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#1181 Iverach


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Posted 11 August 2013 - 09:10 AM

Name: Rob

Call sign: Iverach

Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (GMT - 5)

House: C-Bills

Play style: Brawler or Sniper

Preferred Weight: Medium / Heavy

Experience: I've been playing since 31st Century Combat in the 90s. I have been in leagues for both MW3 and MW4, though I will be damned if I can remember the names of any of them. That was over 10 years ago for me. I even played Battletech 3025 for a short while. I still play through the single player games on occasion. I have been playing MWO on and off for a few months now. I own my own Centurion CN9-A "Zombie" build (3x Artemis SRM6 + 2x Med Laser). Not quite as effective as it used to be, but still quite mean. My goals are to upgrade the CN9-A to a more effective loadout, as well as purchase a CTF-4X and upgrade it to a long range gauss setup. Considering dropping some money on a hero mech, but the current pricing is a little on the outrageous side. If it changes down the road I will likely do something then.

I am getting a little tired of the PUG matches with no communication whatsoever. I try calling out contacts and nothing comes of it. Tired of getting mauled by a pack of lights because I was the only one that thought it a good idea to defend the base. In short: I want a team.

#1182 tempest238


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Posted 11 August 2013 - 10:15 AM

Found a home

Edited by tempest238, 12 August 2013 - 12:48 PM.

#1183 Flyntlock


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Posted 11 August 2013 - 12:26 PM

Name: Flyntlock

Callsign: Flyntlock
Timezone: UK time zone
House/Faction: Lone Wolf
Playstyle: Bad
Roletype: Auto cannon's
Preferred Weight: Any
Experience: Just a little migrating from Wot.
Online most nights. wanting to get into faction wars when it starts Long time player of all mech games on PC. Needing a Europe time zone.

Edited by Flyntlock, 11 August 2013 - 12:28 PM.

#1184 Arigato Roboto


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Posted 11 August 2013 - 10:57 PM

Callsign: Arigato Roboto
Timezone: GMT+08
House/Faction: None yet, will consider
Playstyle: Sneaky Brawler/Heavy Flanker
Roletype: DPS
Preferred Weight: Assault. Atlas D-DC almost exclusively. Occasionally play my Sarah's mech.
Experience: Sometimes kill up to half the other team in PUG and am in top 2-3 in damage. Played tabletop as a kid. Love ending a light with 3x SRM6 more than anything.

Edited by Arigato Roboto, 11 August 2013 - 10:59 PM.



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Posted 12 August 2013 - 03:45 PM

Name: Walter
Callsign: Coop
Timezone: GMT-05
House/Faction: Makes no difference, partial to Clans if they ever get into the game.
Playstyle: Fast Recon, TAGLAS, NARC, fast LRM Boat
Roletype: DPS
Preferred Weight: Light-Medium
Experience: MW2, GBL, MW4, MWLL for 2 weeks till my ex stole my computer!.

#1186 Flux Capacitor


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Posted 13 August 2013 - 05:21 AM

Name: Flux

Callsign: Flux Capacitor

Timezone: EST

House/Faction: I live in a house and not on a reservation.

Playstyle: Depends on what she's into.

Roletype: Again, if she's kinky, I'll be her Batman or Plumber.

Preferred weight: I'd like to be 190, but I sit in this chair too much playing in an imaginary world.

Experience: Been with a lot of nice ladies in my day, but now I am married with kids. And in the game, I was introduced to MechWarrior4 and Mercenaries by Microsoft.

#1187 Grommit


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Posted 13 August 2013 - 10:10 PM

Name: Oberon Hardenbrook

Callsign: Grommit
Timezone: GMT -5
House/Faction: Steiner
Playstyle: Pack Hunter or Runner
Roletype: Lance Skirmisher or Recon.
Preferred Weight: Medium - Light
Experience: Mechwarrior 1-3, some tabletop experience. Been on MWO since repair costs were a thing.

#1188 Cartho


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Posted 14 August 2013 - 10:11 AM

Name: Paul

Callsign: Cartho

Timezone: U.S. West Coast (Northern California) GMT -8:00 Pacific Time Zone
House/Faction: None chosen. Currently set at Lone Wolf
Playstyle: Anything and everything. I like to try it all (That's what she said :))
Roletype: Depends on the day and what I feel like doing. I have multiple weight classes so I can do just about anything, or at least I try to do just about anything.
Preferred Weight: Right now it seems to be Assault but as I mentioned above I have mechs in all 4 weight classes and I play them all on a fairly regular basis. Unless I am trying to master one.
Experience: I have been playing for several months now (since April). I used to play the table top game back in the 80's and 90's. I currently own 12 mechs and all but 3 have been mastered with the added Module slot (2 of the 3 are masterd but do not have the additional module slot. They will though shortly)

I am pretty casual and am not looking for competative play. I love to have fun and enjoy working with others. I played WoW for about 6 years and the group dynamics is what really makes the game. I have a family so I can't commit to a lot of specific time for play. I usually play daily from about 8:45 to 10:00 or so in the evening. Weekends I manage to play a bit longer though. I feel it is time for me to find a group of people I can run with and have a good time, the 12 v 12 really changed the game.

#1189 TheSF934


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Posted 14 August 2013 - 07:51 PM

Name: Alan Houk

Callsign: TheSF934
Timezone: GMT -8:00
House/Faction: Freelance
Playstyle: Longrange Support/Scouting
Roletype: Longrange Support or Recon.
Preferred Weight:
Light - Heavy

Experience: Mech Assault 1&2 Front Mission Evolved, Armored Core, and WoT

#1190 Calliban


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Posted 17 August 2013 - 12:56 AM

Name: Wes H

Timezone:UK- GMT
Playstyle:Sniper/ Assault
Roletype:mastered any needed
Preferred Weight:ASSAULT
Experience: all games, book roleplay, read all novals, looking for semi to very seriouse clan on voicecoms with commanders giving orders.

Edited by Calliban, 17 August 2013 - 12:58 AM.

#1191 Redhotwasabi


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Posted 18 August 2013 - 03:02 AM

Callsign: Red
Timezone:GMT 10+
House/Faction: None. Lone Wolf
Playstyle: Flanker, Brawler
Roletype: Support/Assault
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy

I enjoy using Team Speak and working in a co-ordinated team. Working with my Lance and ensuring that we do our best to achieve victory while also sometimes using myself to shield allies smaller than I or flank enemies bigger than myself.

Team Speak. Skype, either or.

#1192 Chaotee


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Posted 18 August 2013 - 06:20 PM

Name: Mike

Callsign: Chaote

Timezone: PST (GMT -7)
House/Faction: Marik / Merc
Playstyle: Aggressive, hit & run
Roletype: Heavy scout, and/or support fire
Preferred Weight: Medium - Heavy
Experience: All the way back to the table top game-- MWO for 2 months now

#1193 Hannibal Chow


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 11:29 PM

Name: JAZ 249 Experience? 510 damage average ... In a Spider.

#1194 Malkiv Mayhem


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 03:48 AM

UPDATED: OCT. 17, 2013

Name: Malkiv

Callsign: Mayhem

Timezone: -04.00

House/Faction: No Preference

Playstyle: Brawling / Midrange

Roletype: Pressure / Flanking

Preferred Weight: Heavy (Mastered: JM6-S, DD, FB)

MWO Playtime: ~1 Month (60+ hours actual match time)

Experience: I played MW3 and MW4:V when they were new titles. Tons of competitive play experience outside of the Battletech universe; team leader, target caller, strategic planner, and class/role instructor spanning six years of continuous play in 3 MMO's. I have even made "how-to-play" class/role videos for various builds.

Additional: I have Teamspeak 3, Mumble, Skype and Vent, a working mic (part of a headset), and I'm very vocal when it comes to relaying information. I do enjoy banter and light-hearted smack talk with my teammates and opponents, but I'm all business when it comes to actually playing a match. I'm available from 6PM to 11PM (Atlantic Time) Mon-Fri, and more-so on the weekends. I do have a wife and a 7yo, so there are times I may need to step away briefly between matches. I don't know much about Battletech lore, other than the dispute between the Clans and the Inner Sphere. As such, I probably wouldn't be suited for a lore-heavy / Role Playing group due to this - Unless you can put up with my ignorance. :)

Unfortunately, shortly after originally posting this reply, I had to take a hiatus from PC gaming (and other forms of gaming) due to important real life circumstances. I am once again gaming at regular intervals, and will be open to the competitive market once more. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Edited by Malkiv Mayhem, 17 October 2013 - 10:08 AM.

#1195 PhoenixFlames


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 11:16 AM

Name: Phoenix for the galaxy, Thomas for my allies
Callsign: Phoenix
Timezone: GMT +1
House/Faction: Free Rasalhague Republic
Playstyle: Close Combat / Adaptive Movement
Roletype: Frontline Attack / Flanking Manuevers
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Preferred Chassis: Jagermech / Mauler
Experience: MW4 Vengenace + Mercs, MC Gold, MC2

Edited by PhoenixFlames, 24 August 2013 - 12:29 AM.

#1196 UnwantedProblem


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 06:34 PM

Edit: Don't PM me anymore, I'm deciding between a group or another to join, so, sorry...
But, if you like my profile, and you'd like to hire me, and you want like 4 o' 5 more folks to join your group feel free to pm me (Only and only if you want to 12 man drop with my group of friends).


Edited by UnwantedProblem, 02 September 2013 - 04:42 PM.

#1197 HumpingBunny


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Posted 25 August 2013 - 09:04 AM

Name: Bryan

Callsign: Humping Bunny
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Undecided
Playstyle: Fast attack, ambush
Roletype: Brawler, fire support ( short and medium range )
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy
Experience: MW2, MW3, MechCommanders 1 & 2, MW4 Vengeance & Mercenaries

Edited by HumpingBunny, 25 August 2013 - 09:23 AM.

#1198 horundwar


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Posted 25 August 2013 - 10:36 PM

Name: Kelly Ghee
Callsign: Horundwar
Timezone: GMT+10
House/Faction: Kurita/Merc
Playstyle: Assault, Seek & Destroy
Roletype: Brawler/Close Suppport
Preferred Weight: Heavy/Assault
Experience: I played all of the early MW games starting with the dodgy 286 phoenix hawk game(don't remember its name)and also played Battletech tabletop. Over the last 5-10 years I might have played a few games of Mech Commander and maybe some MW3(? might have been MW mercs). I have been playing other mmo's for years so can use any of the voice comms without much hastle. Just have to point out that I am in my mid 30's and studying hard so am only going to be a casual player on F2P for the moment as that is my priority. Although casual for me is anytime I can play when an assessment isnt due. Plan to be a premium player when the budget and time allows.

In regards to my mech preference and playstyle I don't have access to anything but trial mechs and a light at the moment. Also I am a team player and if I am needed as recon or anything else I will be just as happy.

#1199 404 File Not Found


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 02:14 PM

Name: Mike
Callsign: 404 File Not Found "404"
Timezone: EST GMT-4
House/Faction: Lone Wolf
Roletype: Brawler/Strategic Flanking/Objective Oriented
Preferred weight: Light - Med
Experience: MW2, MW3 T2/C1 dueling, MW4/MW4Mercs. Looking to improve in team oriented manuevers and strategies.

#1200 The Big Stick


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 07:45 PM

Name: Stickler
Callsign: the big stick
Why: because the truth hurts
Mech: Mostly Cat LRM boats because I'm old and slow and a coward... But when the dropship takes the pieces of your body back to your girl... I'll personally deliver them :)

What am I looking for... A couple of nuts who know how to spot

Edited by The Big Stick, 26 August 2013 - 07:47 PM.

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