Hiring Hall
Posted 27 December 2017 - 09:01 PM
Callsign: Horundwar
Timezone: UTC +10
House/Faction IS or Merc only, Kurita for preference but not a must
Playstyle: Casual/Social
Roletype: Don't have any particular role, I'm equally mediocre at all of them
Preferred Weight: None, currently dropping in my Commando alot
ExperienceHave been playing off and on since the game began, I was a member of BWC in 2014 but didn't have a pc for a while so I'm only just getting back into it.
I'm home on holidays at the moment but with my current work I am gone 3 weeks out of 4 so that affects what I'm able to do in a unit. Dropping solo is sucky and I am a team player so can work towards having the right builds/mechs/etc for faction play. Also I have years of online gaming experience so can play in US time zones with few issues.
Posted 28 December 2017 - 12:15 PM
Edited by Igata Gloque Imararri, 12 January 2018 - 12:34 PM.
Posted 28 December 2017 - 05:08 PM
Callsign: Ra7or
Timezone: UTC+1 (Kopenhagen/Stockholm)
House/Faction: Right now, Steiner.
Playstyle: Causal, I am mainly looking to improve and having fun playing this team based game with others.
Roletype: Flanker, 2nd line brawler.
Preferred Weight: Heavy, but would like to improve in other weight classes..
Experience: MW3, MW4 when I was a kid. Clocking around 20 h into MWO. Are reading up on hit boxes, torso twisting etc..
Posted 29 December 2017 - 06:57 AM
callsign: czubu
timezone: GMT+1
faction: clan right now, but i dont have a preference
playstyle: poking, mid range, just generally being on the offensive, pushing forward and shooting things
roletype: skirmisher, brawler, sniper, fire support
preferred weight: heavies and mediums
experience: i've been playing solo queue fairly regularly for the last 2 months or so
Posted 30 December 2017 - 01:16 PM
callsign: Obrez08eu
timezone: EST (UTC -05:00)
faction: Either.
playstyle: I have mechs set up for everything from ranged dakka-brawling to point-blank SRM splatting but I usually favor speed and agility.
roletype: Harassment/scouting/quick reaction support, but I'm always down for a (well-coordinated) blitz.
preferred weight: Lights and fast mediums. I keep options on the table however.
experience: Been playing for two (maybe?) years off and on. Started getting more into MWO in the past six months, sorted my mechs out and learned how to use my brain when making builds. I am currently about half way through tier 2. I admit I do sometimes have a soft spot for some fairly bad mechs.
Bored with radio-silent free-for-alls and looking for a serious (but not too serious) unit that actually communicates and strategizes and preferably that has enough members to fill a team.
Posted 31 December 2017 - 04:26 PM
Callsign: MrBachi
Timezone: CST -06:00
House/Faction: Undecided
Playstyle: Semi-casual
Roletype: Fire Support & Brawl
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Experience: 2 months solo-queuing in Quick Play. Late Tier-3.
Posted 31 December 2017 - 11:15 PM
Posted 04 January 2018 - 12:58 AM
Timezone:Pacific Standard
Preferred Weight:Heavy/assault/light
Experience:Not much, Tier Rank 3, just looking for people to play with and learn from.
Posted 05 January 2018 - 07:20 AM
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Idk what these are XD
Playstyle: Backline defense, slow push
Roletype: Sniper, can brawl though
Preferred Weight: Assault
Experience: Idk what to put in the experience section...
Posted 07 January 2018 - 03:39 AM
Callsign: Cendra/Celdra (what you prefer)
Timezone: UTC+01:00
House/Faction: undecided
Playstyle: Semi casual
Roletype: Fire support/push'n brawl
Preferred Weight: heavy/assault medium to an extent
Experience: -mechwarrior 4:mercenaries
-getting back into mwo
Posted 07 January 2018 - 02:15 PM
Callsign: Null, Nullsig
Timezone: MDT
Faction: Clan (Wolf and Ghost Bear)
Playstyle: Fire Support/Flanker, Vocal
Roletype: LRM Boat (MDD-Prime), Skirmisher (SHC-A)
Preferred Weight: Medium to Heavy
Experience: Tier 4 Pilot, typically performs well in quick play. Has run a handful of successful Scout FW missions. MW4 and MWO.
I am easy to work with, respond well to instruction, and excel at communication. Though I am an inexperienced pilot, I hope that any clan units will take me on. I should prove useful to the ranks.
Thank you for your consideration.
Edited by Nullsig ARC, 07 January 2018 - 02:16 PM.
Posted 08 January 2018 - 10:52 AM
call is same vacecon
Playstyle, range 500 to 1200, or brawl
Time CST nights weekends
House none 11 mechs
Role, flank support
Prefer hev/med enjoy Light PB
Experience pug, seven + 91 point skill mechs
and a KGC-000 part way
UPDATED, 11 mechs total 5 clan rest IS
Just would like to play same people, have mic etc. Thanks
Edited by vacecon, 07 February 2018 - 10:50 AM.
Posted 08 January 2018 - 07:14 PM
Timezone: EST 5-8
Faction: None
Playstyle: Flanking, and chasing down wounded.
Roletype: Energy Brawler, Harasser.
Preferred Weight class: Light, Medium.
Experience: Tier 5 Pilot, willing to learn
Collection: Three owned 'Mechs light and Medium
Posted 10 January 2018 - 09:06 AM
Callsign: Finnabair Mac Bran
Timezone: Eastern (U.S.) (GMT-5:00)
House/Faction: Currently House Steiner/IS
Play Style: Strike/Snipe
Role Type: Fire Support, Brawl, Harrassment
Preferred Weight: Mid-Weight (45-70 tons)
Experience: MW3/3PM and MW4/4M. MWO off and on since Open Beta, more consistent in the last year.
This is a second/alt account that I started and am playing alongside my primary account, where I am a member of the merc unit MaZr. I currently only own IS mechs, but am willing to accquire Clan as well. I am a casual player who enjoys playing with a group that is relaxed, yet coordinated in their ops. I have TS, but prefer operating in Discord for chat.
Posted 11 January 2018 - 02:37 AM
Callsign: Speedkermit
Timezone: GMT
House/Faction: Merc but leaning towards clans
Playstyle: Prefer medium/long range
Roletype: Fire support, but I am versatile
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Experience: Benn playing for a few years on and off. Spent some time with MS a couple of years back. Been in a couple of other units, I have just left a ghost unit due to lack of activity.I must be unusual in that I enjoy playing CW and this is what I want to do, with a decent unit with active players. Willing to follow orders and have mike for TS/mumble etc. Im a former Eve online pvper so I'm used to fighting as a team.
Posted 11 January 2018 - 10:21 AM
Callsign:DJ x
Timezone: GMT
House/Faction: Davion Loyalist, but wants to move to Merc
Playstyle: Mid Range DPS
Roletype: Second Line/Fire Support
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Experience: Been playing MechWarrior for a LONG time. From 1995. Elite Founder on MWO, but never did get very far with it. Came back recently and I've been playing non-stop.
FYI: I have a full compliment of IS and Clan mechs available for drops, but my Clan mechs are in much better shape in terms of skills.
Posted 11 January 2018 - 10:03 PM
Callsign: tabpol
Timezone: GMT+9:30
House/Faction: Loyalist
Playstyle: Ambushes, flanking, coordinated attacks mostly Support
Roletype: Support, Heavy
Preferred Weight: Light, Heavy
Experience: FPS(Too Many Too Count), RTS
Posted 13 January 2018 - 04:53 PM
Callsign: Cooke
Timezone: Eastern (GMT + 5)
House/Faction: Any
Playstyle: Varied, but I tend to be aggressive.
Roletype: Assault, Front Line, Scout, Flanker
Preferred Weight: Varied
Experience: Not a ton in MWO. I am still learning the game, however I have a lot of experience in similar games such as WoT and WoWs.
FYI: I do not have any problems using TS or Discord.
Posted 14 January 2018 - 05:28 AM
House/Faction:IS Davion
Playstyle:Scout - Sniper
Preferred Weight:ligth - medium
Experience:out of computer since 1 years , i forget how to use a mouse .
Looking for casual faction gameplay and teamplay .
French - Inglitch - Espanol .
Posted 15 January 2018 - 04:27 PM
Callsign: Fobin, Tom
Timezone: Central Time (-6 Gmt)
House/Faction: All IS
Playstyle: Flanking, Aggressive from different positions, sometimes support or part of the main push. Prefer DPS using something like Wub wub or dakka dakka
Roletype: Sniper, Skirmisher, Brawler
Preferred Weight: mediums, maybe heavy lights and light heavies, (30/35-70 tons)
Experience: Tier 3, Been playing a lot for a few months, was on and off before that. Also have some experience in MW: LL and also used to play a lot of Tabletop I guess.
Looking for semi-casual / semi-competitive IS Mercs, want to learn as well as rack up different IS Rewards
Languages: English, German, French
Edited by Fobin, 15 January 2018 - 04:27 PM.
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