PostNikolai Lubkiewicz, on 07 August 2014 - 06:11 PM, said:


And you're wondering why I haven't played since shortly after the release of clan mechs?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Whoever manages to wrap their head around combining the GR charge-up with firing a second weapon group deserves to hit their target for 45 points of damage.

CERLL...I don't know where to start. You've effectively quadruple nerfed it in one patch:

Beam duration
heat penalty multiplier
maximum weapons fired without incurring ghost heat

Out of these four, the beam duration nerf is the most moronic. You're under the assumption hitting a moving target at 800m is the same as hitting it at 500m. Newsflash: It ain't. You have a very hard time landing the 11 points of damage fully on the target, let alone a single location at 800m. Conversely, generated heat doesn't care about your distance to the target.

Yeah, I know, that was a surprise for me, too.

That said, I'm assuming you increased its heat because the longer beam duration made it more heat efficient, thereby lowering its DPS and DPS application.

So you realized IS LLs create less heat for less range and have shorter beam durations for slightly less damage. I'd even go so far as to say two IS LLs woulsn't significantly impede an IS assault mech's ability to dish out damage.

Newsflash: Assault mechs are supposed to dish out and soak up damage.

Them having superior heat dissipation capability is not a flaw, it's a feature. You should already be aware of that, considering you're part of the team that is making this game, but you're apparently unable to see that. I'll get back to this in a bit.

Increasing the heat penalty multiplier...that's actually something I can get behind for as long as it takes you to devise a heat balancing system that makes sense in the mean time. I never was a fan of GH, nor will I ever be. Balancing heat/energy weapons should be achieved by means that aren't hack jobs.

You really went ahead and reduced the number of CERLL that can be fired without incurring GH to 1. I have no words.

Actually, I do, but they'd just come out as lines of asterisks.

Do you have any idea at all about what you've just done to Clan mediums and lights? No? I guessed so.

What do you mean, you weren't aware of any mech chassis lighter than 80 tons?

Let me say it like this: They have little to no means left to apply damage without getting chewed up. You're going to see a rise in Clan heavies and assaults and a steady decline in Clan players overall. Give me confirmation on this prognosis at your leisure.

Players that financed the piece of fecal matter you're busy turning this game into "for balance".

#680 Willard Phule


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 05:27 AM

Just out of curiosity.....

I wonder how much the multiple Clan on Clan matches skewed that 90% result.

Regardless, it also makes you wonder about how they're collecting their data. They've done two Clan/IS tests that I'm aware of. Why didn't the first one end up with a 90/10 ratio? What was different between the two tests?

And...more importantly....why is Paul going to town with the Nerf Stick based on data that can't be replicated with any degree of reliability?

It's almost as if Paul is saying:

Based on the multiple tests we've run, we've concluded that 2+2=Banana. At first we thought 2+2=Artichoke, based on the first test, but now we're pretty sure it's Banana.

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