Here's why I disagree with this thread, it requires people to understand gradients as opposed to pure black/white hyperbole.
1) Clan Medium Pulse Lasers are not pure garbage - I agree with this, they are not "flamer" level of bad.
7 damage for 5.5 heat is OK.
400m range is good.
0.9s burn time is not bad.
2) Clan Medium Pulse Lasers are sub-optimal - This is my assertion:
- one extra ton
- the cost of 0.5 extra heat
- the loss of 50m range
That's it.
Compared to cERMLAS:
> Recycle is the same.
> Range is shorter.
Does this mean you can't deal high damage with a weapon that is sub-optimal?
No, it really doesn't.
All it means is that from a design perspective, I feel PGI has missed the target.
The two weapons are too similar in design, and the value added for one extra ton and lower range (heat vs. damage is a wash even though it's too much heat for too little damage) is insufficient to give this weapon a clear role.
We can debate all day about 0.4s burn time and how it adds up, but the fact we need to nitpick these tiny crumbs of nebulous benefits is why I assert that this weapon is too similar and not distinctive or specialized enough to give it a niche where it clearly excels.
That's what some weapons need, they need a niche where they excel and are superior - Pulse Lasers across the board SHOULD be one of those weapons.
Some are closer than others, but in general they are not there yet in my opinion.
That's why I feel the cMPL is not garbage, but is sub-optimal.
Edited by Ultimatum X, 25 August 2014 - 09:07 AM.