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Is Anyone Else A Little Discontent With Cbill Rewards?

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#1 AntiCitizenJuan


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 02:50 PM

What is with this absolutely pathetic CBill gains?
I guess I didnt notice until recently, now that I'm saving up for my last Banshee.

This is agony. Why is this such a grind? Its even worse than it used to be.
Isn't it about time for a small boost in CBill gains? Especially since we have CBill Clan variants coming out every month?

#2 Sephlock


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 02:55 PM

#3 CycKath


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 02:58 PM

View PostAntiCitizenJuan, on 01 September 2014 - 02:50 PM, said:

This is agony. Why is this such a grind? Its even worse than it used to be.
Isn't it about time for a small boost in CBill gains? Especially since we have CBill Clan variants coming out every month?

Is it bad enough to convince you to put up cash and buy MC yet instead?

#4 Sigilum Sanctum


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 02:58 PM

I average about 100k - 130k a match. Doesn't seem too bad to me but whatever.

#5 GunnyKintaro 01


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 03:00 PM

But But But then you would not need to buy MC what's wrong with you ..... lol... jk ... Welcome to MWO.......

#6 Gorgo7


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 03:08 PM

I have averaged about 130,000 per match since the reset.
Now I spend 40,000 per match regularly with consumables.
My income has fallen to 90,000 per match.

That's with premium time.

#7 Spheroid


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 03:09 PM

Where were you last week? PGI gave out 6 million c-bills and 7 days(5 really) worth of premium worth perhaps another few million.

#8 John1352


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 03:14 PM

When I want to earn lots of cbills I put NARC on a light, and try to stick one to every enemy, as well as shooting them all. 10-12 assists + narc bonus + spotting assists pays pretty well. It is kinda silly that you nee to play like that to get rewarded though.

#9 Lhaim


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 03:24 PM

Its really bad, i am playing this account here to get a elite Nova with the freemium time and its an awfull grind.

#10 Dan Nashe


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 03:24 PM

Topic comes up regularly. I just stopped buying stuff or playing much :-p.

100k a game, 15 million per mech, so 45 million per chassis.
Add another 20 million if you want modules without regularly going through the sheer torture of swapping modules (if you can find them).

so 65 million will only take you 650 games per mech!
It's fine if you only ever want to play one mech ever. Just make sure you carefully research the competitive mechs and be careful to anticipate nerfs. :-).

#11 zortesh


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 03:25 PM

I average about 300k cbills a match myself, but i have premium and im using a premium mech.... in a good amtch i make upto 400k cbills, with 444k cbills being my best paycheck i've recorded.

I make about 200k a match without it, excepting really bad matches where I'm stomped or killed at the start of the battle.

The key is alot of assists usally, but i also get a huge chunk of money from spotting assists, I've made upto 50k cbills from spotting assist alone sometimes, and average a extra 14-18k cbills from narc bonuses every match.

Any mech going over 80 with a narc + lrms seems to rake in cash like mad for me.

random tip ... target decay is the free money module, as it tends to result in you getting 3-4 spotting assists every time someone runs over a hill with lrms chasing them.

Compared to world of tanks, this games grind is nothing.

Edited by zortesh, 01 September 2014 - 03:26 PM.

#12 KrazedOmega


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 04:07 PM

View PostSpheroid, on 01 September 2014 - 03:09 PM, said:

Where were you last week? PGI gave out 6 million c-bills and 7 days(5 really) worth of premium worth perhaps another few million.

Yeah, if you spent all weekend sitting at your computer grinding out 50 wins. A lot of people don't have time for that.



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Posted 01 September 2014 - 04:11 PM

One of the many reason's i can't get friends to stick around in this game long enough to even unlock elite masteries on something.

#14 Redshift2k5

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Posted 01 September 2014 - 04:11 PM

Last match I played was 250k reward. with premium time ,so the base payout was closer to 160ish. Acceptable!

#15 Bill Lumbar


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 04:20 PM

Not enough for sure

#16 zortesh


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 04:52 PM

Honestly i had some 8 mechs before i brought a second mech of a chassis i owned, i owned maybe 18 mechs before i eleited one, its alot more fun that way.

#17 WrathOfDeadguy


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 05:58 PM

I'm actually fine with the cbill rewards- twenty-to-hundred-ton walking war machines should be expensive, and it should take time to buy and outfit them. I'm fine with buying a few parts here and there until I can finally drop in my shiny new toy and expect not to bite dust two minutes in (currently looking forward to kitting out a couple of factory-fresh Cents). It's the XP gain that needs to be quicker, especially for newbies.

The game just wasn't much fun at all until I got my first chassis elited... I get that some stuff is meant to be endgame content; it's great to have goals to shoot for- but it really, really blows chunks starting out to look up from the bottom of the staircase only to realize you're not on even on the ground floor yet. Maybe it's better in the long run for players to be on 'hard mode' starting out, because it teaches better habits or something like that- but I can see why a lot of less patient people would throw in the towel after a week or so of casual play time when the only thing they have to show for their efforts is an underequipped, underperforming 'Mech that won't reach its full potential until they spend another few weeks (of casual play time, an hour or two a day instead of all afternoon) working at it.

Yep, it definitely made me want to buy some MC though. So, marketing strategy successful. I did. It helped. Lots. Not complaining about that; I like what I got for the money (especially the TDK, which is one of the few bright spots on my sorry stat card right now).

Edited by PS WrathOfDeadguy, 01 September 2014 - 05:59 PM.

#18 Grey Black


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 06:36 PM

View PostAntiCitizenJuan, on 01 September 2014 - 02:50 PM, said:

What is with this absolutely pathetic CBill gains?
I guess I didnt notice until recently, now that I'm saving up for my last Banshee.

This is agony. Why is this such a grind? Its even worse than it used to be.
Isn't it about time for a small boost in CBill gains? Especially since we have CBill Clan variants coming out every month?

Ahh, I remember back in the days of Beta when we actually had decent cbill rewards per match. Then they had to take away our durned R&R and then we couldn't game the system anymore. Then they decreased our cbills/match substantially and now we all feel like beggars on the street.

#19 InspectorG


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 07:08 PM

Crappy matches aside, im getting more 100-150k+ matches. (usually in my Kitfox with a c-bill bonus)

So about 1million per 10 matches, average match being, say, 10 minutes. 1M in about 1.5-1.33 hours

The Nova i want is almost 10M, lets say 75-100 matches-give or take some bad @50k matches. 12-16 hours gametime????
X3 Novas for the elite efficiencies....

Yeah, this is a grinding game.

Maybe a C-bill bonus like the XP bonus, but rather it kicks in after X amount of playtime(after one hour of play???)
Casuals like me aint gonna get rich playing 1-2 hours per day.

I would say triple Cadet bonus, and REALLY design and give a tutorial on what to buy as well as 'hidden IS costs' as well as explaining that they will NEED TO BUY 3 OF THE SAME CHASSIS just to get the best of efficiencies.

Stock Mechs dont hold up in pugland and newbs shouldnt be expected to grind like a Japanese RPG to get something decent right out of the box. At least give them a 'Mario' mech(s) they can learn on. If they want to speed the process they can buy premium or MC.
Maybe something like, every cadet gets a HBK P+G+J with one XL275, and one AC10, PPC, 2SRM6. This way they get a decent chassis to start with, one that forces them to learn to twist, move, ridgehump, with some spare parts to play with.
Cadet bonus can be spent on upgrades, or other mechs, with some leeway for errors on purchases.
ONE of the starter HBK starts with all BASIC and ELITE efficiencies unlocked to demonstrate the difference. This mech should have an ingame icon showing that its a new player to teammates. An 'N' next to where the narc icon would go.

I think the steep learning curve may be a barrier keeping some new players from sticking with the game. It only really got fun for me once i found my bread-and-butter playstyle and mech.(after the nostalgia wore off)

#20 kuangmk11


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 07:26 PM

View PostCycKath, on 01 September 2014 - 02:58 PM, said:

Is it bad enough to convince you to put up cash and buy MC yet instead?

Nope, but it is enough to get me to carefully choose the chassis I want to grind out, instead of grinding them all. Which means I do a lot less grinding/playing. I also wont buy a hero of a chassis unless I already have it mastered. Wages drive spending, give me more play money and I'll give you more real money.

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