I have been wondering if artemis on this mech is really worth the weight or not..
This one is the one i have been playing... I really love it.. (actually i did not notice till i just re-did it in smurfy, i was actually a bit lighter on the armor, Dropped 1/2 ton of AMS, and went with this set up.. gonna see if that extra 1/2 ton of armor helps me out, not sure how i missed it.. no wonder i kept loosing my arms!)
This is the one that has me thinking, Maybe i would be better off.. I do have all the stuff so the swap would not cost me anything outside of paying for the down grade on artemis., But i figured i would ask, anyway before i did.. Because i know many of you will know about no artemis and LRM 10's. I know the SRM's will spread a bit more, But from everything i noticed, they still spread a decent amount with, and just 6, it is more of a mini shot gun anyway. Basically my SRM's and Machine guns are the up close finishers.. main damage is LRMs
I play the mech as a LRM skirmisher/flanker.. This is almost about a 8 KPH increase which is pretty decent too. ..
As you can see, The main changes are No Artemis, and instead BAP, and Boost the engine from a XL-280 to a XL-300.
The last one that had me thinking was.. Keep the 280 XL, and install another 3 JJ's like this as with the recent changes, i swear that my 3 JJ's on my medium, seems to not work as well as 2 on my 65 ton heavy for some odd reason.. maybe it is in my head as i notice more trying to run away when things get hot, and i have less armor.. But it does feel like it doesn't jump as high anyway so this was one last build that has me curious to try...
anyways, Yea i know.. Just try it.. But i wanted to hear some feedback/thoughts.. and thought i would just post my wolverine for others that might be interested. I am really finding it a fantastic mech and a ton of fun, if you wan't to try something different..
But mainly i was curious about the lock times and spread differences on the LRM's..
Edited by JC Daxion, 21 August 2014 - 09:53 AM.