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#1821 418ImATeapot


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 11:49 AM


Callsign: 418ImATeapot
Timezone: US Pacific
House/Faction: any
Playstyle: brawler, or ranged, but have mechs to fill any need.
Roletype: brawler or ranged
Preferred Weight: any, dependent on play style and team needs
Experience:Teir 2 pilot, playing for a year or so, played the table top for years when I was younger.

Looking for active guild to run in groups with.

#1822 airstrik0


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 01:19 PM

name: airstrik0
callsign: (undecided)
house/faction: I don't like to drag others down or to be held back for dumb reasons, so undecided
playstyle: I'm tactic during a battle I support or I be aggressive based on what I see.
roletype: right now. semi sniper, long range, medium, and close.
preferred weight: heavy for now. it changes randomly as my playstyle changes randomly to.
Experience. returning I guess have not played a whole lot in a while, MechWarrior mercs, mech assault 2 lone wolf.
currently in a squad clan thing with friend, its just the 2 of us, he does not play anymore. will leave clan when a nonrandom invite offer is made.

Eastern time zone
I am looking for help on improving my current builds, and for nice people who see a whole benefit to improve members ability to fight, as well as taking losses as a lesson without bashing people. I like leaders that can coordinate and participate when possible. I don't have a problem with language. I prefer to do trial run before join a clan its not negotiable. I do have a microphone for voip. I only have ts3 downloaded I am willing to download other voip services

#1823 Booty Magic


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 05:56 AM

Name: Joe Johnson

Callsign: RealTalk
Timezone: Eastern Standard
House/Faction: Davion
Playstyle: Measured, group player
Roletype: Light Hunter, Assault Harasser, Assault Guard
Preferred Weight: Light/Medium
Experience: Decent amount, was a hardcore player back in the beta, just post-beta days.

I played a LOT of random stuff back in the beta days, and I was always looking to get hooked up with a serious MWO crew. Feel free to hit me up, I'm available nearly every night for maneuvers.

Edited by RealTalk, 15 December 2015 - 05:57 AM.

#1824 Miodog


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 09:29 AM

Callsign: Miodog
Timezone: GMT -5
House/Faction: Steiner/Merc
Playstyle: Hit and Run / Brawler
Roletype: Scout / Direct Fire Support / Calvary
Preferred Weight: Light - Heavy
Experience: Returning Player, Current Mechs: JR7-F, SDR-5D, CTF-IM, CPLT-K2, CN9-AH

I'm looking to drop about 3 nights a week when I get off work usually around 9PM EST and probably play for 2 to 3 hours.

#1825 Thunder Child


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Posted 16 December 2015 - 04:05 PM

Recruited. Thank you for your interest.

Edited by Thunder Child, 22 December 2015 - 11:30 AM.

#1826 VVALDO


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Posted 16 December 2015 - 10:57 PM

Sand Burial

Former competitive player and starter for one of the top teams returning for a fresh start, after a year break. Fresh callsign, fresh account, and most importantly fully recovered (hopefully) from a huge burnout from mwo.

Playstyle: medium mechs upwards, I can play any range and style. I love using cover to side and hill poke using a quick shot to get the best of trades. Not super big into lights but I can run a pretty good arctic cheetah.

What i'm looking for: to ease my way back into playing this game on regular basis is the goal. My mech selection is limited at the moment due to being back for 3 days (unable to access old account) but I may be convinced to expedite the process.

Timezone: western mountain NA

#1827 Marick Stein


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Posted 18 December 2015 - 12:41 AM

Callsign: Marick_Stein
Timezone: GMT -9
House/Faction: Marik/Merc
Playstyle: What is needed, do best in lights or brawlers
Roletype: Will play anything and do anything but command.
Preferred Weight: Light - Assault
Experience: Founder, Many Mechs

I am looking for an oceanic group to play with. Prefer English speaking and evening requirements. Looking to play more and become part of a team that plays in the times I am available. PUG dropping is fun for a time and then it gets old due to the lack of teamwork.

#1828 yanny


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Posted 18 December 2015 - 02:10 AM

Name: yanny

Callsign: yanny
Timezone: GMT +10
House/Faction: Inner Sphere
Playstyle: Any
Roletype: Any
Preferred Weight: Any
Experience: Not a noob

Casual player looking for Oceanic IS unit

#1829 TheBaconMasta


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Posted 18 December 2015 - 11:26 PM

Name/Calsign: TheBaconMasta
Timezone: US EST
House/Faction: Steiner/Merc
Playstyle: Taking my time.
Roletype:Escort/Cover Fire
Preferred Weight: Medium
Experience: Mech Assault 2

Really enjoying this game and would like some like minded people to play with Posted Image

I also like Giant Enemy Crabs

Edited by TheBaconMasta, 18 December 2015 - 11:34 PM.

#1830 lovely canuck


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Posted 19 December 2015 - 09:44 AM

Hey Mechers,

Callsign:lovely canuck
Roletype:ECM rapid deployment
Preferred Weight:light
Experience: little. Finished cadet bonus.. had a few matches on top of that :)

I am looking for an active group of people who use voice to coordinate. It's amazing how much easier it is to win if you actually talk to each others....Would prefer an European or North American based unit.

#1831 Jaegon


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Posted 19 December 2015 - 02:19 PM

Hey howdy!

Name: Lee
Callsign: Jaegon
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: No preference
Playstyle: Flexible! I love lights, harrassing, but also heavies and assaults, slugging it out.
Roletype: You tell me.
Preferred Weight: The one with the shortest queue, they're all fun.
Experience: Been playing over a year, elited some mechs, tier 3, bought about 40 mechs evenly over all weights.

I really don't care for CW, or at least haven't had a good time waiting in long lines for matches to start. If you've got a great casual environment for chatting while playing the standard game types, I'm an easy going player who is around often. I don't particularly care about lore, or IS vs Clan (beyond a pure game mechanic perspective). I don't create or engage in drama, I'm just looking for some chat while we blow limbs off fools.

If you're looking for more info on me, this thread lead me here Posted Image


Edited by Jaegon, 19 December 2015 - 02:19 PM.

#1832 Pavel Ridzik


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Posted 19 December 2015 - 10:10 PM

Name: John

Callsign: Villaret
Timezone: Eastern US
House/Faction: Inner Sphere (don't really care which)
Playstyle: Casual/Friendly
Roletype: Scout, Hit and Run, Brawling
Preferred Weight: Prefer Lights but think I'll like Mediums as well (Currently only have an elited Commando)
Experience: Played since Steam Release, played MW 3,4

New Player here looking for some guidance on where to go next. I prefer a casual friendly environment but wouldn't mind working towards being more competitive with the right group. I like using weird mechs and freaking love the lore. I'm open to pretty much any Inner Sphere faction. Just let me know.

Edited by Villaret, 19 December 2015 - 10:11 PM.

#1833 Cosah


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Posted 20 December 2015 - 12:37 AM

Name: Anthony

Callsign: Cosah
Timezone: Eastern US, flexible
House/Faction: Clan Jade Falcon, Clan Wolf (preferred, open)
Playstyle: Aggressive
Roletype: LRM Carrier, Light scout/tagger, Mid-range skirmisher(in that order)
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Experience: MechWarrior 2, MechWarrior 4. New to MWO (finished Cadet achievements)
Favorite Mech: Vulture

It's like riding a bike, but I would also appreciate a learning environment if one is available.
Prefer 18+ group. Age: 25

Edited by Cosah, 20 December 2015 - 01:31 AM.

#1834 Knives27


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Posted 20 December 2015 - 01:33 AM

Name: Zack

Callsign: KnivesMillions
Timezone: Central US
House/Faction: Undecided
Playstyle: Aggressive
Roletype: Recon/Sniper/Harassment
Preferred Weight: Light/Medium
Experience: New to MechWarrior, I have a fair amount of tactical shooter experience (Arma, Rainbow Six, etc) as well as general FPS experience (Counter-Strike, Call of Duty, Battlefield, the usual stuff). I feel like I have a pretty good handle on how to play but the help of a unit to fine tune my skills would be highly appreciated. I feel that my roletype and preferred weight are highly subject to change as I am new and still learning about the game, just going based off of what I've played thus far.

Edited by KnivesMillions, 20 December 2015 - 01:36 AM.

#1835 SuperPignouf


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Posted 20 December 2015 - 11:48 AM

Name: SuperPignouf
Timezone: GMT+01
House/Faction: House Rasalhague (but any other will do)
Playstyle: Point taker, firesupport, brawler
Roletype: Shoot first, don't think, never backped, always follow orders
Preferred Weight: Any
Experience: Brotherhood of Steel
Sidenote: Rank 2 (I'm pixels away from R1) player with more than one year experience and vast choice of IS mechs. I'm looking for a EU based Unit with a "casual competitive" mindset.

Edited by SuperPignouf, 20 December 2015 - 12:39 PM.

#1836 StrayDog


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Posted 22 December 2015 - 10:26 PM

Name: Tomas

Callsign: StrayDog
Timezone: Mountain Standard Time
Faction: Whoever pays the most
Playstyle: Semi-Aggressive/Sticks with Lance
Weight Class: Heavy/Assault
Roletype: Shoot first, ask questions later (or maybe never)
Experience: Mechwarrior 4, MWO

I'm a pretty laid back guy who just wants to have fun with those of like-minded Mechwarriors. I like hot chocolate.

#1837 Drenaline


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Posted 23 December 2015 - 02:49 PM

I'm back. Looking for top tier unit.

Edited by Drenaline, 23 December 2015 - 03:01 PM.

#1838 Silence Jin Mang


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Posted 23 December 2015 - 09:14 PM

Name: Corey

Callsign: Silence Jin-Mang
Timezone: EST (East Coast USA)
Faction: Prefer Clans, but willing to switch if necessary.
Playstyle: Jack of all trades, can play aggro or passive.
Weight Class: I prefer medium/lights
Roletype: Support/brawler
Experience: Most of the Mechwarriors and MWO.

Closed Beta player, looking to get back into some organized play. I use to play pretty avidly and was a rather good brawler/duelist. I`m decently skilled and a quick learner. I`d prefer a skilled group, as I don`t like just playing to play, I play to win, but I`m not looking primarily for a competitive group.

Side note: I own a whole lot of clan, and not so many IS, so might take time to build up IS mech inventory.

#1839 Satyre


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Posted 24 December 2015 - 04:42 PM

Name: Satyre

Callsign: Satyre

Timezone:GMT +1 (although I enjoy playing in the morning or late at night, depending on work)
House/Faction: Undecided (Tending toward Davion /Marik, although FRR or a merc corp has its appeal as do the clan. Meh, I loved them all except Steiner)
Playstyle: Adaptable
Roletype: Hunter, brawler, line defender (would like to experiment with scouting and support. Basically I will play any role for the challenge and because getting out of you comfort zone is also a damned good way to improve)
Preferred Weight: Medium / Heavy
Experience: Battletech boardgame, Mechwarrior RPG, MW2, MW3 (Wolfs Dragoons online for a long time), MW4/Mercs (Kell Hounds online). MWO Beta.

Edited by Satyre, 24 December 2015 - 04:43 PM.

#1840 Tjaresh


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Posted 25 December 2015 - 01:02 AM

Name: Tjaresh

Callsign: Tjaresh

Timezone:UTC/GMT +1
House/Faction: undecided but most likely Clan JadeFalcon
Playstyle: stick with the group, tactical, aggressive if needed
Roletype: aggressive Brawler or light Supporter (depends on the mech and equipment)
Preferred Weight: Light / Heavy
Experience: Battletech boardgame, MW2, MW3, MW4/Mercs
I'm playing for almost a year now, mostly in the evenings (about 19:00 UTC) and I'm tired with Pugs. I mastered the FS9, SHD, MDD and SMN. NVA in progress and Warhammer is ordered.

Edited by Tjaresh, 25 December 2015 - 01:04 AM.

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