An introduction.
The advent of community warfare has prompted the registration of this unit for Mech Warrior Online. I now put foward the obligatory post about Charlie's Angels Independent Mech Privateers (CAMP). Please understand that this isn't an easy outfit to describe and not altogether attractive to many prospective mech warriors out there. Unlike other units, CAMP has no formal chain of command or is there ever likely to be one. There are no reporting, training or any other mandatory requirements. Whilst we probably won't go out and actively try to recruit anyone, I'm pretty sure that we'd be unlikely to turn anyone away. So please feel free to contact us in the 242 Squadron forums if CAMP is suitable for your requirements. At present, there is no web page, recruitment form or roster for CAMP. For now, its just encompasses the formation of a mercenary unit in anticipation of community warfare and we'll see what develops from this. Generally speaking, this post just serves as an "information session" to those of you, who might someday ask "what the hell is this Chalie's Angels outfit all about?" Hopefully, you will not all be too appalled by the prospect of CAMP.
Well for starters, Charlie's Angels is certainly not something that is the "run of the mill". It is not a "gung ho" or "militaristic" unit that you'd normally find within the community. Essentially, CAMP is an assortment of old friends, with a shared IL2 Sturmovik, HSFX and SEOW combat flight simulator background, who sometimes get together to play Mech Warrior Online. The members of our little group hail from Europe, United Kingdom, North America and Oz. A large proportion of CAMP personnel (including Charlie) are members of the 242 Squadron, which explains the use of the attached website URL. Most of us, myself included, are middle aged, independently minded and resentful of taking any form of orders to fit within a conventional unit. When discussing the defining characteristics of the group, I can only think along the lines of Kelly's Heroes meets Animal House to do it any sort of justice. Hopefully, the rudimentary privateers articles, set out hereunder, will adequately reflect or convey this character. At any rate, whatever community warfare brings, the formation of this unit should cater for these changes and maybe attract others of a similar disposition.
Unit Name: Charlie's Angels Independent Mech Privateers
Unit Tag: CAMP
Forum Recruitment URL: http://www.242sqn.co...7172f2efcbb3ca0
Fanpage URL: http://www.242sqn.co...7172f2efcbb3ca0
Background information to Charlie's Angels Independent Mech Privateers (CAMP).
As related to Battletech lore, the founder of this infamous unit is a former Star League Captain Charlie Chewbacca, mech pilot and part-time practologist in his spare time. As Aleksandr Kerensky's personal physician, he blamed himself (as did the Clans) for his patients death and subsequently formed his own mercenary unit. Since those earlier times, CAMP has served with most of the great innersphere houses throughout the galaxy and always with rather forgettable results that barely rate a footnote in the pages of history. Chewbacca's direct ancestor, Charles the Meek, is the current steward of the privateers. With him at the helm, CAMP seems destined to set new records in mediocrity. You will not find any mention of CAMP within Battletech lore. It is often a matter of great house state policy to deliberately destroy all records relating to CAMP, thus removing potential embarassment to affected parties or advertise past contractural hiring blunders.
CAMP Foundation Principle.
When others sally forth, we camp and collect.
CAMP Training and Modus Operandi.
'Practice and tactics are for loosers...' and anybody found to be discussing either will be subject to strictest reprimand.
CAMP Chain of Command.
There isn't one, but if we do put one in, the ranks from the lowest to highest echelon will be as follows:
Lowest - 3rd Rate Git - 2nd Rate Git - 1st Rate Git - Biggest Git - Highest
CAMP Recruitment Doctrine.
Anybody discerning enough to want to join is probably the right stuff....but if thats not enough, we suggest a display of mech-dance moves to the song "Louie Louie", the quality of which could be adjudicated by a desigated member of the group. That said, self acknowledged underachievers are always sought after and welcome.
CAMP Moto.
Is est vere bardus morior pro ones Rex
(appropriate for a bunch of fictional mercenaries anyway in this context....)
CAMP Colours.
Can be 'snappy' for CAMP, the more fluro the better...and of course war horns are 'de regeur'. Possibly a nice pastel would look good too, but we really don't care and each to their own.
CAMP Insignia.
A pig with wings. (seems appropriate)
CAMP Teamspeak.
CAMP Criticism and Feedback.
(please insert the sound of crickets)
Former CAMP Client Endorsements, Recommendations and Testimonials.
'...I am confident that CAMP will not effect the outcome of the 4th Sucession Wars in any significant way...'
Crown Prince Hanse Davion, military genius and originator of the 4th Sucession war.
'...Who ARE those Chimps ?....'
Melissa Davion-Steiner. Archon designate of house Steiner
'...Shamefull display...'
Takashi Kurita, the Dragon.
'...I would not hire that shambles if they were the last mech-warrior unit in the inner sphere...'
Janos Marik
'...CAMP have forced us to completely reconsider our conduct of ongoing hostilities...'
Maximillian Leto, shortly before executing Pavel Ridzik & Michael Hasek Davion, his greatest assets and then going completely nuts.
That's about it for now. The die is cast, time to make Inner Sphere history !
AKA. Warg
Charlie's Angels Independent Mech Privateers (Camp)
Started by Cptn Goodvibes Pig of Steel, Aug 22 2014 06:41 PM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 22 August 2014 - 06:41 PM
Posted 24 October 2014 - 07:19 PM
Just passing on some information to whoever within the MWO administration keeps a track on the various mercenary corps factions. Thanks to the stirling work of Mwolf and other members in the 102nd Yugoslav squadron, Charlies Angels Independent Mech Privateers (CAMP) now has a dedicated web site. CAMP is an international unit. Speaking from personal experience, I can only add that unlike us at CAMP, the guys of the 102nd are a highly professional and excellent flight sim unit. One of the best in this field of expertise.
CAMP website: http://102nd.org/CAMP/
Draughluin, AKA Warg
Just passing on some information to whoever within the MWO administration keeps a track on the various mercenary corps factions. Thanks to the stirling work of Mwolf and other members in the 102nd Yugoslav squadron, Charlies Angels Independent Mech Privateers (CAMP) now has a dedicated web site. CAMP is an international unit. Speaking from personal experience, I can only add that unlike us at CAMP, the guys of the 102nd are a highly professional and excellent flight sim unit. One of the best in this field of expertise.
CAMP website: http://102nd.org/CAMP/
Draughluin, AKA Warg
Edited by Draughluin, 24 October 2014 - 07:23 PM.
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