I've been having huge success lately with this build:

Yessir, that's 3 LB10's and two MLs (5T of LB ammo). I've consistently gotten >500 dmg per match in this baby, and the CBill shower from all the components I'm destroying is fantastic (especially coupled with the Hero bonus). This has become my new grinding build of choice.
I've even made it work on Alpine. Early game you're using your spread-shot as pug repellant, even from afar, enemies seem to back down when you throw three of these their way. This allows me to get into a good positing (usually for flanking, or up close focus firing with teammates that are far away).
Coming from mostly Jagermechs (LOVE em), this was my first CTF. I tried this build out in the PTS and absolutely loved it, convinced me to buy a 'phract. Also, on the new mechfactory map, this thing works wonders. I was super impressed by how much more durable it is over the Jager, even with an XL engine. I was able to successfully 1v1 many more people than my Jagers. The reload rate of the LBX combined with the crit-effect basically means as soon as their internals are showing, they're toast. Plus, there's something about the LBX sound that is infinitely more satisfying than other ACs (Don't know why, but the AC10 to me, is the most 'stale' and boring weapon in the game) Torso twisting is also fine, and I don't even have the mech elite'd yet.
So basically, I'm recommending this no doubt underrated Ilya build to anyone who really needs to grind for CBills (in PUG queues). This thing shreds when you play it right.
Only thing I don't like: the god awful camo pattern, really ugly imo. Have to choose the same color for Primary and Secondary just to cover it up.
Edited by xeromynd, 28 August 2014 - 06:54 AM.