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#1461 Knightwolf47


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 12:42 PM

Name:Knightwolf 47

Callsign:Most often called “knight” by fellow PUGers, though also open to others :angry:

Timezone: US EST

House/Faction: LoneWolf/Mercenary

Playstyle: support/escort, flank guard

Roletype: Direct/Indirect Fire Support, close assault/escort

Preferred Weight: Heavy & Assault, some mediums depending on role (MWO experience mostly heavy/assault types)

Experience: tabletop RPG, Mechwarrior 1-4 +expansions, MechCommander 1 & 2 including Gold, MechAssault 1 & 2 (no online/multiplayer experience until MWO).

I'm open to just about all roles, though I'm more proficient/familiar with support/escort type roles from my game experiences so far. From that I've realized that playing with some degree of coordination among the team these days is essential to have a reliable chance at victory.

As a few other posters have noted, I love the game, but am not able to make it the only thing in my life, with work and other requirements. Not huge on the roleplaying aspect, but should be able to commit to 2-3 nights per week for gameplay. Gameplay-wise, I'm not adverse to the occasional cursing in tight spots (I think astronaut Tom Stafford was unfairly blamed), but try to be a gentleman and do my best to keep things as clean as possible, pushing for respect whenever possible. Looking for a group which takes their roles seriously and willing to work well as a team, but have some fun as well.

#1462 Frank Exchange Of Views


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 11:21 PM

Name: ViVeLaMe
Callsign: vive
Timezone: GMT +1
House/Faction: Davion, for sentimental reasons, since Battletech & Mechwarriors RPG, but can change.
Playstyle: Here for the fun. I like winning, but i don't mind losing.
Roletype: started with LRM support, then light recon/ECM, sniping, and now assault brawling.
Preferred Weight: Light & assault, haven't really played with anything inbetween, but i'll come around to it eventually.
Experience: Played Battletech, Mechwarrior tabletop RPG, MW 2-4. Spent most of my time lately with atlases (mastered) & highlander, for brawling, ECM, sniping. Mastered Ravens a while back to have fun with ECMs (PPC sniping in a 3X is FUN! :3)

So, i'm looking to drop with a group of people with a focus on TEAMPLAY and having fun. While i'm not at all adverse to trying stupid/unusual builds or strats (i remember having great success on MW3 with a ******* light with 16 MGs, running fast and backstabbing everyone.. :3), i can dig more serious and organised strats, and i'm always up to learning new tricks.
Ideally, you're an average-to-large group, because i'm not the most available guy, especially at the time (work, wife, kids, and a move in preparation) and i can't be relied upon to be there every evening.
I speak french, and a decent english.

#1463 Revis Volek


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Posted 25 April 2014 - 08:19 AM

Name: Phil D

Call Sign: Darth Revis, Revis
Timezone: ET (Eastern U.S.)
House/Faction: Undecided (Mercenary)
Playstyle: I perfer support and front line fighting/tactics but also am proficient in long range and "sniper" tactics.
Roletype: Recon, Enemy Intelligence, Support
Preferred: Light, Mediums and Heavies
Experience: MW2:Merc, MW4:Vengence, MW4:Mercs and tabletop versions.

Clan tech is my MO, my Timber Wolf is already on the way! I own 14 mechs, with empahasis on my light and medium support style mechs and roles. Recently got into using my Victor and have been getting those front line skills up to par. Looking for a group of like minded folks, love to win! But can use a lose to learn and get better, i have been playing (MWO) for about 3 months now. Well past my first 25 (cadet) period. If you want a fast, intelligent, tactical minded support player, you found him!

Edited by DarthRevis, 25 April 2014 - 08:38 AM.

#1464 luigi256


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Posted 25 April 2014 - 04:29 PM

Name: Luigi256

Call Sign: Luigi
Timezone: PST (Pacific coast U.S.A.)
House/Faction: Lone Wolf (No discrimination, kill everyone!)
Playstyle: My preference is a light scout but able to do many other roles.
Roletype: Recon, Light support, Short range brawler
Preferred: Light. But am able to play all other weight classes
Experience: MW2, MW3, MW4:Vengence, MW4 Black Knights, MW4:Mercs

Edit: Thanks for all the offers I have already gotten I am in the process of choosing my group so please no more new messages on joining. Thanks again everyone who messaged me.

Before anything else let me say that I play casually. I do not want to play competitively just want to get in some games with some people and make friends. I don't have all the time in the world to play this so if you want to just play with a guy I'm your man. Just add me/message me and we'll go from there. I will do my best to respond to any player that wants to play together.

I prefer the light role and own at least one of each light chasis. Have several of the other weight classes too and enjoy playing in all mechs. Mostly I enjoy playing a short range game in all my mechs except for a few with long range support.

Edited by luigi256, 27 April 2014 - 08:08 PM.

#1465 drevan105


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 04:56 PM

Name: Drevan105
Callsign: Drevan
Timezone: Pacific Timezone USA
House/Faction: House Davion/ Mercenary
Playstyle: Team player, or survivalist if last one standing
Roletype: any type, mainly depends on the mech I am using
Preferred weight: Assault mainly (I am proficient in all weight classes)
Experience: MechWarrior 2, MechWarrior 2:Mercenaries, MWO since open beta

Looking for a decent group to play with, getting tired of cold drops, prefer a more mature minded and English speaking guild/clan/group. I am a semi casual, semi serious player.
My usual greeting per match is GLHB
Good Luck, and Have Bacon.

#1466 wslpdougout


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 11:21 AM

Name: Doug
Callsign: Wslpdougout
Timezone: Pacific Timezone USA
House/Faction: Jade Falcon Merc
Playstyle: Team player,
Roletype: any type
Preferred weight:(I am proficient in all weight classes)
Experience: MechWarrior , MechWarrior 2, Mechwarrior 3, Mechwarrior 4
mechcommnader 1 ,2 and 3, all fasa battletech rpg and pc

#1467 Rache


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 11:52 AM

Name: Rache ( Vengeance in German)

Callsign: Rache
House: Merc
Playstyle: Harasser
Roletype: Sniper, LRM boat
Preferred Weight. Medium / Heavy

#1468 JimEvolved


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 01:54 PM

Name: JimEvolved

Timezone: -5 EST (most nights 10/10:30 pm - 1 am)
House/Faction: No current affiliation
Playstyle: Prefer brawling, wish it had a bigger role in current game.
Roletype: Flexible
Preferred Weight: Medium (same comment as to brawling, hope 3/3/3/3 helps)
Experience: Played a lot of MW2/3 and the arcade pods back in the day, and Mechcommander. No RP/tabletop experience (also not knowledgeable as to lore). I am a *lifelong* gamer with considerable experience in FPS/MMORPG/team games. Looking for casual play, at least for the time being, but def no RP/MilSim. Currently most nights play on NGNG Teamspeak. Only weight class I don't have an at-least-Elite mech is Assault.

#1469 Tairdelbach


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Posted 04 May 2014 - 07:31 PM

Name: Craig Lowell

Callsign: Tairdelbach
Timezone: Pacific Time USA
House/Faction: No current affiliation
Playstyle: Lance/Company Support
Roletype: LRM Boat
Preferred Weight: Heavy/Assualt
Experience: Fairly new to MWO, since 12/2013. Played TT rules on RPOL and limited TT. And the card game.::smiles::

I truely suck in direct fire mode. i can do it, slightly better with AC's than Lazers but am best with an LRM Boat. I am getting better though.

I am a *lifelong* gamer, more board and RPG than electronic.

Still figuring out the software for com but am voice capable with a little setup help. easiest to contact is darknash1@yahoo.com or darknash1965 on skype.

#1470 Deric Strider


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 02:58 PM

Name: Deric Strider

Callsign: Cosmo
Timezone: East Coast and afternoon GMT
House/Faction: No current affiliation
Playstyle: Flanking striker or Brawling also fairly decent Gauss sniper
Roletype: Fast Heavy Strikers or Brawling assualt
Preferred Weight: Heavy/Assualt
Experience: Fairly new to MWO, played all of PC Mechwarrior mechcommander games
Played alot of PUGs now want to try organised gameplay.

#1471 3CLIPZ3


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 02:31 AM

Callsign: 3CLIPZ3
Timezone: PST (Eastern Standard Time)
House/Faction: Davion (but can switch to any)
Playstyle: Gauss/ER Sniper, ECM Support, DPS Boat, Team Player
Roletype: Sniper or Brawler
Preferred Weight: Lights for fun, Heavies for serious matches but proficient in all classes.
Experience: MWO (83,258,312XP), Mechwarrior 3-4, EVE Online, Ragnarok Online

Tired of playing solo and want to play in some Lances. Been playing MMO's for 13+ years and I naturally thrive and quickly rise to levels of recognition.

Edited by 3CLIPZ3, 06 May 2014 - 08:53 AM.

#1472 shygye


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 02:26 PM

Callsign: not given yet
Time zone: Pacific standard
House/Faction: Not affiliated
Playstyle: Energy, Ballistics
roletype: Scout/Recon, AC sniper, Harasser, Brawler
Preferred weight: lights but can switch to 45 to 70 tons if necessary
Experience: MWO, eve online, Battlefield4, chrome-hounds(back in the day), titanfall, hawken

looking for both competitive and casual play and very tired of running solo

#1473 ThePhish


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 06:21 AM

Callsign: ThePhish
Time zone: Central Standard
House/Faction: Not affiliated
Roletype: Scout, sniper, hit and run, harrassment, interference, decoy, brawler
Preferred weight: Light. I play a Spider 5D. I also have a medium Wolverine 7k that I do fairly well with.
Experience: I've only played a few of the older mechwarrior games, a few times. I have played a couple of games of the battletech board game. I've been playing MWO for about 2 months.

I'm just looking for a group to drop with with emphasis on team tactics. competetive/semi/fun.

Another lifelong gamer. I'm voip capable. I've used TS, Vent, skype, steam and a couple of others not worth mentioning. I'm usually available 4 or 5 nights a week, starting between 9 or 10pm and later, central standard.

#1474 Barracoz


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 12:03 PM

Name: Barracoz

Callsign: Barra
Available between 6:30pm - 10:00pm UK time
House/Faction: Merc
Playstyle: Flanking striker or Brawling
Roletype: Heavy Strikers or Brawling assualt
Preferred Weight: Heavy/Assualt
Experience: Fairly new to MWO, played PC Mechwarrior's & mechcommander games
Played alot of PUGs would like to try organised gameplay.

Thanks for looking.

Good hunting ;)

Edited by Barracoz, 07 May 2014 - 12:13 PM.

#1475 Peter Valentine


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 03:08 AM


Edited by Peter Valentine, 10 May 2014 - 11:20 PM.

#1476 Blacklock


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 10:36 AM

Name: Andy

Callsign: Blacklock
Timezone: PST
House/Faction: Merc (Kell Hound for life)
Playstyle: Team player, LRM Hunter
Roletype: Sniper, Close Support
Preferred Weight: 1.Heavy, 2.Assault (Cataphract, Battlemaster)
Experience: BattleTech tabletop, Crescent Hawk's Inception, Crescent Hawk's Revenge, MechWarrior, MechWarrior 2, MechWarrior 2: Ghost Bear's Legacy, MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries, MechWarrior 3, MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries, MechCommander, Virtual World BattleTech.

Edited by Blacklock, 08 May 2014 - 10:40 AM.

#1477 Shryne


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 11:00 AM


Edited by Shryne, 12 May 2014 - 09:46 AM.

#1478 Mouzie


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 08:25 PM

Name: Yitzhak
Callsign: Mouzie
Timezone: EST (Eastern United States Standard Time)
House/Faction: Undefined
Playstyle: Double ER Sniper, Tag Support
Roletype: Sniper
Preferred Weight: Lights
Experience: Just got into the game, learning the ropes very fast. Willing to learn more!

Edited by Mouzie, 08 May 2014 - 08:27 PM.

#1479 The Wakelord


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 11:35 PM

Name: Wakelord

Callsign: Wakelord
Timezone: Australia (GMT + 10)
House/Faction: Davion
Playstlye: Sniper / Quick Attack
Roletype: Supporting fire
Preferred Weight: Light (Ravens)
Experience: MWO since Feb

#1480 Guaylo


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 11:45 PM


Playstyle: strategic planning, gorilla warfare
Roletype: Sniper, Brawler, support
Preferred Weight:light and assualt
Experience: no experience playing with clans/factions but have a lot of in game experience and hours.

Edited by Guaylo, 09 May 2014 - 01:52 AM.

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