Age: 23
Call Sign: ShasO MalCaor
House/Faction: i prefer Clans, but im not locked in for anything
Playstyle: Hit and Run / Flanking / Close Support / Scout
Preferred Weight: LIGHTS
Preferred Chasis: ACH, FS
Experience: I play MW:O quite a while now, but more frequently lately.
Timezone: GMT but i have no problem with the usual US evening-times.
Im not really into BT lore , but i like the Clans so far. I expect a community that helps me improving my play/configurations and i want to play MW:O with an organized team and approach it more tactical and team-oriented then in Quick Play. I have no problem with learning stuff and expect fighting/training together on a regular basis.
For anyone wondering about my username: im a huge Fan of the 40k universe and own a little Tau army plus countless books.
Edited by ShasO MalCaor, 22 January 2016 - 07:10 AM.