Timezone: EST (UTC-05:00)
House/Faction: Undecided.
Playstyle: Still figuring this one out too, but I tend to favor long distance engagements.
Roletype: Show me the ropes, and I'll play that role.
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy (would like to learn how to Assault mech properly too).
Experience: I played Mechwarriors 3 and 4 (and their associated expansions) when I was a kid, but beyond that, I've been playing MWO for almost a month now and currently holding steady just a hair below Tier 3.
My general goal for finding a group is to learn how to play in a team and to understand the more easily missed aspects of the game as a whole. Not necessarily looking to go pro by any means, but definitely would like to improve my game considerably. My availability is flexible in the mornings, however if there are planned events, I could make myself more available.
Edited by ElderDjinn, 23 October 2020 - 09:51 AM.