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Weapon Module Revision

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#1 Neodisher


  • Little Helper
  • Little Helper
  • 9 posts
  • LocationGemany

Posted 10 August 2014 - 09:35 AM

Hello together,

after even the clan mechs got their weapon modules, I'm thinking it's time to make some suggestions on them.

The modules mainly make no sense at all (except the modules for AMS, NARC and machine guns). You take a heat penality for a few metres more range. Nobody really would use that, especially for 3.000.000 cbills. Why not making them more custom-built?

If you select a specific weapon module, it gives you some options, you can alter your weapon like this:

1. 10% more range for a 20% heat penalty
2. 20% lower range for 10% lower heat production

3. 10% more damage for 20% heat penalty
4. 20% lower damage for 10% lower heat production

5. 10% lower cooldown for 20% heat penalty
6. 20% more cooldown for 10% lower heat production

7. 10% more damage for 20% more cooldown
8. 20% lower damage for 10% lower cooldown

9. 10% more range for 20% more cooldown
10. 20% lower range for 10% lower cooldown

And so on. I guess you got the idea behind my suggestion. So, these points should be included there: range, cooldown, damage, heat, beam duration, lock on time (for streaks).

This would make much more and allows a highly specific setup for a mech for individual gameplay. So, you pick a boost of 10% in one option with a penalty of 20% in another option.

What do you think about that?

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