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#1321 Igice


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Posted 06 November 2013 - 09:10 AM

Callsign: Igice
Timezone: mountian
House/Faction: Any
Playstyle: Support
Roletype: LRM support
Preferred weight: heavy, catapult
Experience:MW 1-4, pen and paper and other games, been in this since closed beta
Willing to take on any roll needed, just want a place to hang my hat, have a good time and be part of a team

#1322 TinMan99


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Posted 06 November 2013 - 01:51 PM

Name: TinMan99
Callsign: Tin
Timezone: MDT (GMT+7)
House/Faction: looking for one
Playstyle: Recon / ALM (annoying light mech)
Roletype: Scout / Pest
Preferred Weight: Light but sometimes, when nobody is looking, I experiment with heavies
Experience: Only a couple of days of play but I'm keen to learn
Ideally, I'd like to find a decent casual group with good leadership that understands tactics, squad movements, maturity, and discipline. I'm pushing 40 and have other obligations (kids, sports, dating, life) so I can't promise that I will always be available so casual play is what I can contribute. Have TeamSpeak / Ventrillo.

Now a proud member of Equal Opportunity Destroyers [EoD]

Edited by TinMan99, 11 November 2013 - 11:18 PM.

#1323 Malice Blackout


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Posted 07 November 2013 - 01:32 AM

Name: Blackout Malice
House/Faction:Highlanders/Merc/ kinda undecided
Playstyle:In close or sniper
Roletype: good scout, long range harraser/ sniper, in close brawler
Preferred Weight:Assault, Medium

Preferred Mech: Mad Cat, Griffin, Highlander
Experience: Mechwarrior 3, Mechwarrior 4 and Mercs, Wizkids Mechwarrior envoy, Mechcommander 1 and 2, mechwarrior ghost bear, mechassault 1 and 2, mechwarrior 3050

#1324 Lamental Jester


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Posted 07 November 2013 - 08:21 PM

Name: Graham Oliveto

Callsign: Lamental Jester

Timezone: Pacific US

House/Faction: No affiliation

Playstyle: Harrasser/Hit and Run/Guerilla tactics

Roletype: Covert Support/Recon

Preferred Weight: Light

Experience: Mechwarrior 2 + Ghost Bear's Legacy + Mercenaries, Mechwarrior 3, Mechwarrior 4 + Black Knight + Mercenaries, Mech Assault 1 and 2, Mechcommander + Desperate Measures Exp and Mechcommander 2

#1325 Morro


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Posted 08 November 2013 - 10:11 AM

Name: Morro

Callsign: Morro
Timezone: US EST
House/Faction: C-bill
Playstyle: Quick response, friendly support, savior
Roletype: Recon/Harrass/Support/Sniper
Preferred Weight: Light/Med
Experience: MW2/MW3/MW4/Mechcommander 1-2/MW Living Legends/MW snes (notable mentions, Starsiege/Earthsiege 2)

Owned Mech: COM-2D "Sammie"
Posted Image

STD 170
1 x ER PPC
Double Heat Sinks

Note: This merc's been hired out, but I am available for childrens parties.

Edited by Morro, 09 November 2013 - 04:40 PM.

#1326 mareNight


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Posted 10 November 2013 - 03:51 PM

Name: Dug

Callsign: DugABigHole
Timezone: EST (Eastern Std Time)
House/Faction: Undecided (or in the words of PGI: In Development)
Playstyle: team player, poke + duck n cover
Roletype: Brawler when in an atlas, Ranged the rest of the time.
Preferred Weight: Heavy (with a team I could see liking Light)
Experience: experienced gamer, decent at MWO.

Note: Favorite breweries include Harpoon, Unibroue, Allagash, and Ommegang.

Edited by Dugabighole, 10 November 2013 - 04:50 PM.

#1327 Seranfall


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 05:53 PM

Name: Seranfall
Time Zone: US Mountain
House/Faction: Steiner
Playstyle: Mixed, close range brawler or LRM support
Roletype: Brawler/Support
Preferred Weight: Heavy/Assault
Preferred Mech: Ilya Muromets, Awesome, or Atlas
Experience: Battletech table top, MW1, MW2, MW3, MW4. Many other online team based games.

I just want people to play with that understand 12 mechs all crammed in a space meant for 2 is a really bad idea. Do you know what flanking is?

#1328 Arbiter51x


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Posted 15 November 2013 - 11:50 AM

Name: Arbiter

Callsign: Arbiter51x


House/Faction: No affiliation

Playstyle: Strategic, flanking, misdirection, layered defense

Roletype: long range support, recon, sniper/artillery

Preferred Weight: Heavy

Experience: Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries, and modern shooters, COD and BF series.
Looking for group that likes to work together, plan strategies and works over TS. Played MWO for about a month, LFG to play with since I'm tired of PUGs. Catapault piloted working on mastering the K2, C4 and Jester.

Edited by Arbiter51x, 15 November 2013 - 11:52 AM.

#1329 Michael Osis


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 10:25 AM

Name: Michael Osis
Callsign: Michael Osis
Timezone: GMT-5
House/Faction: The men on my left and right
Playstyle: Strategic, deliberate attack
Roletype: Light/Medium Hunter Killer
Preferred Weight: Medium
Experience:MW 2, MW 2 Mercs, MW 4, MW 4 Mercs; Never played with an organized team.

I pilot a KTO-19

Sick of PUGs and considering the people on my own team to be just as big a threat as the enemy. Laid back, drama free, just looking for a team to coordinate my efforts with.

Edit: Recruited by Theta Galaxy, Clan Star Adder Touman, the Smoke Adders

Edited by Michael Osis, 20 November 2013 - 08:50 PM.

#1330 nferno6


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Posted 19 November 2013 - 09:19 AM

Name: Johan du Toit

Callsign: nferno6
Timezone: (UTC+02:00) Harare, Pretoria
House/Faction: Kurita
Playstyle: Lrm well with support/ Light scout wolfpack lead/ group brawling
Roletype: Recon, Long-range Support, Brawl
Preferred Weight:Heavy/Med/Light
Experience: Played most Mechwarrior titles (even Old Xbox and playstation1 titles)
Been around since Closed Beta

Looking for a place to fit in /,,/.

#1331 Crackleberry


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Posted 23 November 2013 - 05:13 PM

Name: G
Callsign: Obacmar
Timezone: UTC-05:00
House/Faction: Undecided
Playstyle: pack mentality, aggressive, lots of Auto-cannons, point siege
Roletype: Support, long-range, ie 500-1000
Preferred Weight: Heavy and Assault (Jagermech and Victor builds)
Experience: Mechwarrior 1,2,3,4. Starcraft 2. Team-fortress 2, Hawken.

#1332 Tritarian


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Posted 24 November 2013 - 11:02 AM

Callsign:Trit or Tritarian
Playstyle:Fire support, medium and long range
Roletype:Assault and recon
Preferred Weight:light/assault
Experience:MW2,3,4, (all xpacks), Mechcommander 1&2, Mechassault & Lone wolf,Table top competitive play, Pencil/paper Mechwarrior rpg, click base mech combat, the TCG, Now here and Alpha strike (hybrid TCG/Board) beta tested EA's Multi-Player Battle Tech, (crysis and doom BT mods) As well as the simulators at Virtual World Ent.(I did my masters pummeling in a owens and still got 4 kills)

Edited by Tritarian, 24 November 2013 - 11:22 AM.

#1333 Krouzer Genskull


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 03:07 PM

Looking to join a group of players to Play MWO with again. I am a bit rusty been a few months since I played seriously. Wanting to have fun but know how to work as a team with roles.

Name : Krouzer Genskull
Time Zone : CT (-6 GMT)
Callsign : Krouzer
House/Faction : Merc / Steiner
Playstyle : up close
Roletype : Skirmisher / Brawler
Preferred Weight : Medium / Assault
Experience : Mechwarrior, Mechwarrior 2 (all of them), Mechwarrior 3, Mechwarrior 4, table top, pen and paper and The Templars (Former Employer)



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Posted 26 November 2013 - 12:33 PM

Looking to join a team, have been playing MW online for approx 9 months, getting tired of lack of team play would like to compete with a good team that is competitive but also has fun. Bonus not married so no misses or kids to get in the way so available most nights and weekends.

Name: E Davies
Time Zone: GMT (+0:00)
call sign : SILVERFOX
House/Faction: No affiliation currently
Play style : Brawler and Long Range, work as team
Role Type: Heavy support and direct brawler, like ballistic based chassis
Preferred Weight: Heavy and assault
Experience: Played all PC MechWarrior series, over 3110 matches played on MW Online with Overall K/D of 1.20 and Win/lose ratio of 54.55% (Lot of Trial Mechs to buy my first chassis Atlas D-DC)

My stats for chassis that I own currently are:

JAGGER JM6-DD - Win/Lose (W/L) rate of 1.35 Kill/Death Ratio (K/R) of 2.10 from 341 matches
Atlas D-DC - Win/lose (W/L) of 1.24 and Kill/death Ratio of 1.38 from 686 matches
Isla Muromets - W/L - 1.13 & K/D - 1.01 from 202 matches
Misery - W/L - 1.42 & K/D - 1.14 from 252 matches (Until sold it by accident - I was drunk!)


#1335 Picone


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Posted 30 November 2013 - 03:36 AM

[color="#959595"]I'm a casual player and couldn't commit myself to tournament play even if I wanted to with my average 330 ping (also why I avoid playing light mechs). Just looking for a group to train with and develop my knowledge and skills.[/color]

Callsign: Picone
Timezone: GMT+10 (AEST)
House/Faction: Preferably whatever would best suit my mech selections if they phase that in
Playstyle: Varies for each mech
Roletype: Varies for each mech
Preferred Weight: I'm best with Heavy / Assault
Experience: Played all the old mechwarriors, been playing this one for ages but I'm a hacker. Probably average ~300 dmg per round

Missile Boat - Stalker 5M - LRM60+A, 3x Medlas
Juggernaught - Atlas AS7-K - 1x AC10, 1x SRM6, 2x Medlas, 2x ER Larlas (Upgrading to DD-C shortly)
Juggernaught - Stalker Misery - 1x AC20, 5x Medlas, 1x LRM20
Brawler - Orion Protector - 1x AC20, 2x Medlas, 1x SRM4+A, 1x PPC
Striker - Black BJ-3 - JJ, 4xMedlas, 2x PPC (I'm rubbish with it)
Utility - Catapult K2 - I swap this mech regularly between sniper (2xERLL, 2xPPC), dual AC20, brawler (2xAC5, 2x Medlas, 2x PPC)

#1336 Sol Dios


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 02:47 AM

Name: Sol Dios

Callsign: Exe
Timezone: Central USA, Texas. (GMT - 6:00)
House/Faction: House Marik
Playstyle: Tactical
Roletype: Sweeper
Preferred Weight: 50-55 Tons
Experience: Mw3, Mw4, Mc1~2, Ma1~2.

#1337 PinBurst


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 12:23 PM

Name: Chris Loree
Callsign: Pin Burst
House/Faction: not sure
Playstyle: tactical
RoleType: support/assualt
Preferred Weight: med - assault
Experience: Rollplaying

I am very new to this game as well as crops and groups to join. Very interested in getting to know this game better. Please contact me if your interested in showing me the ropes.


#1338 ErebusTheScarred


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 11:05 PM

Name: ErebusTheScarred
Callsign: Erebus
Timezone: EST (GMT-5)
House/Faction: Undecided, Currently LNW
Playstyle: Varies based on mech. I'm usually pretty flexible on what I'll play, ask me to fill a role and if I have a mech that does so, I'll definitely take you up on it.
Roletype: Varies. Flexible in this regard.
Preferred Weight: Varies. I typically play Heavy-Assault, but I'm also really enjoying my CDAs.
Experience: MWO. I've been playing quite a bit, looking for a team that is willing to communicate. Got 6 completed mechs. I plan on making some adjustments to my stalkers in 8-9M C-Bills. I have CDAs, STKs, JMs, and CTFs.

#1339 Nokturn


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 03:19 PM

Name: Barrett

Callsign: Nokturn
Timezone: Central
House/Faction: Merc
Playstyle: Assault
Roletype: What ever is needed
Preferred Weight: Assault
Experience:Off and on since first beta

#1340 Master Q


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 06:47 AM

Name: Q

Callsign: Master Q
Timezone: CST (GMT+6)
House/Faction: Steiner/Davion
Playstyle: Mech-dependent
Roletype: Mech-dependent
Preferred Weight: Any
Experience: Longtime solo player, MW4, MW3, MW2, Pods, Tabletop

Looking for a more casual group, as my schedule and time commitments may mean extended absences or unknown/last-minute changes.

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