The fundamental principle that has kept our organization alive for a decade.
We are a Mecenary group looking for more pilots, pilots of any skill level, class, and background.
Our requirements are that you are a mature, 18+, team orientated individual with the drive and will to get better, a working microphone, and the ability to follow directions.
We are mainly US-Eastern, but have several members across the US as well as Europe.
Our website: will serve as our centralized forums, scheduling, and networking component with VOIP being delivered via a dedicated Ventrilo server.
We fully intend on participating in Community Warfare as well as the various leagues and tournaments this amazing community is providing.
We are currently competiting in RHoD's 4v4 NA league.
Methods to begin the recruitment process and/or join us in some games:
Add me in-game: Bokuden
PM me on these forums
Register an account on our forums
Hit me up on sometime: Boku_den (I'm almost always watching ngngtv and MWOPro while at work)
Edited by Bokuden, 29 September 2014 - 10:40 AM.