What we currently have:
All Enemy units show up Red.
All Friendly units except for your Lance show up Dark Blue.
All units in your lance show up Light Blue.
What I suggest:
Alpha Lance sees - All Alpha Lance units show up in Dark Blue (or insert color choice here) and appear Dark Blue to Bravo & Charlie Lance. All Alpha Lance units numbered one through four next to the indicator arrow on the HUD and superimposed over the arrow on the Battle-grid. All other friendly units similarly labeled in their colors.
Bravo Lance sees - All Bravo Lance units show up in Light Blue (or insert color choice here) and appear Light Blue to Alpha & Charlie Lance.All Bravo Lance units numbered one through four next to the indicator arrow on the HUD and superimposed over the arrow on the Battle-grid. All other friendly units similarly labeled in their colors.
Charlie Lance sees - All Charlie Lance units show up in Purple (or insert color choice here) and appear Purple to Alpha & Bravo Lance. All Charlie Lance units numbered one through four next to the indicator arrow on the HUD and superimposed over the arrow on the Battle-grid. All other friendly units similarly labeled in their colors.
From the viewpoint of all friendly units - These colors should be static between Lances so that everyone sees the same colors for the same lance. All Enemy units should show up in Red as they currently do, with no changes and no additional information.
Why I suggest this change:
Logically, strategically, and tactically speaking, this is information that our IFF system should be providing anyway. In our current system, our radar essentially treats all friendly contacts as line of sight enemy contacts with regard to information. The only exception to this in the current system is your lance mates get flagged Light Blue instead.
These changes will allow for more effective unit coordination, and faster & easier interpretation of radar & HUD data. This will assist situational awareness, promote easier & precise communication, and streamline & assist unit command.
Edited by Wraith0177, 05 August 2014 - 03:54 PM.