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Distinctive Role And Function For Pulse Lasers

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#1 ProfessorD


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Posted 17 August 2014 - 01:47 PM

It appears that we have a majority opinion in this community that pulse lasers are underpowered for their weight (relative to beam lasers) and lack a distinctive role or purpose. We can fix that, and I think we can do so in a positive way that adds distinctiveness, adds fun, and is overall a buff, rather than a nerf.

== 1st: Set Medium and Large Pulse Laser ranges (both clan and IS; Note 1) with their optimal range at no more than 2/3 of their beam laser counterpart (Note 2).

== 2nd: Set all pulse laser maximum range at no more than 1.5x their optimal range. These two changes eliminate much of the current overlap in function between beam and pulse lasers.

== 3rd: Reduce Clan beam duration slightly. I would follow a principle that pulse lasers should do approximately twice as much damage per second of beam duration as their beam laser counterpart. Since Clan laser damage values are pretty similar between beam and pulse lasers, this means we would need to set pulse lasers at about half the duration of beam lasers.

== 4th: Substantially reduce all pulse laser cooldown times. (<-- This is the big one!) The principle I would use here is to bring all pulse lasers to somewhere between 40% and 50% higher sustained DPS than their beam laser counterparts (Note 3).

== 5th: Keep pulse laser damage and heat about where they are. I think pulse laser damage and heat values, along with IS durations, are in about the right place (Note 4 and 5).

I didn't figure everyone wanted all the notes, so I moved them here.

Note 1: Small lasers of all types are already so weak, and so rarely the superior choice, that I don't want to weaken them any further by reducing their ranges. Basically the only remotely optimal use case for small lasers is boating 12 of them on a Nova.

Note 2: You might notice that this leaves the Clan Large Pulse Laser still having an optimal range around 600m, which, combined with proposal the 2nd, still leaves them able to touch a target out to 900m. Separately, I would also bring the optimal range of Clan ERLLas in to below 800m, and I would probably reduce the range of Clan LPL even more. I don't want to mix proposals here, though. Focus on the pulse lasers!

Note 3: It's very important to do this with cooldown, rather than by increasing damage value. This is part of what will make pulse lasers more distinctive. This set of proposals will give them a big DPS advantage over most alternatives at short to knife-fight ranges. In exchange for that DPS advantage, the have low or zero effectiveness at long range, rapid heat generation, and require you to face your target for several cycles or somehow maneuver and twist extremely quickly (does anyone here twist and maneuver on 2 second cycles? You literally can't do it in an assault mech). If you are facing your target, you are vulnerable to return fire, and you aren't causing any cockpit shale with lasers that might disrupt their aim. If you are somehow maneuvering and twisting that fast, you're spreading damage for sure. If you are able to move and twist, and still deliver precise shots, on a 2-3 second cycle, you deserve to do lots of damage. You'll still overheat after a couple cycles, anyway, if you keep it up.

Note 4: I would keep two possible tweaks in the bag for refinement if pulse laser damage got out of hand when testing this proposal on the Public Test Server (which would be essential). First, if pulse laser boats take over, apply a universal heat penalty to any combination of more than 6 lasers fired at the same time. I wouldn't expect this to happen, so I wouldn't expect to have to use this one, but it's a thought. Second, be prepared to bump the heat value on all pulse lasers up by about 10%. We would roll this one out if I turn out to be wrong about the top-tier folks, and fast brawling with rapid pulse laser cycling turns out to be a devastating enough style to challenge the currently optimal pinpoint instantaneous damage style.

Note 5: As another separate change, I would also favor increasing the damage of all large class lasers (with the possible exception of the C-ERLLas) by up to 20%. The change proposed above is an attempt to make pulse lasers distinctive and valuable. I think we need another change to make any kind of large class laser other than the C-ERLLas actually worth their tonnage. As it is the tonnage jump between medium class lasers and large class lasers is very steep for all types, and if you have the hardpoints available, it's much more favorable to add more medium lasers (and more heatsinks or engine upgrades) than to add any large laser to your build.

Alright Forumwarriors. I know how this works, and I know what I was asking for here. Fire away.

Edited by ProfessorD, 17 August 2014 - 01:49 PM.

#2 Sleipnir


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Posted 17 August 2014 - 02:50 PM

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Edited by Sleipnir, 17 August 2014 - 02:51 PM.

#3 Exzander


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Posted 17 August 2014 - 03:11 PM


#4 ImperialKnight


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Posted 17 August 2014 - 04:23 PM

tl:dr for lazy people, reduce cooldown time and increase FLD of pulse lasers

it's doesn't add more distinctiveness, it's just a buff

some time back there were suggestions to turn pulse lasers into pulse MGs, basically it keeps pulsing if you hold down the fire button. by tuning the damage per pulse, keep the DPS roughly the same as before. and of course your heat keeps going up as you fire.

now THAT was adding flavour. I still wish it was implemented

#5 ProfessorD


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Posted 17 August 2014 - 05:18 PM

View Postknightsljx, on 17 August 2014 - 04:23 PM, said:

some time back there were suggestions to turn pulse lasers into pulse MGs, basically it keeps pulsing if you hold down the fire button. by tuning the damage per pulse, keep the DPS roughly the same as before. and of course your heat keeps going up as you fire.

This is a pretty cool idea. I could support that.

It's not clear if you intend this as a change to pulse laser firing mechanics, or an even further reduction in cooldown with corresponding changes in damage. One of my goals was to avoid proposing changes in mechanics, since that would take a lot more code work. Changes in values of properties like damage and cooldown should be pretty easy.

View Postknightsljx, on 17 August 2014 - 04:23 PM, said:

tl:dr for lazy people, reduce cooldown time and increase FLD of pulse lasers

it's doesn't add more distinctiveness, it's just a buff

To be clear, I did intend a net buff for pulse lasers as part of this. I do not think their current damage output justifies their weight. Lots of people seem to have wanted a better brawling weapon for a long time, and this seems like a way to offer that.

I assume by the increase in front loaded damage you're referring to the Clan beam duration reduction? I'm pretty confident the net result of this would be that pulse laser users would spend more time facing their target, which would counter any additional front-loaded-ness the duration reduction offers. That was Note 4, for the folks that didn't read it. Most other places in these forums, front-loaded-damage is talked about as the opposite of damage-per-second, and more DPS is definitely the focus of this change. I don't think pulse lasers currently have any problem with too much FLD, and I don't think they would after this change.

#6 Koniving

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Posted 17 August 2014 - 05:40 PM

An admittedly simpler thing. Just follow the damn lore.

Lasers: 1:42 in.

Pulse Lasers: 3:20 in.

View PostKoniving, on 22 June 2014 - 06:58 AM, said:

Real quick, the reasoning is that these are mainly based on Tabletop stats. ER Small and Small Pulse are in fact supposed to be identical in heat; but PGI upped the damage for small pulses.

Clan small pulse is supposed to be 3 damage, where clan ER small is supposed to be 5.

The difference is in lore, pulse lasers are laser machine guns. Regular and ER lasers are one time fire, long recharge weapons.
"Instead of firing one powerful beam, they maintain laser beams fired off in quick succession." Not 1 pulsating laser, but several rapid laser beams that do significantly lower damage but in return generate significantly less heat per beam (it's a DoT weapon in the books; think Klingon Disurptors but a little more laser-like and instant-hitting).

PGI ignored this fact of lore because in past mechwarrior games the technology in gaming to do something like this both reliably and not be useless [due to 'projectile' physics that they would have done back then] didn't exist. (Much like they still think that burst fire ACs are against lore when in fact single shot ACs are against lore). PGI mirrored past games instead of looking into more than glimpsing at the Sarna stats.

Instead, what you have is actually the ability to fire faster. You cannot fire the weapon until it recharges, it will not recharge until it stops.
In 6.75 seconds, the small pulse will have fired 3 times and spread less than its ER small counter-part, dealing 10.2 damage.
In 7.5 seconds, the ER small laser will have fired 3 times, and can potentially spread the damage considerably more, dealing 15 damage.

Both have identical range. Both take one crit slot.
So shoot faster for emergencies, or shoot slower for more damage at the risk of spreading said damage more.

I honestly think the ER lasers should have had longer beam times than they do, but have the cooldowns reduced a tad bit to compensate (it'll make the mechs run hotter too for using them).
Example: If ER Small was 1.25 beam time, 2.0 cooldown, means identical DPS, longer beam time means a bit more spread, and finally the shorter cooldown/recharge time means it will technically have less time to 'sink' heat before you start making more again so it'd in theory run slightly hotter in constant use. Transition across the ER lasers for Clans.


If they were done correctly... Here's why you would have chosen a small pulse over an ER small laser.

ER lasers are typically 1 to 4 shots to get X damage. (Regular lasers up to 8, don't know the limit of regular smalls but we'll use 4).
Lets use a small laser at 4 shots. 0.25 heat per shot, 0.75 damage per shot, damage is instant (not a lengthy beam but instant). Zap, zap, zap, zap.
Lets use a Clan ER Small Laser at 4 shots. 0.5 heat per shot (twice as hot), 1.25 damage per shot (0.5 more damage pinpoint), damage is instant. Zap, zap, zap, zap.
Take a bunch together and that heat adds up, especially since less than 50% heat is when ammo could get violently unhappy with you.
But take pulse lasers now. They go up to 20 shots. Lets take one that does 10.
Clan Small Pulse laser at 10 shots. 0.2 heat per shot, 0.3 damage per shot, damage per shot is instant. "Eeerreeee-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew!" Substitute with wub if you like.
In other words, in the long run it'll be colder because it'll spike you less. Also a bunch of them would look and sound awesome.
Real quick, I do want to point out that pulse lasers are not be confused with the supposed heavy gatling lasers, which I can't find any information on other than "experimental" and "dark ages." From what I heard they're basically regular (or the Clan version ER) lasers that can queue the laser damage and heat more than once for that much more heat, basically a laser version of the Rotary autocannon. But I barely know anything about this and I suspect it might be apocryphal.

Pulse lasers in the books are supposedly considerably weaker than regular lasers, but far many times more frequently and with significantly shorter recharges, dealing equal or greater damage over time.

Of course in lore both pulse and regular lasers are 'instant damage' weapons; that is the damage is dealt as soon as it's fired but nothing says it's all at once. Pulses fire many lasers in a short period of time, where the regular ones fire once and take a while to recharge; the typical pulse laser will fire as many as 20 times to do its rated damage, meanwhile the typical standard laser will fire up to 8 times but are typically 3 to 5 times; ER lasers typically fire far more front-loaded damage in the books, resulting in significantly higher heat output such as the ER LL's "12 heat". Hence the greater effectiveness against groups of small moving targets such as platoons and battle armor wolfpacks.

For a little more fun... Why an LRM-20 with 4 salvos of 5 damage in 10 seconds was actually pretty good, why the Atlas K was among the best Atlases you could have (and worth the 12 million more than an Atlas D-DC), and a number of other things. Includes a LOT of information about the weapon variants, including why -- while an Atlas D or D-DC's AC/20 was more powerful as a DPS weapon -- the Atlas RS's AC/10 was a much more dangerous front loaded damage weapon.

In other words a crapload on weapon variants focusing specifically on the Atlases. Even includes the difference in cockpit between the typical Atlas (nose-seated cockpit) and D-DC (eye-seated cockpit).

Edited by Koniving, 18 August 2014 - 09:15 PM.

#7 ProfessorD


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Posted 18 August 2014 - 08:18 AM

I completely agree that PGI has missed a ton of opportunities to implement weapons in cooler ways, both lore-based or other creative variations, and if you mean to imply that more variations in weapon mechanics would offer more and better balance opportunities, I agree with that, too.

I was trying to work with what we have, only tweaking values we know are already in the code and don't require new mechanics. It's not super ambitious, but it's certainly doable.

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