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#1341 Dankzilla


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 10:49 AM

Thank you for your consideration, I have found a clan!

No need to send PM.

Edited by Dankzilla, 06 December 2013 - 04:21 PM.

#1342 Dark Horse X


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Posted 08 December 2013 - 01:34 PM

Name: V

Callsign: Vlad Dragu
Timezone: CST (GMT-6)
House/Faction: None - LNW
Playstyle: Guerilla, Overrun, Tactical
Roletype: Raider, Can Opener, Frontline Support
Preferred Weight: Fast Heavy
Experience: TT since '91, all of the MW comp games, Mektek, MWT; competitive GR (ex-BSR Clan)

I believe in controlled Chaos, and that a static line is a dying line. I prefer guerilla tactics of harrasment, punching a hole in a line and flooding through to disrupt the enemy's positions and sweep the flanks across - all the while moving at breakneck speeds. Patton style. So, I would like to find a group of fun-loving, great sense of humor people who like to laugh and aren't "die hard" competitive types. I work from 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM M-F, so I would hope those hours not to interfere.

#1343 Coppola3000


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Posted 08 December 2013 - 03:44 PM

Name: Coppola3000

Callsign: Lone-Wolf
Timezone: EST (anytime from 12 pm-12am)
House/Faction: Any (doesnt matter i can switch anytime)
Playstyle: Assault
Roletype: Heavy assault or LMR + Lr Lrg Laser)
Preferred Weight: Bigger is Better
Experience: 30 days

#1344 Emery


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Posted 09 December 2013 - 12:25 AM

Name: Eadon

Callsign: Eadon
Timezone: AEST (GMT+10) (Usually on 4pm til 1am, Australian East coast time).
House/Faction: Kurita. Willing to play anything but Steiner/Davion though.
Playstyle: Light/Medium
Roletype: Light hunter/Heavy harrasser and base capper.
Preferred Weight: Lighter, and faster designs. I currently use a Jenner.
Experience: 2 weeks.

Edited by Eadon, 09 December 2013 - 12:30 AM.

#1345 Burpitup


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Posted 09 December 2013 - 05:35 PM


Name: Burpitup

Callsign: Check name
Timezone: Arizona time. ( its the best because we never change.)
House/Faction: My house. i play in my Bedroom.
Playstyle: I like to kill the bad guys. Mostly i just shoot other mechs. The other team is the one i like to shoot the most but if a there is a Jack *** on my team i will just shoot him too. I'm not too picky
Roletype: I like to wait untill some one is mostly dead. then steal the kill. Mostly i am a kill stealer. I will also do lots of damage when i feel like it. Not so big into light mechs. have one but they are mostly useless for me. I do like shooting out there legs though. That is great fun. One of the most fun things to do if you are far away from everything and battling a light mech is to shoot one of his legs out then run away. OOOOOO man does that **** them off. O

Oh i forgot about that role. I like ******* people off. If you have thin skin. I'm your man.

Preferred Weight: Well i weigh about 165. I would like to say it is mostly fat, but there is a good portion of that that is muscle. Some bone and blood too.
Experience: got plenty of that. I am married with 2 kids so i have plenty of Experience.


#1346 Noesis


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Posted 12 December 2013 - 03:47 AM

Name: Conrad

Callsign: Noesis
Timezone: GMT (UK)
House/Faction: Any (preference for Mercs)
Playstyle: Recon Specialist
Roletype: Recon Scout, Light Hunter, Flanker, Striker and Skirmisher
Preferred Weight: Light, Medium.
Experience: MW2, MW Mercs, MW4, MWC 1&2, MWO since June 12.

Although I have spent a lot of time in 12 mans as a recon pilot in various roles I do have a Mech bay with over 100 Mechs in it and am flexible in their use. Though I tend to dislike the Direct Fire Support role preferring more mobile and in your face/back engagements.

Strong opinions that battlefield awareness, interpretation and applied tactics in partnership with a DC with the use of good Intel provision in the field can be the most important weapon in a scouts arsenal.

Versed in E-War tools including TAG and NARC (even if not current Meta).

Lance lead experience.

PHP, SQL and statistical reporting support possible for data analysis work.



Update: have received quite the level of interest from a number of Units, so will be endeavoring to be a guest visitor during the festive period to see where the best mutual fit might exist.

Edited by Noesis, 14 December 2013 - 05:34 AM.

#1347 Xanbar


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Posted 12 December 2013 - 06:45 AM


Timezone:Central US
House/Faction:Doesnt matter
Playstyle:Kind of a risk taker. Like to catch the enemy off guard which can sometimes backfire. My builds do a ton of damage. I will also play some not so usual builds. If I had to sum it up... DPS... find ya kill ya move on. If Im caught in a bad spot typically the first person to come up on me dies before I go down. My average damage is probably somewhere in the 600s. I hit 1k+ every now and then.
Roletype:Bruiser, Mid Line DPS, Sniper, got a few lrm boats
Preferred Weight: Heavy and Assault
Experience:Been playing for a while off and on. Have a large garage. KD 0.97 in 2500 games. Played an assortment of other games spanning over a decade. Just built a new comp to run 3 monitors on ultra @ 40+ fps + fiber. Teamspeak/Vent/Skype/. I have done a few drops with friends. But Im looking for 4/8/12 organized play. Try out new strats. I think my stats are fairly decent across the board.

#1348 The6047


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Posted 12 December 2013 - 06:23 PM

Thanks to everyone who has contacted me.

Edited by The6047, 16 December 2013 - 05:08 PM.

#1349 RikStone


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Posted 12 December 2013 - 08:36 PM

Posted Today, 11:31 PM[/color]

Name: RikStone

Callsign: RikStone
Timezone: Central
House/Faction: Lone Wolf/Mercenary
Playstyle: Aggressive (too much so, at times)
Roletype: Hit and Run/ Multi-Role Support
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy
Experience: I have played table-top Battle Tech (way back in the day) and all the PC versions of Mechwarrior. I started playing Mechwarrior Online July of '12, but took a long hiatus earlier this year. To be honest I am an average player. I do love to play and I am a team player. I'm looking for a Merc Corp to play with and to simply enjoy this game with.[/color]

Edited by RikStone, 12 December 2013 - 08:36 PM.

#1350 Torothin


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 01:49 PM

Name: Torothin

Callsign: Lone-Wolf
Timezone: EST (anytime from 8PM-12 AM)
House/Faction: Any (doesnt matter i can switch anytime)
Playstyle: Medium: Sniper
Roletype: Shadow Hawk: Guess, ER Laser.
Preferred Weight: I prefer mobility and range
Experience: 30 days

#1351 ComChicken


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 12:39 PM

Name: Visperas

Callsign: ComChicken
Timezone: USA - EST
House/Faction: Kurita
Playstyle: High risk, high reward --> Shock and awe tactics
Roletype: Flanker
Preferred Weight: Heavy / Assault
Experience: MW3 + Pirate's Moon, not to mention a lifetime of competitive pvp games: Team fortress classic, CounterStrike, Battlefield...

When I discovered that the MechWarrior line had been revived, I could not pass up the chance to drill down other pilots in their massive machines. The game has always appealed to me due to the fact that strategy weighs stronger than reflexes. I was always good at FPS shooters, but I just simply didn't have the perfect reflexes that many of my competitors had. We battle now on a field where strategy, intuition, and a cool head dominate.

I originate from a gaming community called the Community of Chaos and I host one of our many streams. While I am often able to find a few players with whom to share a game or two in the evenings, I would like to branch out and explore other communities, including the possibility of a competitive role.

#1352 pugg


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Posted 16 December 2013 - 03:07 PM

accepted a contract from Theta Galaxy, Clan Star Adder

Edited by pugg, 16 December 2013 - 06:32 PM.

#1353 Lezzard


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Posted 16 December 2013 - 03:51 PM

Callsign: Lezzard
Timezone: Norway UTC/GMT +1 hour
House/Faction: Playing Steiner atm, Atlas :-)
Playstyle: Agressive
Roletype: Pusher
Preferred Weight: Heavy and assault
Experience: Mechwarrior 3 and 4, Mech commander 1 and 2.

Been playing solo, but managed to get around 36 mecs and doing fearly desent, at least i feel i do :-)

Looking for a casual guild thats willing to team up as its getting a little booring playing only pugs atm :-/

Send me a pm if you need me :-)

#1354 Zensige


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 04:21 AM

Name: Zensige

Callsign: Zen
Timezone: GMT+1
House/Faction: KUR
Playstyle: Aggressive, Tactful and glorious
Roletype: Hunter, Line Defender
Preferred Weight: 50+
Experience: MWO for a year. Many years of fps multiplayer including competitive play.

Looking for EU TZ based Merc Groups.

#1355 TinKode


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Posted 20 December 2013 - 03:18 AM

Name: Skarlatake

Callsign: TinKode
Timezone: UTC+02:00
House/Faction: None
Playstyle: Brawler
Roletype: Brawler
Preferred Weight: Heavy/Assault
Experience: I had played MOW over half a year or so...i'm a rookie
ps:sry for my english.

#1356 Chawanda


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Posted 20 December 2013 - 05:02 PM

Name: Chawanda Callsighn: Chewie TimeZone: UTC +12 House/Faction: Merc corps ( but willing to change if necessary) Playstyle: hit n run / harasser/ scout Roletype: Harasser / hit n run Preferred Weight: Light / Medium Experience: Rookie : no experience but willing to learn

Edited by Chawanda, 20 December 2013 - 05:12 PM.

#1357 xbladex0


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Posted 20 December 2013 - 09:58 PM

Name: xbladex0

Callsign: xbladex0
Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
House/Faction: Mercenary
Playstyle: Any
Roletype: Support
Preferred Weight: Medium, heavy, Assault
Experience: Mech Assault, MWO since Beta

#1358 Satyre


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Posted 21 December 2013 - 01:56 AM


Callsign: Satyre

Timezone:GMT +1
House/Faction: Undecided.
Playstyle: Adaptable
Roletype: Hunter, brawler, line defender
Preferred Weight: Medium / Heavy
Experience: Battletech boardgame, Mechwarrior RPG, MW2, MW3 (Wolfs Dragoons online for a long time), MW4/Mercs (Kell Hounds online). MWO Beta.

#1359 Nemytis


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Posted 21 December 2013 - 09:49 AM

Name: Nemytis

Callsign: Nem
Timezone: -6 American Central
House/Faction: N/A
Playstyle: Adaptive
Roletype: Brawler/Hunter
Preferred Weight: Heavy/Assault
Experience: If it is Mechwarrior I've played it MW2/MW2MERC/MW 3/MW 4. Mechcommander1/2
Active in MWO.

#1360 Atlantean


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Posted 22 December 2013 - 07:43 AM

Callsign: Atlantean
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Whichever
Playstyle: Ambush/Flanker (close combat)
Roletype: Scount/Hit-n-run
Preferred Weight: Light/Medium (currently working on Jenners)
Experience: Every Mechwarrior video game, other FPSs, raid leader in MMOs, other competitive games (tabletop and digital)

I was a founder then stepped away from the game to wait for more stuff to get implemented. I am now back and looking to play with an organized force. I am adaptable to mech builds (I still have considerable resources from my founder package) and I am trying new options as I shake off the rust of not playing for almost a year.

Edited by Atlantean, 22 December 2013 - 07:44 AM.

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