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The Plague Vicitims (Recruiment)

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#1 InVerbatim


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 03:15 PM

Here is The Plague Victims Merc Corp Recruitment page. Bringers of Pestilence and Mayhem.
"With the Plague comes Pain."

I am mwo pilot Inverbatim, Legendary founder of MWO and long time player of the mechwarrior franchise starting from when I was a child with mechwarrior 2. I am a casual player and would love the chance to bring good casual players together. I am currently enrolled in college, but I will have plenty of time to organize and oversee things and keep the corp rolling.

Want a teamspeak/ventrillo server? Done. Any ideas/questions/suggestions I will take into account.

Applications: Please be of a mature age or at least a mature mind. I don't want to deal with immaturity and i'm sure no one else does. Don't bother applying if you can't handle that much responsibility.

Please post in this thread here with:
your suggested combat role/s
combat experience
time zone
a short intro about yourself

Also if you have any special needs or things that I might need to be aware of message me and I will set up accomidations for you. Everyone is equal here.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you on the battlefield!

Edited by InVerbatim, 19 August 2014 - 03:27 PM.

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