With omnimechs came a whole new issue with creating a 3rd party mechlab program, and part of what has taken me so long to update this program is I've redone the backend from the ground up, again (this makes the third time I believe). Luckily with the experience I've gained from both this project and its problems in the past and my schooling, I'd like to think things are a lot cleaner on the backend. Probably the biggest change is the added reliance on external files, which some noted would be much better than hardcoding items like I did in the previously. To keep things simple, the external files are just csv files (with semi-colon delimiters instead of commas) that are essentially tables. I wanted to keep things readable as much as possible without creating a lot of headache with parsing so this is what I arrived at.
The second thing is that I wanted to move away from Java, unfortunately, Netbeans has spoiled me with its ease of GUI program development. Combined with the fact that the GUI is quite extensive, I decided to go ahead and wait to port over until after I got everything updated and working to switch to a different language. I will most likely be switching to C# due to the similarities between C# and Java, making porting over a lot easier (though I would really prefer to switch over to Python).
Here are some screenshots of what I have so far...