Hiring Hall
Posted 20 September 2012 - 08:34 PM
Timezone: -7GMT
House/Faction: House Davion
Playstyle: HAHA I HAS FIRE!
Roletype: That itchy spot in between your toes when you're wearing work boots laced up tight.
Preferred Weight: Light/Assault
Experience: Mechwarrior 2, though Elemental swarms don't count. Bit of RPG, MW Clix. It's not 100% relevant but EVE Online PvP for 9 years now. Comms discipline and group operations are drilled in.
Posted 20 September 2012 - 10:22 PM
Playstyle:Follow and join group in tactics the choose/follower
Roletype:Support Assult
Preferred Weight:Med-Assult no good at light mechs
Experience:Played BT games since Tabletop. Also played several of the Mechwarrior games released over the years.
Affiliaction. I am not a politacal favoritsm. I am a merc who works and am loal to the paycheck.
Edited by Catrick, 21 September 2012 - 11:14 AM.
Posted 21 September 2012 - 01:42 AM
Callsign: Android
Timezone: GMT +0
House/Faction: Any
Playstyle: Any... Brawling, scouting, harasser, sniping, I get a bit bored with the LRM boat role but will put in a good shift,
Roletype: Assault, scout, sniper, flanker... again any really.
Preferred Weight: Assault and Light, but will happily play all weights.
Experience: I have recently joined the MWO game and took me a day of solid playing to get the pace of the game and weapons etc. Still very much learning but will more often than not get a couple of kills using one of the trial mechs. I used to be in the top 50 leader board in MW4 (for whats that's worth, haha )
Willing to learn, I learn fast!
Will probably be online for an hour or two a night at the moment (work load is high) should increase to about 3+ hours a night later on.
Edited by Anderoyed, 21 September 2012 - 02:31 AM.
Posted 21 September 2012 - 06:56 AM
With the current economy I dont see myself getting out of my commando anytime soon, I've crammed in a tag, er large laser, ams and srm 6, so I can do a bit of everything, although nothing really well.
Posted 21 September 2012 - 07:43 AM
Callsign: Brains
Timezone: EET (UTC+2)
House/Faction: The one with greasier paycheck (and with the most skilled pilots therefore).
Playstyle: Aggressive.
Roletype: Frontline scouting(when the performance issues are fixed), long-range support, brawler. Would love to lead a lance one glorious day.
Preferred Weight: Lights and Assaults.
Experience: MechWarrior 2-4, MechCommander 2.
I've been playing various MMOs for about 8 years, including WoW(134th heroic Lich King-25 world kill, leader of one of the top 5x5 arena teams), World of Tanks(used to be an active member of the renown RED community). I am looking for a serious merc corp with long-term goals in this game. Oh, and I am Russian, my bear's name is Ivan and I drink vodka. I also use Razer Naga Hex to maximize my damage output.
Edited by Brainslnside, 21 September 2012 - 01:08 PM.
Posted 22 September 2012 - 01:42 AM
Timezone: GMT+09
House/Faction: Davion
Playstyle: Flanking/hit and run style
Roletype: Assualt Support
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy
Experience: MW2-MW4, failed Battletech 3025 beta.
Posted 22 September 2012 - 02:41 PM
Ign Rommello
timezone randomly anytime but 1 am to 12 pm on gmt-7
house/faction no idea
playstyle no idea
roletype no idea
preferred weight no idea
experience MWO before the last reset
also i dont know how to use TS or C3 (i read c3 auto joins you to chat with your group ingame) & am planning to play on upcoming tuesday when the economy patch hits
its quite obvious this aint gonna work ~_~
Edited by Rommello, 22 September 2012 - 02:44 PM.
Posted 22 September 2012 - 04:22 PM
Timezone: EST ( GMT +6)
House/Faction: N/A
Playstyle:team oriented
Roletype: recon, midrange brawler
Preferred Weight: 50 T and below
Experience: MW4 MWLL MWO
Posted 22 September 2012 - 04:56 PM
Callsign: BlackHorse95
Timezone: GMT-6
House/Faction: Independent Merc
Playstyle: Varied but prefer long range fire support
Roletype: concentrated overwhelming fire
Preferred Weight: Medium
Experience: MW1, beta tester for MW2, casual player of Mechcommander, reader of Battletech books
Posted 22 September 2012 - 07:34 PM
Callsign: Verrask
Timezone: Eastern/New York
House/Faction: None
Playstyle: Aggressive (Seriously, I'm not sure what playstyle is what)
Roletype: Scout/Missleboats
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Experience: Enjoy BT tabletop, Crescent Hawks and up on the PC. Never really got into MW4.
I'm looking for a group (EST 7PM-10PM Weekdays, Good availability on the Weekends). I'm not a big roleplayer, or heavy into the lore of the MW universe. I probably get just a big a kick building 'mechs as I do piloting them. I prefer Recon or anything with the syllable "pult" in the end.
Just shoot me a message about who you are and what type of pilots you're looking for.
Posted 23 September 2012 - 11:33 AM
Callsign: Uncleimpy
Timezone: US Pacific (UT-8)
House/Faction: House Davion/FedCom
Playstyle: Prefer working with or coordinating a team
Roletype: Long range fire support, LRM or Gauss boats.
Preferred Weight: Heavy. Catapult or Vulture
Experience: Been playing since the franchise started, have a set of Battletech Tesla Pods 20 minutes away that I play at regularly. Good at long range and medium range specific part aiming.
Posted 23 September 2012 - 11:37 AM
Callsign: Metal
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Undecided
Playstyle: Scout or Long Range
Roletype: Long Range - Support - Scout - Harasser
Preferred Weight: Light - Assault
Preferred Chassis: Jenner, Catapult, Atlas
Experience: Mechcommander 2, MechWarrior 3, MechWarrior 4
Posted 23 September 2012 - 03:23 PM
Playstyle:Multirole, can do anything required with moderate skill
Roleplay:Everything Except main assault
Prefered Weight:Depends on needs.
Expereience:Pretty good, played MW4 mercs, and Mech Commander 2. Can play as backup or advisor. Knows a fair amount of mech tactics.
Edited by Trooper60709, 23 September 2012 - 03:27 PM.
Posted 24 September 2012 - 01:36 AM
Callsign: Jelan
Timezone: GMT
House/Faction: Undecided
Playstyle: Medium or Assault
Roletype: Long Range - Brawler
Preferred Weight: Medium to Assault
Preferred Chassis: Hunchback or Awesome
Experience: MW 3, MW 4, Eve and Perpetuum
Edited by Jelan, 24 September 2012 - 01:36 AM.
Posted 24 September 2012 - 11:36 AM
Callsign: Shokoti
Timezone: UTC-700 Mountain time zone. Available mostly around 8am-5pm MT but can be on as late as 2am.
House/Faction: Lone wolf
Playstyle: Variable
Roletype: Comfortable in any role.
Preferred Weight: Assault
Experience: Mechwarrior, Battletech Crescent hawks Inception/Revenge, Mechwarriror 2 Mercenaries/Ghostbear, Mechwarrior 3, Mechwarrior 4...
Posted 24 September 2012 - 09:14 PM
Callsign: dusted
Timezone: pst
House/Faction: merc/wolves
Playstyle: team oriented, objective based, strategic
Roletype: fire support, assault, special ops
Preferred Weight: assault
Experience: MW2-MW4 mercs. MW:LL. Mechwarrior 3050. Battletech lore educated.
Additional: I am looking for a merc company to sign up for. I am looking for a group with some command structure that can issue a strategy that that I can implement. I fill my role and execute with skill. I pilot an Atlas and can outfit it for close quarters, long range fire support, or mixed assault.
Posted 26 September 2012 - 07:47 AM
FACTION: No Preference
PLAYSTYLE: close to mid range
ROLETYPE: scout / fire support / brawler
WEIGHT: Light, Medium + Heavy
EXPERIENCE: If its Battletech, I've read it or play'd it, from table top to MW 4, from MW r/p to MechCommander.
Posted 26 September 2012 - 01:40 PM
a. Concentrated on winning.
b. Not afraid of engaging the opposing team with some friendly smack talk.
c. Focused on MWO as opposed to multiple games.
d. Emphasis on DPS-efficient builds. No AC2 Atlases please.
e. Can regularly field 8 man groups.
Here are my statistics from before the economy patch. I'd be happy to provide newer stats (which are still stellar.)
Timezone: GMT -5 (US Eastern)
House/Faction: None
Role: Atlas Brawler
Preferred Weight: 100 tons only.
Competitive Gaming Experience: Street Fighter 2 Super Turbo, MW2, MW4
Edited by Operant, 26 September 2012 - 10:22 PM.
Posted 26 September 2012 - 06:41 PM
im trying to stick to founders mechs preferably atlas and cat, occaiosnaly hunchy, im trying to enjoy the game, but as nearly all games ai join are against premade its become so hard to win against oranised teams.
have played mc1 n 2 and mw3.
Edited by Clannerfodder, 26 September 2012 - 06:43 PM.
Posted 27 September 2012 - 12:23 PM
I'm looking for the most elite of elite gamers.
In my most recent game, after 3 kills with my customized, Atlas Founder mech and rolling with only one arm and in a critical state, I started singing an Elton John song:
"I'm still standing better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid
I'm still standing after all this time"
And then I died to a sneaky Jenner but it was a good run
Name: CryonicSuspension
Timezone: EST ( North American Eastern Standard Time ).
House/Faction: ?
Playstyle: Lone wolf / guerilla warfare / ultraviolence. As an introvert, I tend towards self sufficiency.
Jenner: guerilla warfare / base capping.
Me in a Jenner:
Assault: Brawler / ultraviolence / long range support.
Me in an Atlas:
Preferred Weight: I tend to enjoy the extremes of the spectrum, based on the differences in tactical combat. It also depends on the utility and self sufficiency of the Mech.
-Hardcore gamer for 3+ decades.
-Magic: The Gathering at sealed-deck, tournament level.
-Beta tester for Necromium.com ( Diku M.U.D. ).
-MechWarrior 2.
-Played the Battletech Table Top game one time.
-MechWarrior: Living Legends beta tester ( 2009 - 2012 ) After only 3 to 4 months of playing, I could pilot every asset in the game. All: Mechs; Planes; Tanks; Hovercrafts; Anti-Air vehicles; Long Tom Artillery; Battle Armour.
- Fought in the Crusades, in a past life.
My defunct MySpace page: http://www.myspace.com/mragmoore
Edited by CryonicSuspension, 07 October 2012 - 01:01 PM.
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