Tombstoner, on 04 September 2014 - 11:41 AM, said:
simply porting over TT stats and then trying to balance around that without some sort of presition cofactor
Yes, basically this is one of the fundamental mistakes PGI made with MWO. In the name of "e-sports" and "competitive gaming", they unwisely decided to implement perfect accuracy - basically hoping that they could somehow port over a weapon and armour system designed for semi-random accuracy and making it work.
They couldn't.
Pinpoint accurate, instant convergence, front-loaded alphas simply break the TT armour system. PGI knows this, but they can't do anything about instant convergence (due to HSR issues), they won't do anything about pinpoint accuracy (due to the aforementioned "e-sports" pipe-dream), so they're left with fiddling with heat, beam durations, and burst sizes to balance weapons.
It won't work.
Unless they either rework HSR to work with non-instant convergence, or implement some kind of less-than-perfect accuracy (e.g. movement-based cone of fire), we will never get away from the armour-breaking damage numbers we can casually place in one location - and that means we will never have weapon balance, because not all weapons are FLD (or non-FLD, for that matter).
Of course, the other major mistake PGI made was with the heat system, keeping dissipation at TT rates while increasing rate of fire several times (2-3 times on average), not implementing a sliding heat penalty scale à la TT, which means it is always more effective to alpha as often as you can than to chain-fire - especially with the above pin-point, instant convergence, front-loaded issues.
The most maddening thing about that is that all the mechanics for heat penalties is already in the game; movement speed reductions, reticule shake, ammo explosions, and shutdowns. They just have to couple them to the heat level and they're done.
Anyway, yeah. Porting half the TT rules and making the other half up on the spot didn't work so great.