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Hiring Hall

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#1 Strayed


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Posted 20 November 2011 - 04:28 AM

*I took the inspiration from this topic*

Its no secret there's a lot of mercenary corps out there and it can be sometimes a bit of a hassle looking through each group to find the right one for you. In order to help individuals find their right home I've decided to make a hiring hall thread. To help shorten the process between hiring please follow a few simple rules and a template. Remember to keep notifications up and check your pm's if you post here.


#1 No spam. If you see someone you like pm them rather than post in this thread. It will help avoid clutter.

#2 If hired please delete your post, otherwise you may continue to receive offers.

#3 No hassle, there is no control on what goes on in this thread or outside, but that can't stop people being banned by mods and admins for abuse.

Dependant on how things go we'll see if more rules. Here's the template (which is subject to change based on feedback) Answer best you can, what you can, or what you feel comfortable revealing. Although it is recommended you be descriptive as you can.



Preferred Weight:

For those who need an example, here's one below (and no don't pm me asking to hire this guy) This is NOT a real character (I hope) Depending how well you fill it out will be how fast you get scooped up. If you do not wish to answer a question simply put "N/A" or "Prefer not to say"

Name: Little Ponie
Timezone: GMT+00
House/Faction: House Steiner
Playstyle: Lone wolf + Raider
Roletype: Recon
Preferred Weight: Assault
Experience: The Ponie Clan Atlas Recon Team.

Any questions or suggestions feel free to send me a PM, please do not post here as it can and will cause clutter and confusion. A suggestion I could make though is for someone to make a good sister thread to this listing and organising all the clans, outfits and corps out there, recruiting and not recruiting.

*UPDATE: 11/10/2012. I apologize that I had an unexplained leave of absence due to real life issues and was unable to respond to those who had questions. I'm quite pleased at how well this thread has turned out and has been used. I hope most of you have found units to go to and I look forward to seeing you all on the battlefield.*

Edited by Strayed, 16 May 2013 - 01:10 PM.

#2 capt michael webster 1stg nzdl


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Posted 20 November 2011 - 05:17 AM

Name: Capt. Michael Webster, 1STG/NZDL
Callsign: STAG
Timezone: MST (GMT+7)
House/Faction: Davion/Mercenary
Playstyle: TBD
Roletype: Recon, Quick Strike
Preferred Weight: Light/Medium (LAM)
Experience: Battledroids, BattleTech PnP; BattleTech CRPG; MechWarrior 1-3

#3 Thade


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Posted 20 November 2011 - 02:29 PM

Name: Thade Faraday
Callsign: Moon Monkey
Timezone: EST (Eastern Standard Time)
House/Faction: Steiner (mostly cause of my German roots, but can switch to any)
Playstyle: Brawler, close and personal
Roletype: Recon, Frontline Attack
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy
Experience: Mechwarrior 3 (online league) Mechwarrior 4 (vengence league, was top player for 2 weeks and top 10 for several months) Battletech 3025, Solaris, Battletech Frontiers, also familar with tabletop and RPG

#4 buckyballs


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Posted 20 November 2011 - 09:06 PM

Name: Bucky

Callsign: buckyballs
Timezone: Pacific (GMT -8)
House/Faction: ...flexible, mostly within IS.
Playstyle: Ambushes, flanking, coordinated attacks.
Roletype: Urban assault, direct fire support.
Preferred Weight: Heavy, assault.
Experience: MW2 - 4, BT tabletop and RPG, can shuck an oyster and map a joystick in 10sec flat.

Edited by buckyballs, 20 November 2011 - 09:08 PM.

#5 Mordegald


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Posted 21 November 2011 - 09:23 PM

EDIT: Found a home with Armageddon Unlimited. Looking forward to playing with you guys!

Edited by Mordegald, 02 December 2011 - 02:58 PM.

#6 Spyfellow


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Posted 22 November 2011 - 07:18 AM

Name: Spy
Callsign: Spyfellow
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Undecided
Playstyle: Long Range - Support
Roletype: Long Range - Support - Scout - Harasser
Preferred Weight: Medium - Heavy
Preferred Chassis: Vulture - Uziel/Belial
Experience: Mechcommander GOLD, Mechcommander 2, MechWarrior 3, MechWarrior 4, Mechassault, Mechassault 2

#7 SLxBeowulf


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Posted 22 November 2011 - 07:40 AM

Name: Justin West

Callsign: Beowulf
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Formerly of FRR -
Playstyle: Whatever it takes to win.
Roletype: Command, sniper, close quarters
Preferred Weight: Heavy - Assault
Preferred Chassis: Black Knight or Atlas
Experience: MW2, MW2: Mercs, MW3, MW4, MW4: Mercs, Mechcommander 1, Mechcommander 2, Battletech Online, Battletech and Mechwarrior action clix games. Played in NBT since the creation where I ran FRR for a short time before turning to merc work, eventually hired by Word of Blake to play the role of Shadow Lancers where my group was tasked with performing the dirty work and keeping the periphery factions in line and paying their bills on time.

#8 StormRuin


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Posted 22 November 2011 - 07:57 AM

Name: SGT Eskew

Callsign: StormRuin

Timezone: Pac
House/Faction: Clan / Ghostbear
Playstyle: Assault, Scout, Raider
Roletype: Mid - Close
Preferred Weight: Assult / Heavy

Experience: MW2-4 all xpacks. MW/MC1-2, Battletech tabletop. I fight by the code of the clan, But my idea in which direction the clan should be moving isnt its current path. Now freelance. My goal: Force my will on those who might stand in my way.

#9 Tiburon


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Posted 22 November 2011 - 04:15 PM

EDIT: Removed

Edited by Tiburon, 26 November 2011 - 01:03 PM.

#10 Renier Blackhammer


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Posted 22 November 2011 - 09:04 PM

Name:Renier Blackhammer
Callsign: Drake
Timezone: UTC (6:00) Central Time
House/Faction: Free Rashelhauge Republic/Steiner/Mercenary
Playstyle: Varies(Blitz usually)
Roletype:Close Combat,Med Range
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Preferred Chassis: Blackhawk(Alt Config E)Vulture(Alt Config D)
Experience: Mechwarrior 1-4, Mechcommander Gold
Most of my time was spent as a mercenary. I worked under the Draconis Combine, Steiner, and finally under the Free Rashelhauge Republic. I don't really care who I work for as long as the pay is good and as long as you aren't serving the Draconis Combine or House Liao(Seems they are quite fond of Backstabbing). I have been out of the loop for a while, though my father did serve under House Steiner(The first release of MW Online). All in all I am looking forward to jumping back into my Blackhawk and having some fun ^_^

Edited by Renier Blackhammer, 22 November 2011 - 09:09 PM.

#11 gori gori


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Posted 22 November 2011 - 10:44 PM

Name:gori gori
Playstyle:stealth, direct assault, sniper
Preferred Weight:light - medium

#12 SGT_Ishmael


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Posted 22 November 2011 - 11:14 PM

Name: Lieutenant Finland

Call-sign: Finland

Timezone: GMT -6

House/Faction: Mercenary

Play-style: Med-Long Range

Role-type: Fire Support

Preferred Weight: Heavy

Preferred Chassis: Ebon Jaguar(Cauldron Born) 65 Tons of awesome.

Experience: MW4:Mercs, All MechCommanders. (I also happen to own the board game, but have yet to play a game of it)

#13 Thaiauxn


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Posted 23 November 2011 - 09:49 AM

Name: Lt. Com. David Legend

Callsign: "Thaiauxn" or "X"
Timezone: (UTC-07:00) Arizona
House/Faction: Radian-Helix
Playstyle: Omni
Roletype: Unit Commander - Medium Support
Preferred Weight: 75tn
Preferred Chassis: Timberwolf - War Hawk
Experience: The first thing I ever bought with my own money was a hunting knife. The second was Mech Warrior 2:31st Century Combat when I was 9 years old. I bought it from Target, and still have it, right there in fact. I used to spend my summers in Arizona between training to be a soldier and making movies, drawing machines, and beating the **** out of Germans on a 56k over Juno using my Madcat in MW4:V. I got MW4:Mercs and the MekTek mod, but havent had much time to play since version 2. I own every iteration of the Mechwarrior series except MW2:Ghost Bear Expansion, and MW3: Pirate's moon. I've read many of the books. My company will have its own Mercenary faction with backstory, called, Radian-Helix.

Edited by Thaiauxn, 24 November 2011 - 12:04 PM.

#14 Nowan123


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Posted 23 November 2011 - 11:33 AM

Name: Nowan Ilfideme

Callsign: Nowan123
Timezone: GMT +2
House/Faction: Mercenary (Dropship Irregulars) - not decided on faction
Playstyle: Unusual tactics on the field, mixed long-range weaponry.
Roletype: Support fire
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy
Experience: MW4, later MekTek's online

#15 Oswin Aurelius


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Posted 25 November 2011 - 08:49 PM

Name: Oswin Aurelius

Callsign: Paladn
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (-5 GMT I believe)
House/Faction: Undecided
Playstyle: Short-to-medium range skirmisher
Roletype: Support/Scouting
Preferred Weight: Medium
Experience: Lots of experience with Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries, along with a decent amount of time put into Mechwarrior: Living Legends

#16 David Jewell


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Posted 26 November 2011 - 01:56 PM

Name/Callsign: David Jewell
Timezone: Eastern
House/Faction: Davion
Playstyle: Long range assault
Roletype: Any
Preferred Weight: Heavy and Assault
Preferred Chassis: Victor, Atlas, Awesome, Catapult, Centurion (I know it's not a heavy.... but it's fun to play a smaller Mech with a big gun!)
Experience: MW2 (and NetMech), MW3, MW4, MW4 Mercs, MechCommander 1 and 2, and I've played the tabletop game a lot. I've read a fair amount of the books and I love the lore (especially the Blood of Kerensky Trilogy, hence the callsign). I'm not the most skilled pilot, but I'm passionate about the universe and I'm fun to play with and get along with just about everyone. I couldn't choose from the awesome merc companies out there, so I'm hoping a good group will pick me up!

#17 asaxvuh


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Posted 30 November 2011 - 11:33 PM

Name: Asáxvuh

Callsign: Asáxvuh pronounced Ah-saw-ku

Timezone: Pac US.
House/Faction: Mercenary.
Playstyle: Fast attack, ambush.
Roletype: Recon, Support, general gun dog.
Preferred: Weight: Medium.
[b]Experience: MW3

Edited by asáxvuh, 10 February 2012 - 09:10 AM.

#18 Luger II


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 07:44 AM

А русских берёте?

#19 Brenden


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 08:28 AM

Name: Lance Corpral Brenden Weaver

Callsign: "Rookie" or "Reaver"
Timezone: Central time
House/Faction: Federated Suns from time to time. Mostly freelancer
Playstyle: Unorthodoxed, Raiding, Sniper, Bait ( EXACTLY, as the name implies.)
Roletype: Frontlines, Support, Laser Boat, Cooker (Remember, always add spice to the battle! Hit them with SRM and flamers for a battlemech fit to serve a king!)

Preferred Weight: Medium, Heavy but I'm flexable [If possible, Shadow Hawk or Wolfhound]
Experience: MW4: Mercenaries, Mechwarrior 2: 31fst century Combat, Mechwarrior DOS
Roleplay experience: Was from a Millitia on Eaton, once it was all destroyed he went rogue and became a Mercenary.

Quick to anger, hard to kill.

Edited by Brenden, 01 December 2011 - 08:31 AM.

#20 Ryu Kurita


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 03:48 PM

Name: Ryu Kurita

Callsign: Ryu

Timezone: GMT 5

House/Faction: Kurita ( Draconis Combine)

Playstyle: Lone wolf or lance

Roletype: Recon, light skirmisher & bushwacking

Preferred Weight: Light and medium

Experience: played mechwarrior 1 - 2 though its been a while. looking forward to this mmo

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